Info and forum posts by 'Colt Severs'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 22nd February 2001, 11:17, Last used: Thursday, 22nd February 2001, 11:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Eight Legged Freaks Hooray !!!

Saw it last night and it`s a fantastic movie! I`m a major arachnaphobe and absolutely cacked myself! Brilliant.

RE: Star Wars:AOTC is the perfect movie!

This movie got more unintentional laughs than any I`ve been to for a while. Cases in point:

Jar Jar in a dress.

Anakin having a nightmare but actually looking like he`s um pleasuring himself. Then later saying that he was dreaming about his mother!

The crap CGI when Anakin rides the cow creature in the field.
Natalie Portman looking like Julie Andrews about to sing `The sound of Music` in one of the romantic interludes.

The amount of costume changes Portman had (presumably so they can sell more action figures)

RE: Star Wars: AOTC - Mind Blowing!!!!!!

Saw it last night and no way is it better that the original Holy Trilogy. Much much better than the dross that was TPM but still just ok. A bit too soulless for me to think of it as being a real Star Wars film.

Worth seeing but it looked like a very very expensive toy commercial at times and some of the dialogue is so bad that it had people were actually laughing out loud in the cinema!

RE: The first review of Spiderman!

Knowles has often posted bogus reviews on his site (which to be fair to him he usually pulls as soon as he finds out). But just because a review on his site is real doesn`t men it`s trust worthy. As I`ve mentioned here before he was the guy who after a test screening said that Godzilla was of of the best films he`s ever seen!

RE: Brimstone. What do we think?

Great show. I`ve never seen it sober though!

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

You`re right. Waving to crowds, going to the races, drinking gin and riding in the back of daimlers is such hard work.

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

She lived to 102 because she had never done a days work in her life and had round the clock private medical care for the last 20 years. I doubt that she would have fared so well if she was a working class granny relying on the NHS.

RE: The Oscars - what a joke!!!

2) Will Smith presented one of the categories earlier in the night yet, when the best actor category came about, he had vanished to be replaced by a photograph...

posted by washu on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 12:12

Will Smith had to leave as his 18 month old daughter was ill.

RE: Star Wars Episode 2 - first review!

I`ve just finished reading Knowles biography (imaginatively titled `Ain`t it Cool`) and it shows how bitter and twisted the guy is, as well as how far his head is up his own backside. The guy really does think he makes or breaks films just because he has a website. His problem is that he obviously believes his own press.

Harrys rabid rant against the 80`s movie `Mannequin` in the book is really bizarre and worth reading just for that.

RE: Star Wars Episode 2 - first review!

This is the same Harry Knowles who after a test screening said that Godzilla was one of the best films he`d ever seen!


Pacino definitely. De Niro only has two facial expresions: Happy and menacing!

RE: Whats your favourite movie quote?

Clerks::"Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader`s his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that`s what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

Things to do in Denver when you`re Dead: "I`m Godzilla and you`re Japan"

Withnail and I: "I don`t advise a haircut, man. All hairdressers are in the employment of the government. Hairs are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos, and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight."

RE: Whats your favourite movie quote?

"I have come her to kick ass and chew bubblegum.... and I`m all out of bubblegum"

RE: What`s the sweatiest film ever made?

You`ve been watching too much Cheers Mintguy! The answer is `Inherit the Wind` though.

This item was edited on Monday, 25th February 2002, 14:57

RE: Fav. Simpsons, Futurama or Family Guy quote!

Homer get`s all the best lines:

1. Homer: "Son, if you really want something in this life you have to work
for it. Now quiet! They`re about to announce the lottery numbers"

2.Homer: "For once, somebody may call me "Sir" without adding, "`re making a scene."

3. Marge: "Homer, you don`t have to join a travelling freak show just because the opportunity arises."
Homer: "Marge, you and I are very different people."

4. Homer:"Wait a minute Barney, you have to be sober to fly! I mean, it`s not like driving."

5. Homer:"Don`t let Krusty`s death get you down Bart. People die all the
time, just like that (snap). Why you could wake up dead tomorrow. Good

6. Homer:"Your mother seems upset, I`ll have to have a talk with her...
During the commercials!"

7. Homer:"A toast: To alcohol! the cause of, and solution to, all of
life`s problems."

8. Lisa: "Dad, I have something for you.."
(Gives him a kiss and walks off)
Homer: "Doh! I thought it was gonna be money."

9. "I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around a city,
keeping its speed over fifty, and if it`s speed dropped, it would explode! I
think it was called "The bus that couldn`t slow down."

10. "Weaselling out of things is important to learn. It`s what separates
us from the animals... except the weasel. "

RE: what is your Favourite film?

Another vote for Withnail and I.

RE: Star Wars : Episode II Attack of the Clones

posted by Dan Bates on Wednesday, 15th August 2001, 21:06
EVERYONE was convinved "The Phantom Menace" was a joke....

I still am!

RE: THE CUBE - - anyone else feel suicidal after watching this

posted by broad on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 19:24
Does anyone know if it is true that the whole film was shot in one room and the director just changed the coloured light bulbs to depict the different scenes?

According to the Commentary on the Disk that is how they filmed it! Brilliant!

RE: THE CUBE - - anyone else feel suicidal after watching this

Shame you didn`t enjoy it, I thought it was a great film! It was let down by the ending but would have been worse if they had shown what was actually outside. Each to their own I suppose. You`ll be pleased to hear that a sequel is on the way!

RE: Game on - 50 Frag limit.

Up to 120 and 4 on order. Counting boxes sets (Aliens, Sopranos seasons 1 & 2) as one disk.

RE: movies you like which no-one else does...

The Specials
Chasing Amy
Keeping the Faith
The Way of the Gun

RE: Who IS the worst actor EVER ?

Got to be Schwarzenegger. I`m amazed he`s survived as long as he has in movies. Total waste of space as far as acting is concerned.

This item was edited on Monday, 16th July 2001, 12:23

RE: Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

Cool!. I want the finest DVD`s known to humanity! I want them here and I want them now!

This item was edited on Friday, 13th July 2001, 13:12

RE: movie moments that now make you cringe

"Loose the zero and get with the hero"


Dogma Special Edition

I`ve read on some retail sites that this is going to be RCE. Can anyone confirm this?

Sony DVP335/336

has anybody had any experience, good or bad, with the Sony DVP335 or 336 machines? What is the difference, if any, between them?