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Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th March 2002, 18:25

I`ve never been a devout Royalist, but I was saddened to hear that the Queen Mother died in her sleep earlier today.

Cue the usual "she had a good innings" remarks, documentaries, profiles, obituaries, etc.

She was a good old stick, though, Gawd bless `er

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 30th March 2002, 18:27

I am not a huge fan of the Royals, but she did do well throughout her long life...R.I.P.


RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 30th March 2002, 20:05

Her Majesty did a lot of good for many people and she will be missed by millions in this country and around the world.

I`m disappointed but not surprised that the newscasters had the retrospectives prerecorded and cued up, ready for the announcement.

What a cynical time we live in.

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th March 2002, 20:05

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Psychotext (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 30th March 2002, 23:37

Yes... they have had these ready to roll for the last couple of years now. The BBC made a terrible mistake a while back when their teletext system broadcast the news of the Queen mothers death along with a number of pre-written obituaries.

It has been on the cards for quite a while, but a real shame that she never made it through to the queen`s jubilee.

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Pertwee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 01:11

With regard to the cynically prefabricated `tributes`, I regret to announce that the BBC is understood to have three days` worth of Queen Mum programming, whilst ITV has already made a whopping week`s worth of retrospectives, tributes, interviews with corgis, etc.

Still, I suppose the nostalgia generated by the Queen Mum`s demise (added to the sadness over Princess Margaret`s recent departure) should certainly boost interest in the Jubilee. How`s that for cynicism?

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 14:25

In the light of the extended televisual tributes to ma`am, I think that it is only right and proper that we, the British public, be granted 4 days public holiday (starting tuesday) to celebrate and enjoy such tributes. In a time of such sadness, I don`t think that I will be able to concentrate on my work, nor I think will many other people.

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 16:07

I agree that it is a sad event that she has died but do feel that the TV channels do make a "big deal" when a famous person or royalty dies. It is a far greater tragedy if a young person or child dies but that doesn`t even get a mention on the local news (unless its a murder or car accident).

Oh and Bill, if your so affected by the great sadness will you be buying the many, expensive DVDs which will inevitably be released about her life? ;-)

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 16:34

I was veryupset `bout the Queen Mother Dying but I agree that the tv companies should allow just one channel to show the news like ITV have the contract for football.

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 17:02

sparkster - only if I get my 4 days off work!! (and get paid for it - not bloody likely)

the campaign for a national week of mourning starts here!

ok, thats it, i`m bored now.
ps, how about a national week of morning instead?

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 1st April 2002, 11:35

Talk about cashing in!

There are people on Ebay selling copies Queen Mum tribute editions of yesterday`s papers. A copy of the Telepgraph has gone for £10!!

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