Info and forum posts by 'collette1'

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Joined on: Thursday, 1st September 2005, 21:02, Last used: Thursday, 6th July 2006, 06:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 61 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Just been made redundant - any suggestions?

First questions are... were you employed for a year or more?, if so... did you get or are you getting redundancy? pay in liue of notice? holiday pay that is owed? any wages that is owed? If not, if you are in a union ask your rep to get involved, if you have one.

Otherwise, why were you made redundant?

If the company became insolvent etc.. you need a form RP1 to claim it all from the redundancy payments office which is paid from national insurance fund. Usually takes a couple of months to get it all.

If the company is still solvent and not paid you your dues, then you take them to a tribunal for unpaid redundancy, holiday pay, wages etc... The form is an ET1, and it can take approx 4 to 6 months.

You can claim for wrongfull or unfair dismissal on the ET1, but you can also claim for
PROTECTIVE AWARD, and has a tier system on the number of employees dismissed to how much you can claim. Its subject to your employer failing to give adequate notice to either yourself or the representatives ie union rep and or non union rep, and they have not informed you giving the required notice, then depending on how many people are being made redundant depends on how much you can claim. For example if 100 plus employees are being made redundant then you can claim for 90 days pay etc...

A good point of reference for all your rights is ACAS 0845 7474747

Hope you find this usefull.

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st July 2006, 06:12

is my 7 year old sony 32 wide crt tv faulty?

Just recently noticed a red / pink tint at either side of the television, but its only noticable when you go to the extreme sides of the television and look sideways down at the tv screen, other than that you do not notice it watching as normal straight in front of the television. Ive never noticed it before, so i think there maybe a problem. I do have some large speakers nearby which can distort the picture (magnetic field) but did manage to move them a few centimetres away from any noticable effects when i first installed the television.

Any ideas of what the problem is?

This item was edited on Friday, 20th January 2006, 21:09

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

This will be my very last post on this subject.

Paull, if you really read my prior posts I have entirely agreed with non smokers complaints, the smell and the effects upon health. What you failed to understand is that extremist behavior/intervention is no real solution to either party, and that mutual understanding / compromises could be made which benefits both parties. All these extreme comments just create more of a rift between smoker and non smoker. If either party were really interested in coming to a solution, then with most things in life, you discuss both sides of the argument and compromise. That is the part where most non smokers failed to rise to the challenge, where as smokers are very understanding of non smokers requirements.

Its not that many years ago where there was segregation between people of white origin and of non white origin (tactfully said that) and this was found to be wrong, but yet, the same is happening with smoker and non smoker and its actually justified.

As for smokers knowing its unhealthy to themselves, yes we are very aware of that, but its an addiction thats exceptionally hard to beat. It can also result in quite bad with drawl symptoms that can effect just not the person who smokes, but there family, partner and work colleagues with cravings and mood swings. Some people are understanding, and some are not, as this topic has definately demonstrated, but either way its a risk that not many people would like to take.

As for health in general, just about everything in life can have an impact on health, stressfull job, kids, relationships, alcohol, junk food, even using a mobile phone, but does this stop you from doing it? This is just part of lifes choices and risks, some choose one route, others choose another, though i can guarantee just about every smoker regrets having ever started.

Non smokers, yes you have had a bad deal, yes we agree with you, yes change is needed, yes we are sorry, but extremist intervention is not required.

This item was edited on Friday, 13th January 2006, 21:49

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

si woodridge, yes you are right, words muddled up a bit there, if smoking staff disagreed by taking less lunch than non smoking staff, then yes it is an infringement on human rights. Surprise surprise, that some of you may be aware that the advice i have given on prior topics like "how do i avoid a job interview" may have worked out that i do in fact work for a government department for quite some time, but not one that deals with human rights, employment rights. So yeah i did check with a colleague who does deal with that side of it, and is in fact quite true, just words muddled up, as you said si.

Paull, you remind me of some 12 year old from irc who has something to proove, but yet has nothing to give.... Anyway less talking will cure the jaw ache :) I think this subject has been quite sensative to most, and can bring out the best and worst in people, maybe time to close the topic perhaps.....

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

i read in an earlier post, mentioning that a particular company had agreed that non smoking staff got 1 hour for there lunch and smoking staff only got 30 mins for there lunch, as smokers will use a certain amount of extra time going for a smoke. As a smoker, to me that did seem fair. If you did explore this a little further though, you would find that even non smokers have vices and may get up from there desk to have a cup of coffee / tea and may also find certain staff that like to have a chat to there coleagues more often than they should and visits to the toilet.

Anyway the point of this, I was speaking to a colleague within a government department about smokers having less lunch than a non smoker, the reply, its actually an infringement on your human rights, and illegal, so any smoking staff that did agree such a thing, there rights are being infringed.

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

paull, damn your persistant. There has been several pubs that did a complete ban within my town. Unfortunately i live in a town that likes to trial new ideas.. Anyway they were even featured in the local rag to promote business for non smokers, this has been going on now for nearly a year There has been various updates throughout the year with very keen interest on both sides, you will be sorry to hear the result, trade plummetted on all of them, even one pub landlord tried to get planing permission to be able to turn the pub into flats, and was turned down by the council. This is quite typical of what i hear from Ireland, and the same has happened to a complete ban within the pubs that decided to go non smoking.

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

paull m8, that irish guy was a reformed smoker gone non smoker for 4 or so years, so its Not a smokers defence m8, its actually a fact, btw since your probably into statistics m8 since you think you know the facts, this is off topic, how many unemployed people do u think there is in the uk? go on quote me the official statement lol

statistics can be biased, in fact i did study statistics at a professional level, there very good at hiding the true facts, anyway there a hell of a lot more people unemployed than the official statistcs, theres a lot that is not included.

As for that irish guy , yeah he is only 1, but i have spoken to quite a few people that live in Ireland, or did live there recently over the past year, they all say, pub trade has died. So anyway go on believeing in your statistics m8 :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th January 2006, 18:09

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

finally... fluff n stuff

someone who see both sides of the argument excerpt below, this was exactly the point i was making a MUTUAL understanding of both smoker and non smoker needs, this is exactly the point i was making in previous posts, but instead all i got was pro non smokers slating it. By the way today i was speaking to an irishman who recently had come to uk, apparently the pub trade is almost dead !! in Ireland as noone hardly goes into them anymore, well.... non smokers, what kind of pub/atmosphere are you going to have with noone in it? better still what choice you going to have when they go out of business? A mutual solution is the ONLY solution - Long live your total ban - a death to the pub trade.

If smoking and non-smoking areas are kept properly separated, like for example in my local pub, the conservatory is non-smoking and it doesn`t smell of smoke or have the fog of smoke hanging in the air like the rest of the pub, or have a small smoking room or area by an extractor fan away from the dining tables like one of the restaurants near us (you have to leave your table to go have a fag then come back), I think if more people paid attention to this, and were more considerate towards each other it would make the world of difference. If people could go out for a drink and yet not drink until they can`t remember who they are let alone what they were doing (I remember my boss coming into work last night and when asked about her weekend she replied "It must`ve been good, I broke two fingers" but had been too drunk to remember how) they would be more considerate towards neighbours to pubs and bars and the neighbours would be more likely to not complain if the bars open a little bit later.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th January 2006, 17:07

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

ah well the non smokers have got a stick up there arse (with exception to paull), and personally you are all hypocrites, you talk about you, you and you only, there are mutual understanding ways to alleviate the problems on both smoker vs non smoker, but yet blah ban, no understanding or consideration what so ever.

well, just remember the next time you start your car, fart or whatever that causes emissions / pollutes the air and smells , then that makes you a HYPOCRITE and not worthy to make ANY judgements what so ever and should be given NO consideration / understanding.

What comes around, goes around...

nuff said

This item was edited on Sunday, 8th January 2006, 14:19

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

this topic exists for nazis like yourself who state :

The FACTS are that smoking is an unhealthy, anti-social activity, which has no place in a respectable society

Well according to that, then you would rule out about a 3rd of the population in uk, including senior civilservants, high ranking businessmen / business, mps, actors/actress, pop/rock members/groups, sports people, police, nhs, army, stars and very influential people.

Who are you to judge them?

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 19:59

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

No, as previously stated have it in the air conditioning or large de-odourising units, and have better ventilation/extraction

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

socks uk statement made me chuckle :) an extremist :)

Though you did hit it on the nail with Canada, it is the responsibility of the establishment to make adjustments for BOTH smoker and non smoker, whether that be better ventilation / extraction , de-odourising tobacco smell, though then you will probably complain that carpets stink due to them being well worn or the sweat of an over crowded nighclub, your oxygen mask may come in usefull for that :) Ever thought of that?

But, on a serious note, there are alternative avenues that can be sought, rather than extremist government intervention, and the pubs/clubs should take a responsibility to both smoker and non smoker to create a pleasant environment for everyone.

Oh and yes neutralisers Do work in domestic properties, in a pub environment the idea would have to be adjusted, maybe into the air conditioning? or large de-odourising units?

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 17:08

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

As for the smell of smoking, various products are available already at neutralising odours especially tobacco, I use them at home myself, and yes they do neutralise it, that would be one step closer to a more mutual understanding of smoker vs non smoker. Pubs and Clubs really ought to catch onto that idea. As for the enclosed space issue vs open air, the open air is pretty well polluted with emissions, just that you cant see it or smell it, and choose to ignore it whilst it damages your health. You breathe that type of air 24 hours a day 7 days a week etc... whilst you breathe perhaps a few hours per week of smokers air? If your a hardened local pub goer every night then you would breathe far more. Better ventilation \ extraction would certainly improve that.

Non smokers concerns need to be adressed, but put them into perspective, and find a MUTUAL solution, rather than all this over the top madness.

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 13:17

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

That was exactly the point m8, its all total bull crap ;p

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 08:45

RE: Why a partial NO SMOKING ban will never work

Had to have my pounds worth on this subject because the whole thing is vastly taken out of proportion, mainly due to government intervention. The problem is, as a general public majority of people are sheep, yeah we are sheep. We have constant news/media coverage on what is good/bad and after so so much coverage we begin to believe it, this happens with most things, for example with warez, oh then you must be a terrorist then lmfao, strangely enough joe public believes it, yeah its true your a sheep unless you can really figure things out for yourself. Oh and chocolate is bad too, yeah the government intervenes there too no more big bars and can no longer buy chocolate within hospitals. This is only the start of it, where we have more choices taken away from us, and we believe it.

The facts, passive smoking causes very very few deaths per year, yet its such a big priority, maybe this has something connected with the actual costs within the NHS? Which before anyone jumps on that smokers pay a ton of extra tax for and get very little treatment, which most problems are unjustly blamed on for being smoking related with no factual or medical proof / grounding !!

Have non smokers actually considered what the hell are they on about? What about emissions from cars and vehicles? Do you want to ban cars then?, because those fumes are certainly far far more harmfull than passive smoking, oh but they have a use dont they :) There are exceptionally more harmfull emissions than passive smoking, yet nothing is said about them.

The majority of smokers do wish to quit, but its a hell of an addiction to conquer, and in quite a lot of circumstances almost impossible, as the very thing that pushes most people to smoke is stress, stress with job, life, family etc.... and still are in the same situation, especially with work. The majority of smokers are exceptionally respectfull of non smokers perceptions, especially to the point its almost becoming that smokers are a minority and feel degraded as it is.

I do agree smoking is unpleasant and smells and should not be tolerated especially over food, but a total ban is just political correctness gone mad again, yet you take it all in like sheep. Unfortunately smokers will consistantly get all the punishment and of course will likely end up in a total ban, this is almost discrimination, segregation almost, and soon enough if your fat, eat chocolate etc... and what ever else that is considered unhealthy more choices will be taken away, as there are far too many sheep around.

If non smokers really do care about the air they breathe, then ban cars and go for an electric motor instead. I dont have a car, so what about my health? Car drivers and just about every other mode of transport do harm to my/our health, Do I complain? Do you complain? Do You / I want a total ban? This whole subject is ludicrous, silly, and hypocritical, get the message?

Ban anything that creates harmfull emissions that you breathe FAR MORE every single day and does FAR MORE damage to your health. If you do this, then you might have a case against passive smoking, but again you wont will you? ;P :)

Thats my rant over, look forward to the replies , cyas.

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 08:22

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

Maybe standards was not quite the right wording its not about snobbery, people are different some people can cope with cleaning up p*** and s*** where as some maybe physically sick. Some people would get very unhappy perhaps even depressed doing a job that they hated so much, I know many people do it and are in that situation some like it and some dont, but what it comes down to is which is worse, no money or a job you really hate?

A job that you really hate can put pressures on relationships, family and lifestyles, but so can no money, which is the more evil? You decide..... as you have a choice.

Laying off the job centre jargon is very difficult when its beaten through your skull day after day year on year, apologies for that, but its an occupational hazzard.

And yes i personally couldnt clean up p*** and s**** , i would also hate to work shifts as many people do, as it makes things difficult around relationships, though in some it could make it better. Is this spoilt? no... it certainly isnt, people are individuals and take what suits them, its all about choice.

As for "the dole" it has always kept this stigma about it, but many famous people, very professional people have claimed it, its a kinda safety net amongst other benefits, again its a choice and for quite a few a life line. It should be there when you really need it, but that is not always the case. Its not an easy way either, its very hard, but again its all about choice.

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

Let me put everything into context.

1. Job Seekers are ENTITLED to restrict there jsag to a particular job for a period of 3 months, it is called a permitted period. They do not have to take any job if they do not want to, but after 3 months it is expected that they widen there job search criteria.

2. They CAN restrict there wage for a period of 3 months and a further 3 months after that.

3. Contribution based benefit which includes Incapacity benefit, Conts JSA etc.. is based upon individuals class 1 contributions through paid employment for the last 2 tax years, currently being APR 03 to end of tax year 04 , and APR 04 to end of tax year 05.
This means that you have earned your benefit entitlement.

4. Anyone on income based benefits inc income support or income based jsa is means tested ie take into account partners earnings , savings, property, pensions, any other money coming in etc.. This does include many vulnrable groups including lone parents etc and groups who are in unfortunate circumstances.

5. Many people have barriers that prevent or hinder them into work this can include children, health issues, transport, mental/physical disabilities, caring responsibilities, language issues, learning issues, addictions etc.. its a very small proportion that "cant be arsed" as quite a few dont even bother turning up to sign or attending interviews prompted by the job centre and get there benefit stopped. They also have to proove they are actively seeking and available which generally they cant be arsed with that.

The point is, dont be quick to judge people, there maybe barriers that prevent, she may also be in her permitted period, and maybe many other reasons. If people really want work then yes they are not too fussy but everyone has there own standards and everyone has standards they would drop to which differ from person to person, hence this is why a job seekers agreement exists !!!!!

Oh and taking the job and messing it up does not work either, any job that ended within the last 6 months from you claiming JSA, is taken into account and the reasons why it ended. If it is found that you took an active, deliberate part in loosing it, again benefit may be sanctioned for a period of upto 6 months. Information is sought from yourself and your ex employer and goes to a decision maker.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th December 2005, 23:21

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

Theres quite a lot of bad advice on this subject, if you make it obvious that you are trying to throw the interview, then this actually gets back and may suspend benefit. I have already mentioned the key elements in the prior posting of mine your jsag, matched vacancy or not, and allowances that can be made. If you take your jsag for instance, do the hours of work fit in with what you have agreed? does the pay fit in with what you have agreed? does the actual job fit what you have agreed? does the travelling distance/time fit in with what you agreed? As for the commision can they guarantee you will at least get national minimum wage even if your ability to sell is limited? If they cant, then the vacancy is illegal to advertise within the job centre. If you answered no to any of those questions, then you already have a case against the vacancy. Then of course whether the job was matched, which if it wasn`t recorded as matched then theres nothing to worry about.

Then of course there are the allowances ive mentioned prior, about sick and domestic emergencies etc...

Anyway i cant comment on how to throw it, but there are a couple of good ones mentioned, but making it obvious can get back to the job centre.

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

Jobs are not just thrown at people. You have something called a job seekers agreement, which you agree when you attend your nji - new jobseekers interview. Within this you can say you are just looking for one type of job only, as long as you have reasonable prospects of achieving it, you can restrict it to 1 job type only for a period of 3 months. You can restrict the wage to a certain amount too as long as that is reasonable for the job you are looking for and your circumstances, for a period of 3 months, and for a further 3 months after that. That alone can be used to peoples advantages. As for the job itself, if she felt the job was unsuitable for any valid reason then that would be taken under consideration, there are many ways you could throw a job interview, but i cant advise you of that, if it was found that she intentionally threw the job interview, then yes it may effect her benefit. As for the actual submission of the job, ask whether the job was "matched" to her if that is the case then she must apply or give a very good valid reason as to why she didnt, which would be taken into consideration.

There are things that can happen in life, which are unexpected such as domestic emergencies, sickness etc... which certain allowances can be made under job seekers allowance (sickness is no more than 2 periods within your claim year, each period of no more than 2 weeks, domestic emergencies are up to a week).

If she did throw the job and was found out, then it can affect benefit anything from 1 day to 6 months, but you have the right of reconsideration, appeal, (form gl24) and even hardship in certain cases. If you have a good case then it is taken into account.

Certain doubts can arise if suspiciously throwing interviews and these are recorded and do have a limit, which again cant comment on it.

If you are unhappy with the job seekers agreement you can get it changed, see an advisor.

Hope the info helps

This item was edited on Friday, 2nd December 2005, 21:34

RE: Tevion QS808 DVD/DivX Player

Maybe you should have got the proper tc xvid version ;p Its obviously a proper for a reason, that prior versions were not right. Personally I get occasional tvrips and dont have any problems.

You said it yourself once you examined the audio in virtual dub that it was unknown etc... These audios on cams/ts can also be filtered etc... using there own custom filters, or programs that are already released which can also account for non standard.

Tevion has a great advantage of coping with varied video compression methods in xvid and is probably still the best stand alone for its price tag.

This item was edited on Friday, 4th November 2005, 09:41

RE: Bargain DivX & Card Reader DVD Player £19.99 From Lidl!!

Its likely to be the Targa DP-5100x.

If thats the case, looking on videohelp, it does not seem that good a player, firmware upgradable, but has not been updated in nearly 10 months, and from reading a few users comments appears buggy. Its also likely a mediatek chipset which they are not great either, I could be wrong as it may not be the same player, but the pic looks the same as on targas website, descriptions are the same, and the new knock down price suggests its been around a while.

Its probably a great secondary dvd player, but to play divx/xvid etc... i would stick with the tevion from aldi. Please post the actual model number as and when you know that information. Thanks.

Pack of 52 700mb Maxell Cdrs 99p !!!

MVC have discounted them to silly prices of 99p, they are selling out very very quickly.

Maxell cd-r 80xl pack of 45+7 silver top 48x

Go get them whilst you can.....

RE: Help - E-bay Problem


you have branded everyone terminally stupid who has had a bad experience of being ripped off, you honestly can not actually believe that. genuine/sensible people who take the time to check into sellers before buying still can get ripped off, if you believe otherwise then you are surely mistaken m8

RE: Help - E-bay Problem

Only the terminally stupid get ripped off on eBay...I`ve never been had...but then I take the time to check out sellers...takes all of 30 seconds

thats quite a broad spectrum of people you have included there, personally i check every damn page of feedback sometimes takes 15 minutes or so as you get people who wrongfully post neg feedback just because they did not read the advert properly. Even sellers/buyers with 100% feedback can do something bad, its just that its far less likely that they will.

As for being branded terminally stupid, well, says a lot about yourself really, no comment.

RE: Help - E-bay Problem


from reading your posts, you are level headed/sensible and some what respected on here, and i agree i joined the discussion pretty late. All i was stating is what had already been discussed as my first words were "as already said" and almost re-iterating what the sensible people already posted, with addition of a personal experience and expanding to a bigger picture. There was no mention of ill will towards anyone or branding everyone, i acually mentioned "minority". The bigger picture of it all is that we are all human, we all lie, we are all tempted to do things that are considered bad, what makes the difference is choosing not to do something untowards, and it requires more people like yourself to guide people into making the right choice, now thats a rant ;p

RE: Help - E-bay Problem

I`m now at the point where I`ve got home addresses for 2 of them in Florida which I intend to visit when i`m over there next year.. that`ll suprise them

I do have an advantage m8, though i would not actually do it/use it (not worth loosing my job for) I do work for uk gov, and have access to the whole population database of uk with All personal info, phone numbers etc...

Not worth crying over spilt milk for a few measily quid, but its still maddening

RE: Help - E-bay Problem

As already said, batavia should honour his agreement and explain the situation to the buyer, if the buyer understands his predicument he will at least agree to withdraw from the deal or even offer a little more money, but if the buyer sticks to his guns then batavia should honour it.

Any suggestions of decitfull/crafty motives/actions which are mentioned on this topic by other members is purely pathetic, and just shows how deceitfull you all are amongst your peers. I myself have been ripped off from a seller who said he sent the goods, and when i relaised they were missing/not been sent, he would send replacements, which of course they did not arrive either. During this time other people gave neg feedback for not receiving, surprise, surprise, since this point he is no longer a registered user and is currently trading under a new ebay nick, surprise again. I know these con artists are a minority, but if genuine/nieve people are going the same way, well.. ebay just lives up to its repuation and will of course loose favour with a lot of people and will have a general trend of not doing as well which effects all........

RE: Need to play DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs on Samsung 709

The new pacific players are not as good as the early versions ie the old mk1 etc.. ASDA do not have any remarkable players as they once did, for a new player the best on the market against its price tag is the tevion at ALDI for £33 which for the few extra quid you get progressive scan, divx/xvid and qpel. Fot the macrovision just keep yer old samsung 709 just in case :)

I still own a samsung 709 too, and one of the aiwa remotes to switch off the macrovision, but more recently picked up a P & B from a computer fair which has macro disable on it and plays +r/-r etc...

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

haha i pay mine infront for the whole year, and still get the knock knock (cos there useless to check there own records), and tell them where to ... off

RE: Divx player, looking for a cheap one.

the asda dual players are complete garbage, poor build quality, poor performance, poor compatibility with divx/xvid variations.

The best on the market currently against price is the tevion at aldi as mentioned in prior posts, surprisingly noone has even mentioned that it can play Qpel codec amongst other variations which is a hell of a feature, other than that philips 720sa is a good one but a lot more pricy and probably have to buy online, yamadas are very good cos of there firmware updates too, usually get them from maplins