Page 1 of Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

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Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 18:04

They want a £126 from me and I dont want to pay it,I cant see the difference between throwing it in my dustbin and giving it to them,they try to get people to use direct debit,buy stamps ect and then make out its for your benefit but if everybody had to pay the full cash amount then there would be a bigger stink about this out of date tax.
So I have decided not to pay it and wait till they knock on my door so I can tell the bastards to f*** off...Unless somebody can convince me otherwise. :) :)

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 19:08

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 18:09

go for it dude :D remember there was a thread about his not long ago, & tbh i`m with you :) it`s s***.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 18:13

I don`t know why we have to pay for a licence. In Australia they have ABC, which is the equivalent of the BBC (no ads). Thirty or so years ago you had to pay a licence, then they stopped it. No difference in the quality of programmes. How it is financed I do not know. So why can`t big Britain manage it? About the only country left that has to.
Rebel! Onward the Revolution.

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 18:51

Sure, try it, but don`t come back for suggestions on how to avoid the fine :/

DVD Reviewer

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RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 18:57

Why dont the BBC start showing adverts thus getting their funds through this? They do anyway when they advertise future programmes coming soon!

Where does our licence money go anyway? And how come no other channels charge us money? To tell you the truth I hardly watch the BBC so failing getting the licence abolished wouldnt it be more fair to `Pay As You Watch`?

Oh and also...I own all the Blackadder DVD`s , all the Only Fools And Horses DVD`s , all the Office DVD`s , all the Fawlty Towers DVD`s and many other DVD`s which were originally first shown on BBC. When they repeat these programmes for the umpteenth time do I get a refund???????? >:(

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 19:09

Done to death here I think.
For what it`s worth, I think for not much more than £10 a month it`s good value. Certainly better than Sky.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 19:14

But the BBC is the only channel that forces you to pay - whether you watch their channels or not.... If you have a TV, you have to pay the licence (for their channels) - in this digital age, why can`t we have an option of having the BBC channels scrambled and not pay the licence fee?

"I like you. When the world is mine, your death will be quick and painless..."

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 19:18

Quite ironic you`re calling it the digital age. Without the BBC, the `digital` age - Freeview etc. would be nowhere near as advanced.
Oh, and I hope you don`t listen to any BBC radio either.
Like any tax, I don`t ENJOY paying it. I just don`t happen to think it`s particularly bad value for money. Their News coverage is excellent.
Also, hope you don`t watch Extras, Little Britain etc. People don`t realise just how much BBC they watch...


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 19:33

But that`s not the point - I watch all those things and would happily pay for the BBC if it was an option/extra channel (for Doctor Who alone :) ). But those who hardly watch any BBC at all (if any), and still want to watch their tv/other channels are lumbered. They have no choice and they`ve still got to pay. Just seems a bit unfair... :/

"I like you. When the world is mine, your death will be quick and painless..."

RE: Could somebody please try to convince me to renew my TV licence.

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st September 2005, 20:11

I try so hard to aviod them!

A tax is never meant to be fair :/


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