Info and forum posts by 'DragonLord'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.


Joined on: Monday, 19th May 2003, 17:48, Last used: Monday, 19th May 2003, 17:48

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 61 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Whatever happened to DVDsOnTap?

They still don`t have the latest titles which is why I left them and also the fact that they started to give me one film a week. >:(

RE: Do ChoicesDirect steal money from consumers regularly?

I sent these guys an email about an item not received and they never replied, that was a whole week ago. Customer care more like treat customer like crap!

RE: sale - what a con


RE: - Import costs will apply as from yesterday, 22nd December 2003

S***e company anyway. Never ever responded to my emails when my DVD never arrived.

RE: Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

I got a missing dvd from DVDsoon. Had to wait 45 sodding days for them to credit me. They refuse to do anything until 45 days are up. When 45 days were up they gave me credit to buy from their site and the original dvd I ordered had gone up in price so i couldn`t reorder that one.

If i were you i would order the dvd elsewhere and wait 45 days for your credit.


It wouldn`t make it cheaper as Splash with £2.00 off is £13.99 and HMV have it for £19.99 which is £6.00 more not to mention P+P costs.

RE: The Bad Retailers Thread - Post Your Rants Here

DVD Soon becuase their customer serivce is so s*** and they take bloody months to dispatch. CHeap and Nasty.

RE: Living Daylights - Special edition for 2.49

It wasn`t the money that was stupid. It was the buyers.

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

Chuck I agree with you on this one. Rental companies occasionally use the postal sevice as a scrapegoat when it is actually them who are slowing down the process.

If all companies are sending out at a slow rate you might aswell join one that offers the newest titles.

I have used inmovies, dvdsontap, erental and screenselect

dvdsontap have had the best turnaround but they have a limited choice when it comes to new titles.

erental were great at getting the new titles but not so good when it came to dispatching which is exactly what screenselect had problems with.

BTW nice fight you had with the mighty Bruce Lee ;o)

DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

In the last two weeks of being a member with DVDsOnTap I have received 1 DVD per week. I questioned this with them and they claimed it was due to the fact that it had not returned to them even though it was 4 days later. Is the postal service s***ter than ever or are DVDsOnTap going sloppy like the rest of them.

If they are going to give me one rental a week I am going to join one that offers me the latest titles like Pirates of the Caribbean. BYE BYE DVDSONTAP!


Blockbusters do take the proverbial p*** when it comes to renting. £3.75 for a 2 day rental is an absolute unequvical rip off. The online ones are good but many are quite sloppy when it comes to dispatching movies, problem being too much reliance on the postal service. I recommend DVDSONTAP though they have very few new releases.

Does anyone know if blockbusters have any deals like special pass deals or 3 for a fiver?

RE: what online dvd rental company do you use?

With DVDsOnTap. Get a turanaround of about 2 movies per week. Gave ChoicesErental a go as they have the latest movies but in my first 4 weeks only recieved about 5 movies, though they were the latest titles and always ones at the top of my list I felt their dispatch rate was a bit sloppy.

Pity DVDsOnTap take about 1 month to have the latest titles but I`d rather see more older movies than have 1 new title per week.

Anyone tried the free trial of screenselect? How fast do they dispatch, might be worth trying them out for free and then maybe cancel. Problem is the free trial only lasts a week if they are good for the first week you may stick with them but they may go crap.

RE: Shrek £6.49 at splash

I, too respect Splash.

Bought many DVDs from them and they have all arrived fairly swiftly. If you don`t like them don`t use them.

RE: Hulk Hands 14.99 Play 247

I didn`t think much of the Hulk. Sam Elliot and Nick Nolte trying to outcroak each other heck I needed subtitles just to find out what the f*** they were both yapping on about.

If you`re a fan of the Comic books like I am you`ll will find that what they did to the story was slanderours. Bruce Banner`s Dad was not supposed to be a nutter with 3 teenage mutant ninja dogs!

The box office receipts speak for themselves, nuff said.

RE: The Fellowship Of The Ring only £3.99p at blackstar

At the end of the day they f***ed up. They should honour it or the likes of Jim and me shall layeth the smackdown on their asses. If it is a cockup, it is therir responsibilty to check their site.

RE: DVDSoon credit card checks...

Never fax your card details to anyone. It is probably a scam.

RE: Customs Charge with PlayUSA

If I were you I would seriously consider sending them a letter telling them what has happened. Why should you lose out on a tenner because of their incompetence of not labelling the title as a gift. They should at least offer to refund half the custom charge as a gesture of goodwill.

RE: x men £5.99

Or you could just watch it on ITV on Wednesday.

RE: Stop whatever DVD rental company you are currently using........

It is in the Rental companies interest to make sure you go through your rental list as slow as possible. They want you to stay with them as long as possible whilst renting as little as possible.

My advice is you should at least get one on Wednesday and one on Saturday, If you are returning them on Monday and Thursday. If that does not happen join one that does DVDsontap are good at keeping this up but they occasionally lapse.

Has anyone joined screen select and can give me their opinion on them. If they offer 3 at once it should equate to a possible 6 per week! That`s 24 a month for £15.00.

RE: Stop whatever DVD rental company you are currently using........

I`m with DVDsOnTap my gripe is that it can take them a whole month before they get the newest titles on release and they only have 3,500 compared to some of the others that have at least 8,000. There have been two weeks however where DVDsonTap sent me one title per week. I expect at least 8 a month as reasonable service for a tenner.

Hopefully Netflix come to the UK, as they are the world leader in DVD rental.

RE: Stop whatever DVD rental company you are currently using........

Word of warning about ERental. My mate has told me that they are really s*** when it comes to sending out DVDs. He`s been a member for 2 weeks and receives an average of one movie per week, he has over 50 movies in his queue! They ship movies out after 6:00 pm which delays the process for a whole day. I was thinking of joining them but don`t think I`ll bother now.

This item was edited on Saturday, 18th October 2003, 15:37

RE: Splash offer

After trundling through their site for quite some time I can honesty say they have got jack all that I wanna buy from them. Most of the things do appear to have been jacked up in price to counter the offer. Why is Indiana Jones priced at £31.81? Very odd indeed. Lord of the Rings extended £25.13. All these extra pennies have a purpose believe me.

Check out this link for for what Splash think of their whinging customers.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 21:28

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

There`s nothing wrong with buying a nice cheap and cheerful player. My cheap one can play MP3, DVDR, VCD, SVCD, JPEG, MPEG and my expensive sony one can only play original DVDs and VCDs.

Cheap DVD players rock! Good Post

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 10:11

RE: Stop whatever DVD rental company you are currently using........

12,500! that`s 4 times as much as in-movies and dvdsontap?

Are they a good service or do you work for them cos 3 movies at once for £15 a month is a steal!

RE: dvd soon or

I can`t comment on Amazon as I have not used them before but I can say that DVD Soon are utter s***. I ordered a DVD in June and never received it. I emailed them and their response times were terrible. Still no DVD. Will never use again.

RE: Someone`s dropped a boo boo here!

Just ordered 30, 10 for me and 20 for my mates who can get quite violent if they don`t get what they want.

It is in their best interest to honour the deal or they will be sleeping with the fishes when my mates find out.

RE: R3 Battle Royale DTS £4.27

DDD House are rock solid. I rate them on par with Play and CD-WOW.

Ones that I would steer clear off are DVD Soon and Splash who take years to dispatch and have little or no support at all.

RE: shaolin soccor £7.99

Absolutely blinding film. Recommended viewing for all fans of comedies and soccer.


If the cancellation facility is temporarily out of order (They call 4+ weeks temporarily).


A message telling customers you cannot cancel your orders due to site maintenance was all they needed and I would have gone elsewhere.

Charging my card before they have even lifted even a sodding finger pathetic.

How do you explain ignoring 20 odd cancellation emails. You can`t can you and don`t use that lame, new website bollox cos Splash updated their site and it didn`t go wrong at all.

Maybe if you lost 60 quid you would stop sticking up for them, I think so.

You can stick up for them all you like but it still doesn`t make them a good company, Utter $hit Company!

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 15:13


I read their terms and conditions and it was not clearly stated that they charge you straight away. This is what their site says `charged to your credit card at the moment the transaction is completed`. The transaction is not complete if they do not dispatch now is it?

Other companies I have used in the past claim to charge when transaction is complete and they do not mean complete as in they take my money in advance. They charge me when they fulfil their half of the deal, and ship out goods.

If their policy is to charge straight away I suggest they make it clear and obvious, not bend the words where you need a sodding interpreter to understand them. Also the fact that they neglected to mention you cannot cancel items in their terms and conditions makes them a load of lying shalatans.

If you had been waiting six weeks for an order you`d be pretty p***ed off. I have used as many as 20 online companies and have never had the same $hit as I have had with DVD.Soon. Are you sure you do not work for them? You seem very loyal to them, you obviously ordered from them before they went all sloppy.

I bet they don`t even send out DVD`s recorded.

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 09:46