Page 1 of DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

Retailer Reviews Forum

DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 21:51

In the last two weeks of being a member with DVDsOnTap I have received 1 DVD per week. I questioned this with them and they claimed it was due to the fact that it had not returned to them even though it was 4 days later. Is the postal service s***ter than ever or are DVDsOnTap going sloppy like the rest of them.

If they are going to give me one rental a week I am going to join one that offers me the latest titles like Pirates of the Caribbean. BYE BYE DVDSONTAP!

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2003, 22:40

Post in some parts of the South East is still recovering from the postal strike, even now (certainly post from my office to there is not being delivered next day).

I agree that DVDonTap`s service is a little slow at present, but I really do genuinely believe it`s outta their hands.

Why not try one of the others (eg Screen Select - please click on the banner here when it shows to support Reviewer) as they all seem to do free 14 day trials these days :)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

chuck norris (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 11:55

i would love to find a fast dvd rental company-they are all so slow.
i use screenselect-who are good but don`t send out fast enough.
and qflicks on a free trial but they are also slow.
a question to ponder how come when they send me a dvd i get it the next day,but when i send dvd back it`s always 2-5 days before they send another out- i think they definetly
wait extra days before sending out.I think that all dvd rental company`s should realize
that speed of sending out dvds is most people`s problem with these company`s,and that will lose them business.i`ve tried just about every dvd rental company and the best for speed has to be mailboxmovies-i would get dvds in the morning and send them back at 12pm they would recieve them next day and send off same day.but they never had any new releases-their supposed new releases were up to 4 months old.why can`t some dvd
rental company`s get new releases.

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 17:53

Chuck I agree with you on this one. Rental companies occasionally use the postal sevice as a scrapegoat when it is actually them who are slowing down the process.

If all companies are sending out at a slow rate you might aswell join one that offers the newest titles.

I have used inmovies, dvdsontap, erental and screenselect

dvdsontap have had the best turnaround but they have a limited choice when it comes to new titles.

erental were great at getting the new titles but not so good when it came to dispatching which is exactly what screenselect had problems with.

BTW nice fight you had with the mighty Bruce Lee ;o)

RE: DVDsOnTap taking the proverbial pi$$

The Supreme Editor (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th January 2004, 00:02

Had problemmos with DVD showtime during strikes but they sent out extra in Dec to make up for it and sent double out before chrissie hols to keep us all going when post useless.

Good one!

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