Retailer Reviews Forum


colseddon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 18:10

Do you run the risk of import tax on orders of over £18 with these?

Never used them, if i bought Catch Me If You Can at 18.98 CAD

how much would it cost me,

about 8.56 is this right?,,, but would i be charged on my Nationwide Credit Card the the currency exchange????


sandi (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 18:37

have used theese before
was charged at approx 1.58 dollars to the pound
I would imagine charges will appear over the £18 mark
but as post is free,
order all seperatly.
I got the tuxedo at 11.99 usd and was charged £7.58
arrived in 4 days so no complaints


DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 19:44

Word of warning I would never EVER order from these a$sholes ever again.

Took them 4 weeks to dispatch my DVD after I spent 3 weeks trying to cancel the damn order. Ignored all my cancellation emails and took money out of my account in first week. Apparently you cannot cancel from their new site and you can`t cancel by email so basically they take your money and do not let you have a refund ever.

Now I have waited 2 weeks since they dispatched and still no DVD. Bet they blame the postal services, I`m 60-odd quid out of pocket, they have fek all in stock, I bet when you buy from them they begin to buy from another decent company.

Never ever replied to any of my emails and I sent them at least 20. SIX Weeks and still no DVD or email reply. Bunch of WASTERS. If I do not get my DVD in the next 2 weeks I will send them a big feking dog TURD!

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 20:44


Hugh Nimmo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 20:28

No risk from customs if the order is less than £18.00. If you order today, CA$18.98 will cost you around £8.60. As far as I am aware, the Nationwide do not impose an additional fee for purchases made abroad using their credit cards. I have been using DVDSoon since late last year and have had 34 orders delivered so far without a single problem. They do not stock a lot of discs and it can sometimes take them a few weeks to source titles but their service is good and their prices are excellent. They are currently in the process of upgrading their website and the facility to cancel orders was unavailable for a short period of time. I do believe the said facility is now functioning properly.

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 21:37


DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 21:58

What really p***es me off with DVD.Soon was the fact that they never ever replied to any of my emails. When I spend £60 of my hard earned cash, I at least expect a confirmation email of my order.

Then when I send emails constantly and receive no reply, that is no way to treat any customer. How sodding difficult is it to reply to an email.

When they updated their site they should have prepared for it properly and made sure it worked before it went online, no point putting up a half working site where orders cannot be cancelled!

They may have the cancel function working on their site NOW but it`s too late for me as my DVD has allegedly been dispatched. Taking money out of my account when the DVD I ordered wasn`t even in their hands was just pathetic. Dispatching my item when I sent them at least 20 order cancellation emails was ridiculous. The final straw is when they have my DVD as disptached on their site and 2 weeks have gone.

Fuming, Do they expect me to contact them through a long distance phone call?


Hugh Nimmo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 22:44

As far as I am aware DVDSoon are a relatively small company operating out of Boucherville, Quebec, Canada, and, going by some of the e-mails I have received from them, English may not be the first language of some of their employees/staff. They commenced the introduction of a new website fairly recently and it is common knowledge that, in the process of doing so, they experienced some serious problems. These included the inability to (1) send out confirmation of order placed e-mails (2) confirmation of dispatch e-mails (3) allow customers to cancel exisiting orders. They have worked hard to resolve these problems and in the meantime have continued to send out orders as and when discs have become available.

I have the highest regard for the said company who, in my opinion, offer some of the best service and prices available from any online retailer.

Perhaps my satisfaction with them is due to the fact that I simply place my orders and then forget about them until they arrive. Personally I have never felt the need to cancel an order with a company after placing same.

As for your complaint that they took money from your account when the item was not in stock, their terms and conditions clearly indicate that your credit card will be charged at the moment of purchase. Hardly their fault if you did not take the time and effort to read same before placing an order.


DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 08:33

I read their terms and conditions and it was not clearly stated that they charge you straight away. This is what their site says `charged to your credit card at the moment the transaction is completed`. The transaction is not complete if they do not dispatch now is it?

Other companies I have used in the past claim to charge when transaction is complete and they do not mean complete as in they take my money in advance. They charge me when they fulfil their half of the deal, and ship out goods.

If their policy is to charge straight away I suggest they make it clear and obvious, not bend the words where you need a sodding interpreter to understand them. Also the fact that they neglected to mention you cannot cancel items in their terms and conditions makes them a load of lying shalatans.

If you had been waiting six weeks for an order you`d be pretty p***ed off. I have used as many as 20 online companies and have never had the same $hit as I have had with DVD.Soon. Are you sure you do not work for them? You seem very loyal to them, you obviously ordered from them before they went all sloppy.

I bet they don`t even send out DVD`s recorded.

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 09:46


Hugh Nimmo (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 12:18

DVDSoon Website - Getting Started - Step 3 - Purchsing Your DVD :-

Please note that your card will be charged at the moment of purchase, not at the moment you receive the merchandise. There are a few reasons why we decided to proceed this way. Firstly, we choose not to store your credit card information as a security reason. Secondly, the amount charged to your credit card is the same at the time of the purchase and will be subject to the exchange rate of that day. This limits discrepancies and variations of the amount charged. For further information, please refer to the Terms of Use page.

Terms and Conditions :-

The price and the shipping fees are charged at the moment the transaction is completed , meaning, when you click on "Confirm Purchase". This is done so that you pay the price at the moment of the transaction and not of another time, so you can preserve your savings.

Seems straight forward enough to me. :)

Why should they mention you cannot cancel orders when, in fact, they allow such a thing. I appreciate that the facility was temporarily unavailable for a short period recently but, as I pointed out earlier, this was due to problems encountered while introducing their new website and has since been resolved..

I suspect the reason the company can offer such good prices is, in part, due to the fact that they do not hold large amounts of stock, preferring to source same as and when orders are placed. The downside is that customers may, on occasions, have to wait several weeks before taking delivery. Personally I have no problem waiting 4/6 weeks for a disc ( price is my main consideration ) but I appreciate the fact that other people may wish quicker deliveries. If they do then perhaps they should find a company who meet their requirements.

I have no connection with DVDSoon other than as a customer. I am loyal due to the fact that, in the 9 months or so I have been using them, they have provided me with an excellent level of service and fantastic savings.

As is the norm for online retailers, DVDSoon`s Standard Shipping ( Currently Free - Usually CA$4.98 ) and First Class Shipping ( CA$5.98 ) is not sent `Recorded.` If, however, you are feeling particularly flush, you might wish to consider the Courier Option ( UPS/DHL ) which will cost you CA$26.98 ( Single Disc ); CA$33.98 ( Two Discs); CA$40.98 ( Three Discs ) and will invariably attract an additional customs charge if your order exceeds £18.00. :o

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 13:31


DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 14:08

If the cancellation facility is temporarily out of order (They call 4+ weeks temporarily).


A message telling customers you cannot cancel your orders due to site maintenance was all they needed and I would have gone elsewhere.

Charging my card before they have even lifted even a sodding finger pathetic.

How do you explain ignoring 20 odd cancellation emails. You can`t can you and don`t use that lame, new website bollox cos Splash updated their site and it didn`t go wrong at all.

Maybe if you lost 60 quid you would stop sticking up for them, I think so.

You can stick up for them all you like but it still doesn`t make them a good company, Utter $hit Company!

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 15:13


Hugh Nimmo (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 17:03

If the cancellation facility is temporarily out of order (They call 4+ weeks temporarily).
Why not ? Temporary :- Lasting only for a time; a limited period only; not permanent.

A message telling customers you cannot cancel your orders due to site maintenance was all they needed and I would have gone elsewhere.
Site maintenance ? I suspect they were unable to post a message due to the fact that the new site was not functioning properly. As I recollect, they posted a message on the site explaining what the problems were within a week or so of them occurring.

Charging my card before they have even lifted even a sodding finger pathetic.
Their terms and conditions are clearly displayed on the site. You signed up for the deal so it is hardly their problem. You agreed to your card being charged the moment you clicked on the `Confirm Order` button.

Maybe if you lost 60 quid you would stop sticking up for them, I think so.
How exactly have you lost £60.? As I understand it, DVDSoon will replace any discs which have not arrived by the end of the statutory delivery period ( 45 business days in the case of standard shipping.)

You can stick up for them all you like but it still doesn`t make them a good company, Utter $hit Company!
My favourite online retailer.

The person who created this thread ( colseddon ) requested advice on a number of matters none of which involved opinions of DVDSoon. You chose to ignore same and instead, have repeatedly returned to the thread to express your somewhat negative views of a reputable company based on one incident which occurred while they were experiencing serious problems in relation to the introduction of a new website. What exactly is your point/aim ? My understanding is that these forums should be friendly, fun, constructive and not involve distasteful language. Perhaps you should take note.

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