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Retailer Reviews Forum

Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 21st December 2003, 12:04

When I`m at University I get all my DVD`s sent back to my proper home address (rather than my Uni house), and so when I arrived home yesterday I checked all my brand new DVD`s. There were two glaring ommissions though:
LOTR : TT (Extended Edition)
X-Men 2

These were both pre-ordered from and should have been here weeks ago, but much to my annoyance they`re not here. :(

This is the first time this has ever happened, though I know some people might have had DVD`s that were lost in the post during the postal strike so thought I`d see if anybody had any advice. I just want to say that I`ve ordered many many DVD`s from before and all have arrived, it`s just these two.

Any regular customers, or anybody who has experienced this before.. is there anything you can say to give me peace of mind? Or any advice on my course of action? I e-mailed them yesterday, and don`t expect a reply for a day or two; what is the standard procedure and how long do I have to wait for them to be declared officially missing (I`m sure I read that it`s something like 30-60 days)?

Would it be expensive to call them in Canada by the way?

Help please! Was really looking to see the Extended Edition of Two Towers before seeing ROTK. :(

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st December 2003, 12:47

Go Here for their terms on `lost packages` at the bottom of the page.

I lost a single DVD from them during the postal strike. Waited the requisite number of days, emailed them and got a promise of an investigation and an online voucher, which could be used to re-order. Haven`t seen the voucher yet, so another email is imminent...

Phoning Canada could be rather expensive, if you`re put on hold.... :(


This item was edited on Sunday, 21st December 2003, 12:48

RE: Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

SIXFINGERS (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st December 2003, 13:27

Sorry cant help. Although I think DVDSoon are excellent, it does annoy me that they put the film title on the jiffy.

RE: Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 21st December 2003, 13:59

Bloody hell, 45 days. Well I`m sure they`ve passed anyway. Going to reorder Lord of the Rings: Two Towers tomorrow I think, as I can`t be arsed with waiting for it to just turn up or the investigation etc. Hopefully they`ll give me vouchers and I`ll use them for other DVD`s.

Thanks guys. :D

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Missing DVD`s - any advice please?

DragonLord (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd December 2003, 07:29

I got a missing dvd from DVDsoon. Had to wait 45 sodding days for them to credit me. They refuse to do anything until 45 days are up. When 45 days were up they gave me credit to buy from their site and the original dvd I ordered had gone up in price so i couldn`t reorder that one.

If i were you i would order the dvd elsewhere and wait 45 days for your credit.

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