Info and forum posts by 'kcab'

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Joined on: Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:54, Last used: Saturday, 15th March 2003, 17:54

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 91 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


KNOW that they`re f*cking idiots and that their opinions are just regurgitated bullsh*t from the front page of The Sun!,

Front page of the Sun today consisted of pictures of the coffins and the names of dead British servicemen being returned to their familys to be buried.

Not only do you have a foul mouth, you also don`t know when to keep it shut.

This item was edited on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 04:13

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.


Next time try reading the post then your reply might make sense.

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Dead Iraqi = good
Dead British or American = bad

Yep I can live with that!


Pardon me, firstly look at the first two foul mouthed posting`s above.

Secondly to the best of my knowledge have not insulted/flamed with /or swore at KYWY.

I can`t remember even having a run in with him,so don`t blame me.

in respect of unwarranted personal attacks I have also never personaly attacked him, check the threads it ain`t me boys.

Better still ask him to name names.


This item was edited on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 04:04

Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

Seems to me the time as come to stop pussy footing about with the Iraqi civillians, the US and British have put their own lives at risk with all this white flag ,hands up s*** only to have the Iraqi pulling out a gun or detonating a bomb and killing several soldiers.

So sorry Iraqi civillians, but I would sooner one of you died then one of our troops, to be honest I would sooner several of you died then one of our troops,sorry but thats how I feel.


This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 20:54

RE: Introducing Myself

If you are a leftie pinko librel,then f*** off!

If you are a right wing and proud of it, then hello brother.

RE: Brighton Pier Burning...

kcab = back ? back from where ? ...From the Future (EDITED BY MODERATOR)

Thought you would have twigged that!

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 17:15

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Aslan Bear ....?

Evil,evil is my one and only name...........

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Well I will stick to Sky News for fair reporting and unbiased views from both sides, and to the BBC( the voice of Iraq) the war is 10 days old and not 10 years and those troops out there are British like the first B in BBC a fact this over bloated dinosaur of broadcasting as forgotten.

BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Watched the BBC 9,0 clock news tonight, it was so pro Iraq and anti war it was breath taking to watch, every item was negative and no mention of any reports of Iraqi soldiers killing it`s own people today.

To watch it you would have thought we had been fighting there for years and were bogged down with thousands of dead British Soldiers,and that the Country of Iraq was run by the likes of Charles Kennedy and not Saddam Insane and is hench men.

The Iraqi state television would have gladly shown this broadcast with no editing at all, honest guys it was so pro Iraq it was a disgrace,I feel sorry for the family`s of our troops out there that had to watch this s***.

BBC Shame on you.

RE: wharfedale 750s vs Dr Phibes

I have a 750s as well, nearly 2 years old (£99.99 Tesco) plays R1,2.3,4,0 all played with out a problem, the machine as been 100% problem free.

RE: Brighton Pier Burning...

SORRY should read....

Brighton Pier "Queer how it started Burning"

Must get a Left Handed Keyboard.

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 17:13

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Several herds of cows have been savaged by squads of jistignomi wasps using their unusual attack style of flying in one ear and out the udder

Latest Report . Large population of Dung Beatles fear famine.

The Red Wasp are to make an urgent appeal.

This item was edited on Friday, 28th March 2003, 13:26

RE: Another pointless thread!!!!!

So your Brother is gay, and your Sister`s a slut and you collect question marks, you turd...So what`s New??

This item was edited on Friday, 28th March 2003, 13:14

Brighton Pier Burning...


This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 17:02

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

Any God,

BBC the voice of Iraq!

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

Left wing bulls***.


RE: Favourite actor / actress

Me thinks James Stewart was bloody good!

RE: Another pointless thread!!!!!

kcab..........i`ve heard you`ll suck anyone as long as they are some kind of bear!!!!!!

So your sister told you did she!

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Found on web.

A husband and wife are on a nudist beach when suddenly a wasp buzzes into the wife`s private part. Naturally enough, she panics. The husband is also quite shaken but manages to put a coat on her, pull up his shorts and carries her to the car. Then he makes a mad dash to the doctor.

The doctor, after examining her, says that the wasp is too far in to remove with forceps so he says to the husband that he will have to try and entice it out by putting honey on his penis and withdrawing as soon as he feels the wasp. And so the honey is smeared, but because of his wife`s screaming and his frantic dash to the doctor and the general panic, he just can`t rise to the occasion.

So the doctor says he`ll perform the deed if the husband and wife don`t object. Naturally both agree for fear the wasp will do any damage, so the doctor quickly undresses, smears the honey on and instantly gets an erection, at which time hebegins to plug the wife. Only he doesn`t stop and withdraw but continues with vigor.

The husband shouts, "What the hell`s happening?"

To which the doctor replies, "Change of plan. I`m going to drown the little bastard!"

RE: Johnathan Creek - Was that it??

God why you moaning, anybody think you have to pay a licence fee or something.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 22:17

RE: Join the BBC marines!

This is why our forces bombed and obliterated an Iraqi TV station!

Was that the one that was showing close ups of dead British soldiers.

Well bombed lads!

RE: Anyone know anything about washing machines?

Could be a short in the motor, The heating element, if the fuse goes when you turn it on then ( when no cycle is selected ) it must be a short in the switch or electronics inside, Could even be water in the plug ( but I doubt it).

You need an man in overalls I think.

RE: Another pointless thread!!!!!

kcab.........keep sucking up to fozzy.

Wrong bear you turd!

A good UK site for info.

Came across it looking for info on DVD recorders covers a lot of stuff, click on forums and there is quite a choice and it`s UK.

Sorry if you old hat to you but it ain`t me!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 23:40

RE: the worlds greatest mysterys 2

Fancy some butterd toast now! trouble is ain`t got a cat.


is this fair given all the reports of gorilla warfare going on ?

Yes it is if you are the keeper that as got to remove a unexploded mortar shell from an elephants s*** shute!

RE: Should we give Saddam political asylum?

Tony B offer Saddam political asylum in the UK?

Yes of course we should, we have got some of the finest mourge`s in Europe, He is more than welcome to use one!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 17:09