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BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 23:38

Watched the BBC 9,0 clock news tonight, it was so pro Iraq and anti war it was breath taking to watch, every item was negative and no mention of any reports of Iraqi soldiers killing it`s own people today.

To watch it you would have thought we had been fighting there for years and were bogged down with thousands of dead British Soldiers,and that the Country of Iraq was run by the likes of Charles Kennedy and not Saddam Insane and is hench men.

The Iraqi state television would have gladly shown this broadcast with no editing at all, honest guys it was so pro Iraq it was a disgrace,I feel sorry for the family`s of our troops out there that had to watch this s***.

BBC Shame on you.

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 23:59

um..not sure what BBC News you watched but there was definitely mention of the Basra `soldiers` firing on the civilians, as I remember it clearly, having watched it myself...I`m not sure what your point is, but I think the BBC is being unfairly judged in your comments......perhaps you would prefer the appalling `Sun` style reporting instead? for `pro-Iraq`..perhaps you mean the concern about the 55 (or more, as it will be now) people killed in another terribly accidental market bombing - by whatever side - but whoever did it does not make it less horrible. You should watch the GMTV news on THAT`S offensive...poor old Eamonn and the bint attempting to do serious news in amongst the makeovers and Hollywood gossip.

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 00:37

I wouldn`t be too concerned, there are plenty of places to turn to for right-wing triumphalism. The most glaring of which is obviously Fox News, with its delightful `no spin` zealots and flashy intros that feature an animated American bald eagle morphing into a fighter jet firing its missiles. How tasteful.


RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 01:41

`BBC Shame on you.`

For giving such an unbiased opinion of what some people would like you to an unbiased Bear for instance? Jeeeezuus, go and frequent some other website dork!!

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 09:50

I think Alan has touched on the true evil of this world...GMTV. That pathetic excuse for entertainment was forged in the fire of Hades itself!

Brrrrrr...makes my blood run cold just thinking about it!

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 12:37

Well I will stick to Sky News for fair reporting and unbiased views from both sides, and to the BBC( the voice of Iraq) the war is 10 days old and not 10 years and those troops out there are British like the first B in BBC a fact this over bloated dinosaur of broadcasting as forgotten.

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 12:40

Aslan Bear ....?

Evil,evil is my one and only name...........

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 13:14

"Jeeeezuus, go and frequent some other website dork!!"

Wow, I haven`t heard the word dork for ages.

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

martymcfly (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 13:20 looks as if you`ve hit the nail right on the head.


This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 19:20

RE: BBC Whores Of Saddam ?

BigDH (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 13:50

I too have been outraged at the BBC`s "balanced coverage". The weekly audience on Question Time p***es me off every week. That silly bitch on the panel on Thursday night (Independent journalist I think) was downright arrogant and ignorant, shaking her head when the lady from Iraq was giving her account of being repeatedly raped in an Iraqi prison. She had the nerve to accuse her of "emotional blackmail". Following on from last week and that total tosser Piers Morgan who is editor of that disgraceful rag The Mirror. Nicky Campbell and Simon Mayo may be all right introducing Kajagoogoo, but current affairs do me a favour. At this rate all we need to complete the BBC's experts on military conflict are Oooh Gary Davis, Diddy David Hamilton and Ed Stewpot Stewart

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