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Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 09:10

This morning`s news:
120,000 additional troops shipping from America
Columns attacked from the rear
Guerrilla warfare
Fanatical militia
Enemy regular army fighting out of uniform
Civilian population in fear of the extremists
Suicide attackers
American moral aready falling

Welcome to Vietnam II the sequel ( and God help us we`re in it this time )
Still so gung ho Tony ?

This item was edited on Friday, 28th March 2003, 09:32

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 09:58

Left wing bulls***.


RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:01

They keep telling us that the overwhelming majority of Iraqi Populace hates Saddam and therefore would welcome their `liberators`.

Yet watching the telly over the past few days they have shown a number of Iraqi`s who are free of the Saddam `regime` currently living outside Iraq and yet intend to return to Iraq to fight for their country.

I think the USA and British seem to be equating hatred of Saddam with lack of National pride etc. Stupid mistake to make I think.

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:13

"GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!" particular god or just the usual `better` god than what those Arabs have believe in?...what with the evangelical Christian nutters on one side and fundamentalist Muslim nutters on the other I`m not feeling too safe to be honest.

I think I shall declare a secular state of Lewisham, where there shall be no churches, mosques, synagogues, coffee bars or wasps, but absolutely anyone is welcome to come and stay :-)

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:41

Any God,

BBC the voice of Iraq!

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 12:17

Politically I`m probably a step or two right of centre and the post was a factual report on the situation.
Blair was eager to be involved because he thought it was to his advantage, I wonder if he still feels the same now when it is obvious it is not a stroll in the sunshine and the British dead are mounting up.
I have made this point before but you illustrate it perfectly when you say " God bless our troops."
Presumably if the another country invaded England not only would you expect those troops to fight to the last man, but you would probably be there with them.
Never underestimate a man`s pride and willingness to fight overwhelming odds in the name of his family and country.

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 12:43

don`t worry Welsh aren`t about to claim back what is rightfully ours...yet :-)

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 13:55

I`ts a thought though isn`t it, the rise of the Celtic Nations.
The Welsh ,Scots, Irish and the French all at the same time.

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 14:50

you sweet-talker! :-)

RE: Iraq : is history repeating itself ?

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 15:43

I`m all for devolution of the Home Counties. The rest of Britain would be absolutely goosed without the tax revenue that comes from middle-class people in the South-East of England.

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