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Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

kcab (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 20:50

Seems to me the time as come to stop pussy footing about with the Iraqi civillians, the US and British have put their own lives at risk with all this white flag ,hands up s*** only to have the Iraqi pulling out a gun or detonating a bomb and killing several soldiers.

So sorry Iraqi civillians, but I would sooner one of you died then one of our troops, to be honest I would sooner several of you died then one of our troops,sorry but thats how I feel.


This item was edited on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 20:54

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 21:23

So, you`re qualified to say that one human life is worth considerably less than another? Does this mean that you`re a deity?
Lots of love to my butch, hunky Bear,


"Is Jesus fighting against those eeeevil Iraqis, Daddy?"
"You know, in a funny sort of way, he is!"

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 21:38

"the US and British have put their own lives at risk with all this white flag ,hands up s*** only to have the Iraqi pulling out a gun or detonating a bomb and killing several soldiers."

A VERY hardline approch but unless Mr Frye could share an alternative solution to the problem Id reluctantly go for this (At the risk of getting slagged off)

The S*ithouse poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti isnt cool!

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

Asad (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 22:51

Why not just pussyfoot out of Iraq and save the lives of Iraqi civillians AND American AND British troops (off course Britain would have to agree to NOT takepart in miltary exercises or war with the Americans again to guarantee the last point).

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 23:31

Assad. Ha ha we`re bombing Iraq.

Absolute B*stard

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th March 2003, 23:47

I suppose the bombing of Iraq would seem funny to anybody who earnestly believes that there really will not be any consequences for such actions. Personally, I think that we`re sewing the seeds of a very bitter harvest.

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 01:01

I think Bear`s right!

The Iraqis should just obediantly stay in their homes and wait to be "liberated" while we bomb them and destroy their country!

After all that`s what we`d do in their situation, isn`t it?

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

kcab (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 30th March 2003, 02:57


Next time try reading the post then your reply might make sense.

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

martymcfly (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st March 2003, 17:49

How can I say this without seeming uncaring with regards to the Iraqi people, soldiers and civilians.........Kill them all and let God sort them out!

Marty. :-(

RE: Time For The Gloves To Come Off.

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st March 2003, 18:26

"How can I say this without seeming uncaring with regards to the Iraqi people, soldiers and civilians.........Kill them all and let God sort them out!"

Racism, like any other form of discrimination, arises from a natural desire to identify difference/inferiority/abnormality in others and assert one`s own relative dominance/normality. Comments about wiping out a country`s entire population of Others are the most basic form of racist attack. If every single one of them is to be regarded as some sort of inhuman enemy, one doesn`t feel any pangs of conscience whilst rejoicing at news of their demise. Would you, for instance, approve of the mass slaying of Britain`s Muslim communities? Would you approve of the invasion of any country, county or town that contains a large number of Others?

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