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Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 12:25

I`m disgusted at our government, whilst our boys are away fighting for Bush`s oil, I am already seeing a sudden influx of wasps trying to fly through my office and bedroom windows.

Where is the military when we need it? Why aren`t they dealing with the real threat to world peace, those nasty stingers which can be used again and again and again without any need to even rearm or refuel!

I thought they didn`t attempt their yearly onslaught till at least July, but clearly they saw an opening this year and decided to attack.


RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 12:58

I bet its the dirty "freedom" sending their super wasps over, to try and disrupt peoples support of the current Iraqi conflict.

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 13:52

Robert, we at the WEA headquarters thank you for the invalubel infomation. We could not operate without brave souls like yourself. Straightjacket will be well pleased.

Fear not though. The warm weather we are having at the moment was designed to bring the litle bastards out. Now all I need to do is perfect the "coldsnapatron"TM and we are laughing.

Up the WEA , Long live the SS.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 14:27

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th March 2003, 16:01

"just wondered"

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 00:41

Sorry I`m late lads!

Been at a w*sp torturing seminar in *********** all day(can`t be 2 careful!), learnt some interesting new methods!

don`t worry RJS! even as we speak a crack division of WEA commandos are en route to you

They`ve been starved of food and sleep for 6 days so they`re p*ssed off and ready to kill some w*sps! (and, quite frankly anyone who gets in their way, annoys them, or even looks at them the wrong way!)

We also have a battery of "bunker-buster" mini-nukes trained on your position, just in case the w*sps get the upper hand!

But don`t worry! I`m sure it`ll all go to plan!

Now, where`s that `Mr. Sheen`?

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 00:42

BTW! "What`s with the f*cking green?"

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 12:15

Ladies and Gentlemen of the DVD Reviewer forums, I am shocked, no stunned that so many of you have such animosity to our little striped friends.

Often our guests at our alfresco meals and happily sharing a few morsels of easily spared food, their bright colours and intricate aerial ballet bring a smile to our faces on a summer`s day.
They are truely the gardener`s friend, destroying plant eating aphids and many other pests.

In the light of this unwarranted and sustained verbal assualt on these hardworking insects we invite our comrades who do not feel this irrational hatred for our little friends to join W.A.S.P." Workers Against Species Persecution "

Stop this genocide now !!

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 12:20

Feckin` Traitor!

Greg WW here back on-line after some dust-ups with some local WASP agents. Be careful with your bunker busters Straighty, we don`t want any friendly fire incidents.

Well, I`m off to continue training my elite squad for the feast of WASPS that lie ahead in the coming months.

Up the WEA! Yeehaa!

RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Nemesis (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 12:33


Not only do we have to deal with wasps we now have to deal with colaborators. What is the recommended punishment should we find one of these agents of evil?

Up the WEA.

P.S. pass the Mr Sheen, please Straighty.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 12:34


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