Info and forum posts by 'killergoldfish'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 4th March 2002, 19:43, Last used: Monday, 4th March 2002, 19:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 41 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

I`ve always thought that the `bar scene` in Near Dark has always been a bit of a classic...excellent!

I`ve loved horror films for as long as I can remember and to be honest none have really scared me. But, I have to admit that when I first saw The Exorcist at the local working mens club, when I was but a (cocky) teenager, I almost s*** me pants! The film stayed with me for a few weeks...the fact that a girl so young could look so horrible played a big part in my fear. I recall the walk home that night being a very brisk one!

I always remember my friend`s mum telling us that we shouldn`t go to see the film as it was very unpleasant, and that it would scare us. We just laughed as we weren`t afraid of anything...Mrs. Watkinson, I stand corrected.

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 10:20

RE: Goriest moment in a film ??? last, classic films such as `Dawn Of The Dead` & `Day Of The Dead` are mentioned!

RE: FREE Product Giveaway 1000 available

Is it Parcelforce who are the couriers delivering these?

It`s just that I haven`t got my walking kit yet (devastated!) but there`s a card through my door this afternoon saying Parcelforce tried to deliver a package.Not expecting anything else...apart from dvd`s!

RE: Remember that wee digital videocmera from John Lewis?

Same here...I ,too, am glad I bought one (well...girlfriend bought it actually, so I`m glad she bought one!).

It`s a good little camera for the price, but like Rob says it is only useful in daylight...or very brightly lit rooms.

RE: The Wedding of the Century - CANCELLED!

I suspect the latter would get quite a few hammers as wedding gifts...certainly from me, anyway!

This item was edited on Friday, 24th January 2003, 06:55

RE: Frailty!

What was your take on the ending and what actually happens? Different people appear to have different interpretations of the ending.

Frailty! (Spoilers)

Just watched Frailty...can`t make my mind up about it. It didn`t jump out and grab me as I`d expected, but I think it`s one of those films that you have to watch a couple of times to fully appreciate it!

Anyone else seen it?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 23:15

Editing software for .avi files.

Does anyone know of any good free editing software to enable me to edit .avi files etc?

The Ring Virus?

Anyone know anything about this film? Seen it advertised as a new release on dvd.

Cue...anal jokes!!!

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

Have to`s an all-time classic...well worth the money. Don`t think you`ll regret it if you buy it! Definitely one of my favourite films.

Mr. Carpenter...whatever happened to you? Such a shame!

RE: Fear Dot Com

What a very, very strange thread!

Up Pompeii on DVD?

Does anyone know if the classic BBC series Up Pompeii is available on DVD, or if the BBC are planning to release it?



Thanks people. My girlfriend always laughed at me when I said that I have experienced motion sickness playing video was met with total disbelief on her part.

Still felt a bit of a puff`s a bit girlie, innit!


File extension .gho?

Does anyone know what type of file has a .gho extension...and if so, what application do I use to open it?

RE: massive sale at game. ha ha

I saw something similar in my local store, only it was a whopping 1p off Gamecube memory cards...needless to say I bought a truckload with it being such a tremendous offer!



Excellent...our lass has just papped her pants!

RE: Forget Donnie Darko- The best horror thriller ever is The Ring (Japan)

Well said Ironduke...I totally agree. I was extremely disappointed with Ring...after all the hype I was expecting a classic but I had trouble keeping awake. Perhaps some scare easier than others but I`ve been more frightened watching Goosebumps.

I`m hoping the remake does a better job. But, each to their own...different strokes, eh!

RE: Kill Bill!!!!

``Sorry,my mistake.Thought you said he was making a film about The VENGA boys.
There rise to fame and sudden vapourisation from life.It`s good to fly Venga airways and travel on the Venga bus.``

At last...some decent artists are finally mentioned!

RE: Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs (1937)(Collector`s Pack)

Disney, eh!

Always brings the worst out in people!


RE: Leather computer chair £53 inc shipping!!

I`m thinking of getting one of these myself....overall you`d reccomend it as a good buy, yeah?

RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

I have to agree about the was a big let down. I heard so much about it being `one of the scariest, creepiest` films etc, and when I finally got to see it I thought I`d watched the wrong film.

I have heard good things about the re-make but I`ll reserve judgement until I`ve seen it...gotta be better than the original though, surely!

RE: Beyond Re-Animator

I totally agree about the original being such a classic! I`ve seen worse than Bride but it did have a lot to live up I`ll forgive them for that! Looking forward to the new film...old Jeff is ace!

There`s been quite a bit of news regarding the new Re-Animator film (among others!) at the link below...

How to preview an image in a folder?

If I go into, say, My Pictures folder and I single-click on an do I get the folder to generate a preview of that image without double-clicking on it and opening it up?

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

No, fair point.

I personally don`t watch it, but I have, occasionally, found myself in situations, with friends & family, where I have had the misfortune to endure the afformentioned pap.

Believe me, the `off` button (I am quite familar with this tv function) has never been so tempting in these very harrowing situations.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:46

Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

I hate that pile of uninspired vomit - with a passion!

Am I the only that`s absolutely mesmerised by the fact that...

People watch this endless, mind-numbing dross and consider it credible.

Writers` actually get paid (yes, it`s true!) to conceive such tripe, tripe that I`d generally associate with someone who is totally void of any imagination whatsoever.

Sorry, just venting...but it does beggar belief!

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:25

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

That`s gone and put a dampen·er on things!

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:44

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

Yeah, I`m for that...wasps & cats, let`s rid the planet of them both...once & for all.

We could force feed live wasps to the cats which will sting the cats internally, causing the cats to die...leaving convenient tombs for the wasps to rot in!!!

RE: BEST Game On GameCube ??

Personally, I`m waiting for Eternal Darkness and, of course, Resident Evil (but not the film...please not the film!). From what I have seen and read these have all the makings of many a wasted hour sat in front of the TV!

RE: Eight Legged Freaks Hooray !!!

You didn`t happen to put one of those things in my kitchen the other night did you...near the fridge!

I nearly shat me pants when I turned the light on and was confronted by something that was, quite frankly, the size of a small family was HUGE.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:05