Page 1 of FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

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FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 18:25

As we`ve been getting a bit deep as of late on this part of the forum I thoght I would throw this one open.
So what do you think. Good, Bad, Cruel, Get Rid, Keep, Who cares.

Personally i`m for keeping it for a few reasons.
Best mark.

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 18:37

I hate their usual excuse...

"By hunting foxes, we control a pest and eliminate vermin"

If they wanted to eliminate vermin, they could get on their horses
and hunt rats. That would be fun to see. A bunch of grown men, sat atop
their horses and blowing their bugles, chasing after rats down the London Underground.

Besides, foxes are getting to be more and more of an urban problem anyway. I don`t see anyone hunting foxes down my local railway station (I live in London) or my back garden.

Without getting into a debate about animal cruelty, I suppose I am against it. If merely on the grounds that it`s an elitist pastime. The odds are stacked against the fox and there are better methods of pest control without having to look like an idiot while you are doing it.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 18:38

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

Smiler (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 18:42

There must be better ways to control them. It`s done in such a pain and tortorous way. Surely if they walked around with MP5, spraying a couple of bursts at them it would be better. Quick, instant death. Sounds good to me.

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 18:57

It`s never been about controlling vermin, that`s a pretty lame excuse if you ask me. Like Canth says, do you see them chasing rats... pidgeons are considered vermin too but I don`t expect to see the legions of toffs massing their holier-than-thou armies to do anything about that problem.

If they want something constructive to do on a Saturday afternoon, they can put their time to better use by getting rid of the ever-increasing number of cats that **** up my garden on a daily basis!!!

Now, that`s one kind of hunting I would most certainly be...FOR!!!

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:00

My parents have a small number of chickens and ducks and they have had a fox around the area for a while. However the fox also kills the rabbits and rats who can spread disease. So they do have a use. Only poblem is when there are too many in an area and they start to look for food in other places, such as the ducks and chickens. I`m not opposed to controlloing them if neccesary and they do have a couple of pro`s who shoot rabbits and foxes in the area, but they do it as humanely as possible. I really think that the hunting for sport is pretty revolting and should be banned. Wonder if any of the hunt riders would like to be chased by a pack of blood thirsty dobermans just for sport.

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:13

foxes????.....what about wasps??!!! let`s hunt them instead....they`re having FAR too easy a time.

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:16

Alan you need help with your Wasp fixation dissorder!!!!

Fox`s Man Fox`s!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:17

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:21

Yeah, I`m for that...wasps & cats, let`s rid the planet of them both...once & for all.

We could force feed live wasps to the cats which will sting the cats internally, causing the cats to die...leaving convenient tombs for the wasps to rot in!!!

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

Lee Thews (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:23

Killergoldfish said it right, it`s just an excuse for a bunch of ignorant, upper class idiots to have a get together! "Vermin Control?" Give me a break!

RE: FOX Hunting, Yey or Nay. For or Against.!!!!!

MildMan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 19:23


I don`t necessarily have an opinion on Fox Hunting, but I get irritated when Minority Protest Groups gain credibility and respect for subjects that, in general, have no value or interest to most of the British public. Some of these groups are prepared to hurt people !!
It takes up valuable time in parliament, when surely there are far more important issues to debate (Health, education).

Will Fishing be next on their list to ban ? Surely that`s just as `cruel`
Then will Meat Eaters will be their target ?

I don`t mean to offend anyone, but I don`t understand why it is considered an important subject.


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