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DVDs & Films Forum

The Ring Virus?

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 17:35

Anyone know anything about this film? Seen it advertised as a new release on dvd.

Cue...anal jokes!!!

RE: The Ring Virus?

cynic (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 17:51

Korean remake(or variation from the same source books) of japanese film Ring unless theres another film called Ring Virus

RE: The Ring Virus?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 19:51

Ring Virus, better known as "Ring"

RE: The Ring Virus?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 20:18

I saw this film in Australia in November (saw Transporter out there too a day later, whassup with release dates these days?)

I`d only seen fast-cut trailers and read a few bits in aussie local rags. I`m quite au fait with horror films, I have a habit of looking at the SFX rather than what`s happening. I suppose I do this to break the suspension of disbelief down just enough, so that the film doesn`t affect me as much. That tactic does not work with this film!

There were some points of this film where I couldn`t bring myself to look at the screen. This film has an uncanny ability to just build up the sheer horror, while there`s virtually nothing going on on screen.

A lot of `horror` films rely on blood splattering across the screen for it`s effectiveness (TCM and Wes Craven in particular) The only blood in this film appears in the form of nosebleeds and an incident on a ferry.

I wholeheartedly recommend this film for the sheer sensation of unease it builds. Along with irreversible, this could be the start of a new type of horror film, one that has you thinking about it a week later

RE: The Ring Virus?

cynic (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st January 2003, 15:51

Ring Virus not better known as Ring, as I`ve already mentioned Ring Virus is a korean film and the better known Ring
which is also know as Ringu, the japanese original based on the same books
Some of these comments may refer to Ringu and some to Ring virus.
General opinion seems to suggest that the japanese film is superior to the korean and the first of the Ring films is the best with Ring 0 second.
From the comments on various dvd forums don`t touch the tartan release of Ring as its ropey, wait for the R1 release which is out soon to coincide with the release of the DVD of the US remake.
for a ring virus review and
for a ring review

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st January 2003, 15:57

RE: The Ring Virus?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st January 2003, 16:38

`this could be the start of a new type of horror film, one that has you thinking about it a week later`

I hope you mean the Japanese version.

I have watched all kinds of horror, and none of them have ever scared me, they were good don`t get me wrong but never scared me.

However, after watching the Ring, it some how spooked me, I think its because of television video technology theme.

Because I record alot of stuff on satalite, and of course watch loads of videos and dvds, so it really hit home, I don`t know what it is but that film some how really has spooked me in a big way.

Did anyone else feel the same way or has there been a film thats spooked you?


RE: The Ring Virus?

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 00:44

My Little Eye spooked me a bit, and I loved the soundtrack, but couldn`t find it anywhere. Managed to download "F*** the Pain Away" by Peaches off Limewire, but that was it.

RE: The Ring Virus?

Arf (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 00:58

I`d recommend The Eye to Ringu fans, and of course Dark Water, by Hideo Nakata, director of the original Ringu. Both do for lifts what Sadako does for televisions.

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