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Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:23

I hate that pile of uninspired vomit - with a passion!

Am I the only that`s absolutely mesmerised by the fact that...

People watch this endless, mind-numbing dross and consider it credible.

Writers` actually get paid (yes, it`s true!) to conceive such tripe, tripe that I`d generally associate with someone who is totally void of any imagination whatsoever.

Sorry, just venting...but it does beggar belief!

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:25

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:27

To have such an opinion I presume you watch it???

If you do, then you might be familiar with the button on the remote control that changes the channel.

If you don`t, then how can you opine so strongly on something you don`t watch??

Sorry, just making an observation ;-)

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:45

No, fair point.

I personally don`t watch it, but I have, occasionally, found myself in situations, with friends & family, where I have had the misfortune to endure the afformentioned pap.

Believe me, the `off` button (I am quite familar with this tv function) has never been so tempting in these very harrowing situations.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 21:46

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 22:25

Even more tempting is the hammer in the cupboard, thankfully common sense usually kicks in at this point to remind me that it`s actually my TV.

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

retroman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 23:27

I have to agree how pooey it is. I`ve seen better acting at a primary school play. My missus and eldest daughter p*ss me off the way they get involved with the inane storylines. Still it gives me an excuse to surf the net and check out DVD Reviewer!!

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

Andy c (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th August 2002, 01:47

The frightening thing is its one of the BBCs biggest exports so no wonder johnny foreighner thinks we are a load of manic depressive,alcoholic,thieving lowlife with everyproblem known to man.
There again maybee we are?

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th August 2002, 08:41

I think it`s unfair to pick solely on Eastenders, which does have the one redeeming feature of.... hang on a minute, what am I saying? It has NO redeeming features! However, it is not alone. Every soap-opera it has been my displeasure to watch has been a "big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!". Although at least the Aussie ones have some fit women in them.


RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th August 2002, 09:46

It is the best of all the soaps (which isn`t saying a great deal).

I personally don`t watch any soaps but I have watched the odd episode of Eastenders.

It has by far the best production values. Coronation St. is cheap `n` nasty, Emmerdale is well ....just pants and Brookside is full of thieving Scousers.

Just my opinion....

This item was edited on Friday, 9th August 2002, 09:47

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

Smiler (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th August 2002, 09:56

Hollyoaks is the best soap going. Has a mixture of fun and serious story lines, and has the biggest ratio of fit women: no of cast.

Some of the girls are stunning, it makes it worth watching just for that.

RE: Eastenders...what a big, fat bag of absolute knacker cheese!

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th August 2002, 10:29

I`ve been watching EE for many years but think it has gone downhill the last 6 months - the Slater stories are getting stupid. How much bad luck can one family have?

And as for Janine Butcher eating the dog food - I think we may see her on TV ads soon "Is your dog as fit as a butchers dog?".

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