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SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 23:08

Scream possibly, the first time! Or quite possibly and quite contraversially The Blair witch project forest chasse scene and closing shot ( even tho general consensus was that this film sucked-i liked it)

So rack your brains and think which scene from a scary movie gave you sleepless nights!

Oh yeah, right up there has to be salems lot - mentally scarred me as a child! The vampire scratching at the bedroom window scene - EEEKKKK

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 00:00

I know it got panned, but Blair Witch Project (and in particular any woodland-y type noises) had me scared for about a week, as I have a wood right next to my house. Before I watched it I wouldn`t think twice about walking through it in pitch dark. Now, I don`t :-)

I`m moving this over to General Forum, as it doesn`t need to be related just to DVDs :-)

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

allmyusernamesweretaken (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 00:48

Salem`s Lot - the vampire scratching at the window does it for me aswell.

Also the hand coming out of the grave at the end of Carrie - purely because it was so unexpected.

Oh and finally that blasted clown doll in Poltergeist - confirmed what I always knew -Clowns Are Evil!

Have a good nights sleep.........

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 01:23

Yep have to agree the Salems Lot clip is the one that sticks in my memory from my younger days. Running it a close second is the end from Friday the 13th. My mate refused to watch any horror films for about 5 years after watching that (and he had to pay to get his mams` setee cleaned)..


RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 08:23

It might seem small fry now, but one that spring to my mind, is when the `Face` appears in the hole in the boat whilst the diver is investigating.... :-O

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 10:00

I`ve always thought that the `bar scene` in Near Dark has always been a bit of a classic...excellent!

I`ve loved horror films for as long as I can remember and to be honest none have really scared me. But, I have to admit that when I first saw The Exorcist at the local working mens club, when I was but a (cocky) teenager, I almost s*** me pants! The film stayed with me for a few weeks...the fact that a girl so young could look so horrible played a big part in my fear. I recall the walk home that night being a very brisk one!

I always remember my friend`s mum telling us that we shouldn`t go to see the film as it was very unpleasant, and that it would scare us. We just laughed as we weren`t afraid of anything...Mrs. Watkinson, I stand corrected.

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 10:20

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

Strangerer (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 10:15

Ring (Japanese version):
Where Sadako crawls from the well to the camera then crawls out from the T.V. Then the eye really sent goose bumps all over me.

Ring 2 :
The reporter trying to wipe his video taped interview with the girl only to reveal Sadako .

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 12:21

I remember being terrified by Cujo the rabid St Bernard another Steven king classic, with Dee Wallace( Elliots mum in ET). Im glad its just not me with Salems lot, even tho it was TV movie still scary stuff! I also remember as a kid watching the Amityville Horror, sorta tame by todays standards but the GET OUT voice the priest hears in the room with the flys still scares me now! ( Cruelly parodied by the ONLY funny scene in Scary Movie 2)

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 12:43

Probably repeating myself here, but the fast cut wardrobe scene in The Ring (remake)

Or the fly 2, after he spits on that guys face, we cut back to him and he`s still alive, minus his facial features, that`s icky

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 13:14

I know the ending sucked, but the rest of Signs had me sunk in my chair. I got chills up my spine when I saw that leg going through the corn, or when the TV footage showed the alien walking past (like bigfoot). I think its because the film was very small scale and personal, and I was totally sucked into the atmosphere and feel of the film.

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