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The Thing - worth getting?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 13:40

It`s on for £6.99; having never seen it, is it worth getting?

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 14:12

Haven`t seen it for years, scared me s**tless for quite a while. I`d consider ordering it if my packages from Play didn`t keep disappearing.

This item was edited on Monday, 20th January 2003, 14:20

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 14:16

It`s got a good retrospective documentary, some good making of stuff and a top Carpenter, Russel commentary.

Only thing is, is that it is not anamorphic, but the vid and sound quality are still good.


RE: The Thing - worth getting?

Steve B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 14:16

In my opinion, yes. The effects are begining to look a little dated but still a good watch.

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 14:44

The Thing by John Carpenter has got to be the all time classic, well worth getting the extras are cool too, and also the commentary. Its often immitated (no pun there) in many of the movies and tv shows such as X files, Faculty etc.

But this is by far the best remake ever made.


RE: The Thing - worth getting?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 15:49

It still scare the cr*p out of me now. Not to mention that dog at the start. Once you`ve seen it again... woo hoo... great filming.

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 16:01

Considering how old this film is, it`s still good. The effects are ageing slightly.... My favourite bit is when they`re doing the test!

Definately worth getting for 7 quid.

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 16:54

Forgot to mention that it is an absolutely class film.


RE: The Thing - worth getting?

Rich_H (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 17:05

Yes, the blood test scene is magnificently tense, in fact you would have to use a freshly sharpened knife to cut the atmosphere.

The DVD is one of the best out there, the retrospective is great. I`m not that crazy about extras because there is not normally much interesting stuff but this is an exception to the rule.

Only downer is that it is not an anamorphic transfer, which was mentioned in the earlier post, if you set your tv up right it will fill most of the screen though.

The effects by Rob Bottin are awesome, Carpenter should work with him again. They don`t look dated either, except maybe when Palmer`s face goes rotten in the blood test scene.

It`s my favourite film to be honest.

RE: The Thing - worth getting?

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 17:28

Have to`s an all-time classic...well worth the money. Don`t think you`ll regret it if you buy it! Definitely one of my favourite films.

Mr. Carpenter...whatever happened to you? Such a shame!

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