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DVDs & Films Forum

Fear Dot Com

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 16:56

Noticed this was at number 4 on the R1 top selling list on I just had to mention that this is possibly one of the most evil and disturbing films I have seen for a very very long time. The killer is sickeningly vile, and I did NOT like this at all, principally because of the whole human torture (to death) theme of it. I usually like horrors/psychological thrillers, but this film has a very evil heart.

Watch "The Ring" (US version), as that is MUCH better than this horrible piece of film-making. Although must just say the cinematography is pretty good on it!

RE: Fear Dot Com

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 17:03

Fear Dot Com has to be one of the worst films of last year. Pish, utterly pish.

EDIT: If you want to see a film that WILL shock you, go see Irreversible. Maybe you have seen it, but if not PLEASE don`t walk out. If you endure the BRUTAL first part of the film, you will be rewarded by a film with a lot of heart.

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 17:10

RE: Fear Dot Com

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 19:09

...and is there a lot of blood with this heart?

RE: Fear Dot Com

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 19:48

"...and is there a lot of blood with this heart?"

I don`t mean to kick in the mature attitude here, but thats not funny. I saw this at the EIFF and a number of critics walked out in disgust.

If you want a sample, we see someone get their head smashed to pulp with a fire extinguisher and a woman raped. The rape sequence lasts a long time, or at least it felt so and is probably the most shocking images I have seen in a film that wasn`t a documentary. It all feels very real. But if the critics hadn`t walked out they would have felt better about the film because like Memento it runs backwards. So we see the horrible crimes and then the reasons. I won`t watch it again, but I think its something people should see, although you might need a strong stomach.

RE: Fear Dot Com

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 19:48

What a very, very strange thread!

RE: Fear Dot Com

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 21:44

Indeed, my dear Watson.

RE: Fear Dot Com

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 23:55

chewie, point taken. Though at the time of my post there was nothing to indicate what the film you mentioned was about and I didn`t go hunting for it. :-) I`ll keep an eye out for Irreversible and I`ll watch it till the end.

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th January 2003, 23:56

RE: Fear Dot Com

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 03:31

Indeed, this film was mentioned on AICN by a reviewer who DID walk out. In that case, it wasn`t a review. I found the Ring disturbing, mainly due to the fact there was more disturbing stuff to come. (the horse, i think was worse than most scenes)

I`ve read reviews of this film, and indeed, it doesn`t seem that appealing to me. But one thing I always seem to do in horrors, and films that use SFX to entertaining ends, is to look at scenes that couldn`t be done without SFX, from the POV of someone who`s looking at a special effect. The scene with the fire extinguisher, I will not be able to look at without thinking `That is NOT someone`s head` The same was with Lock Stock. That was NOT a head Vinnie was slamming with his car door.

As well as SFX can be, it`s always naught without the story to back it up. Look at the Pixar films. They are, essentially, one long special effect, but it`s the story it tells that makes it so endearing and successful.

RE: Fear Dot Com

Rich_H (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th January 2003, 10:55

The movie [FearDotCom] is p*** poor . Check out rotten tomatoes website where it only gets 2 positive reviews out of about 60 million. The movie was released eons ago in the states, maybe they had distributer problems over here seeing as it got such negatively publicity and had quite a poor box office.

I wouldn`t recommend buying it, maybe watch it in the cinema if you are desperate to see it, or watch Irreversible instead.

This item was edited on Monday, 20th January 2003, 10:57

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