Info and forum posts by 'GaryThomas'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 27th June 2000, 23:28, Last used: Wednesday, 11th December 2024, 16:58

Access Level: Competent

About this user: own proline1000

This user has posted a total of 108 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Whats the last DVD everyone bought?

Bought Pearlhrbour Last week from Malaysia. Good quality picture and ecellent sound. On dvd too not vcd.

RE: Is the DVD Phenomenon Over ?

dont you mean betamax and vhs not vcr ?

RE: Dogma special editon

this film is pants. It has to be the worst film ever made surely. It shud be ca;;ed dogsh1t not dogma

RE: The Wicker Man

shame they could not dothe same for the movie DOGMa as it truely is s*** !!

RE: Cyberhome ADM512 BIOS

i have loaded firware 9.8 andhave now changed my player to mullti region but i cannot find where to change macrovision on the set up please help.t

RE: Cyberhome 512

i have installed the 9.8 firmware on the above player but cannot find outhow to change th macrovision to off. I know it resets after turning the player off each time but how do I reset it ?

RE: Cyberhome 512

I bought the player last week and had a few problems with mp3 dropping out etc but after the firmware upgrade to 9.8 it is working fine now great player great sound and great picture . I contacted cyber home and they were relly helpful and helped me by sending me the firmware i needed.

Swap the player for another one they are really good.


Cyberhome ADm512 and richersound

I am looking for a firmware upgrade hack that wil improve the problem that I am experiencing for my player in the fact that it keeps pausing and suffering from sound drop out on mp3 disks. Also I have seen Richer sounds selling firmware disks for the playr for £19.95 how can they be doing this when you can download it for free from

perhaps they are going to sell us cans of fresh air next


Cyberhome ADM212 hack problem

I have just tried the hack for this player to make it multiregion. however after pressing 7 then 6 followed by sel I do get the message screen pop up as expected but I do not know where to change the country code as it does not gve me the option. Am I doing somthing wrong or do I NEED some other form of firmware. If so where do I get it from and how do I use it. Also how do I remove macro on the player. Gary

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 23:21

region hack needed for Sony dav s300

same old chesnut i am affraid but is there a region hack for the above player?

RE: Cyberhome ADM512 BIOS

I have read your posting with interest as I am thinking of buying the player as a second player to my proline 1000. Is it as good as the reviews and is it compatible with a prologic tv ie give pologic sound. What are the mp3 capabilties like ie does it have any problems with long titles etc. Also on this site it says tha the player can be hacked using the remote so why does it require a firm ware disk?


RE: newbie looking for sub£200 player

I would not wish a scan player on my worst enemy. Avoid it like the plauge. If you ignore this advice you will be sorry. Scan sent me two players which were all faulty and the quality was crap. There are far superior players around and for less money too.

Are yelo and Scan still crap or have they improved at all now

I have in the past owned three scans (all returned) and two yelos . The picture was crap on all of them and could not cope with mp3 disks with long titles etc. I have today bought a copy of dvd buyer and they are still giving both these players top marks. Have they improved or are they still crap and are just fobbing us off. I am looking to buy a budget player ( as menioned else where I have a very small indeed budget) which plays mp3 disks and cdrs as I have a lot of mp3s on disk and vcds which I am fed up of watching on my pc. I have at the moment got a proline 1000 which is a very good player for the price( i had one of these players before i bought my scan and yelo ) so i went and bought another one. The only problem with this player is that it cannot play mp3 disks or copied vcds or cdrs. I have seen the Cyber Home ad-m 512 in WHsniths for £130 and it says that it can do all of these requirements. It also got a really good review in dvd buyer. Can anyone tell me if this player is any good or what abouth the Grundig gdv 124 which for £159 in argos yet review not so good.

Ps it says that the Cyber home is virtual surround what is this and will I be able to connect it to my prologic tv and still get true prologic surround sound. Please help.

Not everyone can afford dd 5.1 so prologic it will have to be!!

I have been reading the reviws on this site from some people who say that they are dvd addics and that prologic is now considered pants in comparison with 5.1etc. well some of us cannot afford to upgrade to digital amps etc. I have spent enogh on my Grundig 28" w screen tv Prologic incorporated and have only a limited budget. Prologic may be pants to some people but it sounds good enough for me. Sure enough I would like to have digital if i could afford it as when I heard it on a bosse system at my local store it nearly blew me away. I have a limited budget as I have mentioned above and I also suffer from many a poor husbands plight of a wife who would go mad at even more speakers on the wall. I already have 5 on the wall from my tv so she would kill me if i had another 5 on the wall too. Perhaps one day I might be able to afford the luxury of digital but untill then prologic will have to do. So please do not knock it for us less well off mortals.

Gary l

One for all

Does anyone have the code for the one for all remote which can be used for the Proline 1000


I have heard that Lidls are selling a dvd player for under £100 this week any one else heard about it and what type of player it is?

Gladiator disk 2 returns

I have a Proline 1000 which is one of the players unable to play the second disk of Gladiator. I sent the disk back as the helpline suggested but that was over two weeks ago now! Has anyone else had to wait this long ? for their replavement disk to arrive.

Ps on this site a few months back somone posted a message stating that their proline 1000 played the Patriot with the RCE on it. In DVD review magasine they say it cant so who is telling the truth here guys???


RE: Proline 1000

woolies sell proline too !!

RE: Any recommended budget players to play VCD`s?

Try the Napa from I bought one last month and its brill.
Its portable too and can play mp3s on cdrs at over 650mb thats nearly 11 hours of music. It can also play vcds on cdrs. I use it along side my proline 1000 which cannot play cdrs.


Proline 1000

does anyone know the webb address for Proline or a contact number or email ta?

Gladiator region two disk two on the proline 1000/ Proline 1000 macrovision disabled

Got Gladiator 2 for xmas and the disk two hangs after the universal logo appears and the whole player freezes, I am using the proline 1000 from Woolies and have multi region hacked it. How can I get over the problem or do i have to swap the disk or will this still occur. Do any other proline owners have this problem?. On another note i have bought a video bugblaster gadget off a mate and have connected my proline video out to this devise and then to my vcr and hey presto macrovision is now dissabled yippee!!

RE: Yelo 800, Is it any good, or what about the Scan machine

no its usesless. I had one and sent it straight back after two days. firstly it kept locking up and the only way to get the dvd out was to unplug from the mains and reboot. The yelo also had worse pixelation than that of the scan and that was bad. The yelo also had the infuriating habit of having the subtitles on as a default. The player also got so hot you could fry an egg on it. I have since heard it has been removed from sale as the company could not cope with the number of returns at their quality control. This was confirmed in dvd review mag.
As for the scan well do you really need to ask. Just check out the past listings on this site. It was the worst pisece of s*** that I ever owned it was truly auful. The picture was really washed out and had terrible pixelation in dark areas, I had to send both back to the company and they took six weeks to refund my money. Be warned be afraid do not buy either of these players!!!!!!


RE: Scan DVD Player Any Good ??

yes they play cdrs and macrovision can be disabled but dont bother as they are s***. I had two in two months and they wre the biggest pieces of s*** you could imagine and as for custonmer services forget it,

RE: Proline 1000 DVD/Grundig 28inch Wide screen surround sound conundrum Help!

thanks for the above. the proline has a digital processor built in and has a coaxial thingey that you mention but my tv does not. I have connected the player using the down mix stero (prologic) Still does anyone know wether a dvd stating it has 5.1 will play in prologic or will I have to look for titles showing both 5.1 and surround.

Proline 1000 DVD/Grundig 28inch Wide screen surround sound conundrum Help!

I have gone back to a Proline 1000 after first having a Scan 2000 (Twice!) and a crappy yelo. I have now bought another proline and its superb why I ever got rid of my first proline Ill never Know. My question is this. I have a Prologic 28"wide screen tv Grundig which I have connected up to a set of 100watt speakers. I have then connected the tv to my Proline dvd player using the audio out from the dvd player to Scart on my tv. I have sound coming through my rear speakers which I know in prologic is only in mono. If a disk says it is in 5.1 will the sound still play in surround sound althouh not in digital?. I have been watching the Wall by pink flloyd and this has a niffty little speaker set up on it. When using this i get no sound from my rears when it says rear speakers in the sound test the sound comes from the front speakers only. Yet when watching the film the speakeers are working? I was also watching The world is not enough which the box states that it is in 5.1 I noticed that the sound appears to be mainly from the rears during the music and does not seem to have all the bangs etc from behind that I was expecting. Some of my dvds have both 5.1 and surround sound on the box and these seem to work better. I did have an aiwa prologic amp and this did seem to be much louder from both front and rear speakers. i had to get rid of it though when I got my tv as my missus treatend to kill me if there were any more speakers on the walls, plus the tv is prologic anyway. Am I expecting too much with regards to the sound ? When watching tv only the speakers work a treat with all the bangs wizzys and bongs imaginable from all around so what am i doing with my dvd player. Is the world is not enough not prologic or am I using a wrong title to test the performance of the player? I have set the controls on my proline to pcm should I change this setting to the other audio setting this is the one similar to the following shape )(

Sorry for harping on but I do want to get the best from my system and I have no money left now to do anything else!!! Try and help plessssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee.

RE: Scan SC-2000 ir

there is not one to have yet. I phoned one for all and they said that untill someone sends them their remote (to the usa) then they will not be able to work out the code. They said that if you were tom send them one in it would take about 3 months!!! I chose the option to get rid of my scan anyway as it was crap !!!

Prologic and grundig tv

I have a gRUNDIG 28 INCH PROLLOGIC TV WITH SURROUND SOUND. I know it is not 5.1 but will the dvds stating they are in 5.1 play in surround sound through my tv. I have a proline 1000. Some of my disks have 5.1 and surround sound on the specs but others juust have 5.1. For eg yesterday I was watching the world is not enough (which states its 5.1 only) the rear surrounds were working but only seemed to work with the music etc I did not get usual bombs and guns from behind like I expected. Am I expecting too much for my set up?. I also have Pink floyds the Wall. This dvd has a speaker set up section on the menu. On using this when the voice states rear sound I get the voice coming from my front speakers. I had an Aiwa prologic amp before but got rid of it cos my new telly is a prologic and my missus did not want another 5 speakers on the walls. The afformentioned title seemed to play ok in this set up so why does the sound seem different or is The world is not enough a poor choice to test surround sound prologic. Please help.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st November 2000, 22:14

RE: Cannot change setup on my proline 1000 please help

took your advice and all is well . The player works fine now. Still cant get it to play vcds though any advice on that?

Cannot change setup on my proline 1000 please help

I have a wide screen tv so when I bought my proline 1000 player and set it up naturaly I wanted to set up the dvd player to 16.9w. I checked the manual and pressed set up clicked from 4.3ps to 16.9w like it said and clicked enter to save settings. However the player always defaults to the 4.3ps and will not let me channge the settings why? What do I have to do to change this what am I doing wrong. Also I still cannot get a picture using the svhs cable? Any ideas please help or is it back to woolies?

RE: Proline 2000 prologic poser?

Doh I realised this morning what I had done. I had only connected the plsyer via the scart lead. now when I have connected the audio left and right to the tv via a phono to scart lead the sound is all around. Oh fool me twas I a silly billy or what. Thanks for the advice.