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Cannot change setup on my proline 1000 please help

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 19:51

I have a wide screen tv so when I bought my proline 1000 player and set it up naturaly I wanted to set up the dvd player to 16.9w. I checked the manual and pressed set up clicked from 4.3ps to 16.9w like it said and clicked enter to save settings. However the player always defaults to the 4.3ps and will not let me channge the settings why? What do I have to do to change this what am I doing wrong. Also I still cannot get a picture using the svhs cable? Any ideas please help or is it back to woolies?

RE: Cannot change setup on my proline 1000 please help

Grahame (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 15:05

The player must be in "stop" not pause or running mode to make the change stick. Dunno about the sVHS, mine works RGB and sVHS through the scart but my tv has no separate sVHS input.


RE: Cannot change setup on my proline 1000 please help

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 16:28

took your advice and all is well . The player works fine now. Still cant get it to play vcds though any advice on that?

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