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Proline 2000 prologic poser?

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 00:45

My first dvd player a few months back was a proline dvd player. My tv at the time was a bog standard nicam stero. I therefore ran my proline through a prologic amp which I had. The sound was terrrific and enveloped my room although not in true digital. I next purchased a scan oops and then bought a Grundig 28inch prologic tv. This has prologic surround built in so I got rid of my amplifier as I did not want to have about 5 more speakers on the walls. The sound on my scan and subsquent yelo was terrific (shame about the picture). I get discount at woolies so I thought that I would again buy a proline 2000 dvd. This time however when I connect up the player to my tv via the scart I only get stereo and not surround althogh the centre speaker is working ok but nothing from the surrounds. It works when I set my tv to pseudo surround but this is not true surround and sounds false. I have also tried connecting up my player using the svhs lead and audio leads but I cannot get a picture let alone sound. Why can I not get prologic sound ? Unfortunately I have not got a manual yet so I cannot refer to it. Do I have to set the player to any particular setting to get prologic? My player worked (previous one) via a prologic amp so why not a prologic tv. Please help me before I have to take back 5th player in as many months. If the senario is that I cannot get prologic from my proline will the Wharfdale 750s give surround sound through my prologic tv and will the picture be any good. Sorry for all these questions but surround sound is my reason i like dvd so much. PLease please help.

Ps should the svhs cable work on the proline? or have i bought a faulty player where the surround is not working or the svhs? I have tried setting to svhs on the player but it keeps dfaulting to rgb!

RE: Proline 2000 prologic poser?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 13:16

ProLogic sound is encoded in an analogue stereo audio signal, so it should be irrelevant what your DVD player is set to, as long as its feeding stereo outputs to your prologic amp (or TV).

Even if your watching a 5.1 film, the player downconverts it to prologic for the stereo output. There is no room (as far as I am aware) for faults like the one your describing to show up. Maybe the fault lies with your TV settings?

RE: Proline 2000 prologic poser?

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th October 2000, 19:44

Doh I realised this morning what I had done. I had only connected the plsyer via the scart lead. now when I have connected the audio left and right to the tv via a phono to scart lead the sound is all around. Oh fool me twas I a silly billy or what. Thanks for the advice.

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