Info and forum posts by 'nolimit'

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I know the shop your talking about, a friend of mine buys second hand dvd`s out of there all the time. I`ll tell him to ask about the fake autographs and give the guy a hard time next time he goes in there.
And yeah that blockbuster is a joke, my mate bought a few dvd`s (s/h) from there and it looked liked they`d been used as coasters they were so scratched. And talk about rip-off, he paid 12.99 for a s/h movie which you can get brand new in music box for a tenner.



This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th January 2002, 00:18

RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

It just so happens a friend of mine got this movie for xmas so i borrowed it from him. It does go all pixelly at chapter 13 then skips it (on my pioneer), i tried it on my other mates sony and it does exactly the same thing. Although it plays fine on the owners panasonic. But at the same time i also recall watching someone elses r2 dvd of this film on my said mates sony player when it first came out with no problems whatsoever.

RE: Jeepers Creepers

Raymonds right, starts off slow, starts to look promising then turns into a complete farce with a ridicously predictable ending . Prepare yourself for disappointment.

RE: KUNG-FU films

most movies with nunchuka scenes were origanally cut and its doubtful that they will ever be re-released with the cut scenes re-instated unlike the bruce lee movies.

RE: Hollywood films with Hindi dubbing

Never heard of any movies being dubbed into hindi and even if they was i dont think they`d be easily available here. Maybe you could look at sourcing something like this from a hindu speaking country. Don`t know why you would go to so much trouble though when you obviously understand english anyway.

RE: Would you pay ARNIE $30million for T3????

I agree, think T3 would be a massive box office draw. It wouldnt be the same movie without arnie though so i guess they have to pay a decent amount.

RE: Philips 712 discontinued?!?

don`t know if its been discontinued but i had the 711 which i think is virtually the same and wouldnt really recommend italthough a lot of ppl on here probably would. I had nothing but problems with the one i had. It wasn`t cos it was faulty but just wasn`t a very good performer.

RE: Why does DVD go quieter than TV?

Most dvd players are like this as already said. Some are a lot worse than others. I don`t claim to know why but this is my experience .
I used to own a philips player with which i had to turn my tv right up to hear. Then when i got my pioneer it played a lot louder, almost as loud as normal tv. The function that both of these players had was something called trusurround but the difference on the pioneer player is that i could turn this off which made the sound a lot louder. On the philips it is not possible to turn this off so the sound was always low. That is what i put it down to. It even mentions in the manual that the sound will need to be turned up when this function is switched on.

RE: <<My wicked idea - what do you think???!!!>>

Well i don`t have any digital tv at the moment, not sky,itv or cable so i pay for several bbc channels which i don`t even have access to and as for their radio channels, the content just doesn`t appeal to me.
Why do we not have the option of whether we want these channels or not ? I realise that its not possible with normal terestrial but within the next 5 years everything will be digital, Will we see bbc`s monopoly lifted ?
i doubt it.... As for the sky pay for channels you want idea , it makes sense but may not suit everyone. What itv digital tried to do is a similiar concept yes but its still way too expensive for what you get. If ITV got there act together and got more channels i think they would have a very good product which could rival sky especially with the advantage of being through an aerial.

RE: Toshiba SD210, Pioneer DV-444 or Sony DVP-NS400. Tough Choice!

When i say reviews i mean from magazines, online and ppl i know who own or have owned this player hence fairly good meaning they had nothing bad to say about it but then again they weren`t saying its the best thing since sliced bread.

RE: Problem playing VCD on Philips DVD711

I had a philips player and experienced the same problems when playing dvds, although i didnt notice a problem with fast forward on the ones that did play. I found that some vcds wouldnt play at all or some froze and pixellated. Most were copies, although some originals were very temperamental. I even experienced a few dvd`s which froze and pixellated, had poor layer changes etc.
I really had problems with this player although others say they have no problems at all which is odd because i had 2 of them brand new and both suffered with the same problems.

RE: Toshiba SD210, Pioneer DV-444 or Sony DVP-NS400. Tough Choice!

I own the pioneer which i would recommend. Before i bought this player i was looking at the tosh or possibly the sony 300/400. The tosh always got good or fairly good reviews, the sony i dont know much about but looks to be a fairly good player (and has the bonus of a built in decoder i think). What swayed me towards the pioneer though was that it wasn`t only a good player with good reviews but also looked so good. I have only seen a couple of threads about pausing one mentioned b4 regarding gladiator and one mentioning a faulty planet of apes disk. But like the other guy said get a demo if you are concerned.

RE: blocky pixels

i have heard of what lincoln has mentioned and what i was told is that the dvd players memory gets full up too quickly and it causes the pixelation. I had the same problem with my old dvd player , it would do it on certain films. I put it down to poor design. Don`t know if it would`ve been less noticable had i tried it on a different tv.

RE: Dungeons And Dragons DTS

Yes, your right, it is crap.

RE: Anyone know where....

why not buy the region 1 or region 4 version from US/OZ. It`s bound to cost less than £28????

RE: Nokia 8210

Its not just phones on pay as you go that are locked some on a tariff are also locked.
I very much doubt phones cost less than they are to make otherwise you wouldnt be able to get a free phone (on contract) with loads of accessories + other extras (if you look around) on a lo-tarriff such as £10-£15 p/month with inclusive minutes.

RE: blocky pixels

just a guess but have you tested the scart cable you are using.

RE: Pioneer 444k - Frame Freeze at Layer Change?

ok i tested it out. Same thing happened. The pause was very very slight, half a second or less and search appeared on the display. I think it is just the way this player deals with the layer change, not anything to worry about.

RE: Any info on Wharfedale Widescreen @ 199 in Tesco

I have seen this tv in tescos 2 days ago and it is £269 not £200 unless they have reduced the price in your local store ???
Actual set looks ok for the money but remember you get what you pay for. Personally i think anything with only 4:3 & 16:9 is a complete waste of time and would save up to get something with more screen modes.

RE: Pioneer 444k - Frame Freeze at Layer Change?

I`ve got the same model (multi-region) and also own gladiator but have never watched it on my 444, if you tell me how far into the movie it freezes (time or chapter) i`ll test it out and let you know if it does the same.
I have noticed on some dvd`s theres a slight pause due to the layer change but have never seen search appear on the screen.

RE: fao - Clayts, Westy and anyone else interested...

As far as i am aware you are entitled to a new player or maybe even a full refund subject to it being found faulty. You do not have to agree to have a repair. You may even be entitled to some kind of compensation from the tests you had to pay for on your tv which were a result of the faulty goods which were supplied by that store.
I agree with bowf, take a slightly agressive (but not rude or offensive) approach , make it clear that you are not interested in a repair and let them know that you are aware of your legal rights. And allways make sure you deal with the store manager if possible. Don`t waste your time with sales staff who will only have to go and consult the manager anyway.
hope this helps.

RE: Previously Deleted Scenes/ Restored Footage

Yes , i tend to agree too, deleted scenes should be optional. The scenes were obviously deleted for a reason, So why put them back ? your guess is a good as mine.

RE: Johno King

Last i heard of glitter was that he was living abroad where no one knows him so yes he got off very lightly. But what apalled me about that case was that there were plenty of friends, band members and/or associates of his who knew what he was yet never at anytime within the past 20 odd yrs said anything, they just turned a blind eye to it. These were the same ppl that sold stories of his exploits to the sunday papers after he got convicted.
As for Jonathan King i doubt he will end up with sweaty palms on his shoulders or a sore ass as he will be segregated from most of the other prisoners cos he is a sex offender. Why they seperate this scum from the other regular criminals i dont know.
Where is the justice in this country ?

RE: Opinions please

i have the 444 and was looking at the vsx300 today, although the guy in the shop hadn`t had a chance to test it out yet he did say it got good reviews in this months what hifi , which is the only review of it i know of. Would like to be able to help you more but im in the same boat. Want to find out if this is any good before opting for some chunk of an amp.

RE: Wharfedale m5 player

yes, tesco`s have stocks of them.

RE: It`s happening all over again..........

whats the difference between the reg1 & reg2 versions of blow, i was thinking of buying this soon.

RE: itv Digital announce amnesty for pirated cards

yes, i agree that it would in actual fact be stealing. You are right on that one thade. But it would still have worked out cheaper to get the pirate card than pay for them 3 channels and then at least you would get the option of watching these other channels plus the ppv movies. Lets face it, you wouldnt be the first or last person to do this.
I know you will disagree with that but its just my opinion.


clayts, can`t you inforce some kind of ban on general thade and bear.
They are a real pair of numbnuts and i can imagine that they are exactly the kind of jobsworths we all know and hate yet are forced to deal with in everyday life so why do we have to put up with their pathetic rantings on here ?
Just my opinion, anyone else tend to agree ?

RE: itv Digital announce amnesty for pirated cards

very interesting to hear but
Do they really think ppl are that stupid ??? do they not realise cheap and easily obtainable pirate cards are the only reason ppl opt for their service as opposed to sky or cable ???