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Johno King

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 12:58

So he gets 7 years. No doubt he will be out in less than 2.


RE: Johno King

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 13:44

Unlikely. He might get the 50% tarif reduction and be out in three. Signing the SO register will not be any fun though...

RE: Johno King

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 15:25

Should hang the dirty bastard! hope he burns in hell.

RE: Johno King

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 16:51

See this calling for hanging is just plain wrong. I think the only two reasons to kill another human being are 1) when otherwise you are sure they would kill you, and 2) when you are sure they will kill someone else.

Otherwise they just don`t suffer enough. And don`t say hang him by his testicles then, because he might enjoy it too much.

I say lock him up and take all his money away and give it to needy people. :)

RE: Johno King

Neil aka Neiliboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 17:13

What a frickin sick bast*ard. They should smash his kneecaps up with a baseball bat and tie his nob up with cheese wire so it digs in and his skin has to grow around it for the rest of his paltry life. Then shaft him up the khyber with broken glass bottles. Even then thats not enough...

Hanging is out the question, he does`nt get maximum suffering that way. I hope no one says we are all being too hard as `they can be rehabilitated` cos thats rubbish, a paedo is always a paedo..... and deserves everything they get...

RE: Johno King

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st November 2001, 18:44

Playing him his entire back catalogue 24 hours a day for the full 7 years should be fitting punishment, I reckon.

Seriously though, what puzzles me is: if what King did was so awful, why did his victims not report his activities until up to 15 years after the offences were committed? Can anyone say "red top Sunday tabloid exclusive", or am I just being cynical?


RE: Johno King

bear (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 10:41

Your right guys hanging is to good! what bothers me is how come Gary Glitter got of so light?

RE: Johno King

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 10:53

As with most victims of sexual abuse they are made to feel the guilty party by there abuser. What you have to remember is that King was a very powerfull person in the world of music and had a lot of infuence over the boys/young men he abused. (most boys at some point dream of being a pop/rock star)

Would you want to stand up and tell the world you were violated and see it on every "red top"?

On another note I do feel the acused should have annonimaty(?) Unless they are found guilty. If King was found to be inocent ther would allways be that doubt in some peoples minds. This goes for any case, rape, burgulary, drink driving.

All the best,


RE: Johno King

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 11:57

I definitely agree with you on the "anonymity until proven guilty" point - mud sticks. If that guy accused of murdering Sarah Payne is found innocent, what kind of life is he going to have? He`d be forever looking over his shoulder, and all so some mucky tabloids can have a mugshot for their front pages.

I take the point about victims being made to feel guilty, and that it could deter them from coming forward. To be honest, though, I`m extremely sceptical that there could be enough evidence from a sexual crime committed decades ago to convict someone without a shred of doubt today.

As for Gary Glitter, I understand he was acquitted of abusing a young girl after his case was prejudiced by tabloid coverage, and instead was convicted of possessing child pornography, a far lesser offence. That`s why his sentence was so short in comparison to King`s (though Glitter still has to sign the sex offenders` register for the next 7 years, and must inform the police of his whereabouts - so he hasn`t exactly "got off lightly").


This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 12:30

RE: Johno King

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 17:10

Phone rings at a north London police station" Hello, Paul O`Dowd here. Just calling to let you know that I am on my yacht in the Carribean where no one knows who I am, there are lots of poor young children and I can plan my next crap record in peace. Leader,Leader,Leader."

Got off lightly, my ass.

All the best,


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