Page 1 of Jeepers Creepers

DVDs & Films Forum

Jeepers Creepers

pumpdad (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 12:07

Ive just checked my account at Play and they`ve already posted Jeepers Creepers, which is`nt out for another two weeks! Anybody else had early dvd`s from Play?

RE: Jeepers Creepers

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 12:50

Is this film any good?

I`ve heard conflicting reviews.

Big A

RE: Jeepers Creepers

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 16:17

The film is not that good, ignore the Francis Ford Coppola advertisment slogan. It`s good in the begining and turn into a buffy epsiode in the end, only there isn`t a slayer there to save the day.

RE: Jeepers Creepers

nolimit (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th December 2001, 23:08

Raymonds right, starts off slow, starts to look promising then turns into a complete farce with a ridicously predictable ending . Prepare yourself for disappointment.

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