Page 1 of Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

DVDs & Films Forum

Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

HarryTheHat (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 23:04

I have recently purchased a copy of Hollow Man (Region 2) and it has a problem in that it sticks and/or jitters erratically when Chapter 13 is reached.

This fault appears on both my players, a Dansai DVD852 and an LG 4710.

I have tried both players in "region-free" and specifically "Region 2" modes and the fault still occurs.

Is this likely to be an individual faulty disc or has anybody else had this same problem?

Any advice appreciated



RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

philly (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 20:41

i had this problem with 1 of my disks, its just a fault with the dvd so u should take it back
hope i helped

RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

Geoffc10 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 20:45

Ive not had any problems with this disc. I would put it down to the player. Maybe you should buy a well known make, reason being most discs are tested on well know makes of dvd player before they get distributed. I know, i hear u say, I cant afford it, but it a fact that cheaper players wont play all films. My sony might not play certain discs in the future, but i would say you would get a firmware upgrade for it. A dvd player is like a pc, you cant run new games on a pentium 1 chip!. Cheaper players use cheaper chip technology, i dont think the price is high on sony players cause of the brand name. Maybe im wrong about all this, but its only my opinion

RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 21:19

>A dvd player is like a pc, you cant run new games on a pentium 1 chip!

I`m sorry Geoff, but I can`t let a comment like that pass without politely pointing out that you`re talking rubbish ;-)

DVD Video is a "fixed target" - i.e. it`s a set standard which cannot be changed. In other words, according to the standard, a DVD you buy today, tomorrow or 10 years in the future should play on the DVD player you own today (provided it still works, of course).

It can`t in any way be compared to a "moving target" like the PC, which has to be upgraded year on year to suit the hardware requirements of the software you want to run on it. Put it this way, do you have to buy a new CD player every year to play the latest albums? A DVD player is no different.

All of the other points you make are perfectly valid, and I would agree with them. The incompatibility problems we`re seeing now are really "teething troubles" associated with different interpretations of the standards. In theory, if manufacturers and disc makers adhere rigidly to the DVD spec, everything will be hunky dory. Unfortunately they don`t always: mistakes are made, manufacturers cut corners (especially on cheaper players, which is where your Sony recommendation comes in!), disc producers are over ambitious. Put all three together, and it`s not surprising that the odd problem crops up.

In 5 years` time, when DVD has become more established and the pitfalls are better understood, I don`t think you`ll be hearing quite so many complaints about disc compatibility.


RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 23:48

R2: Hollow Man plays fine on my Arcam. :-)

RE: Hollow Man (Region 2) Problem

nolimit (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th January 2002, 23:45

It just so happens a friend of mine got this movie for xmas so i borrowed it from him. It does go all pixelly at chapter 13 then skips it (on my pioneer), i tried it on my other mates sony and it does exactly the same thing. Although it plays fine on the owners panasonic. But at the same time i also recall watching someone elses r2 dvd of this film on my said mates sony player when it first came out with no problems whatsoever.

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