Page 1 of Silent Hill... hmmmmm

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Silent Hill... hmmmmm

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 19:29

well.. I wanted this to be superb (Rogery Avary is one of my favourite directors).. but I left disappointed... never played the game.. so I`m unsure what was original imagery and what was from the game design...but.. there are some marvelous effects and design work.. the bloke with a cheese grater on his head and a big f*** off knife was quality!

All style and little substance really... awful acting . horrible dialogue.. and sean bean`s accent???.....mind you.. it was his Burbery coat that was getting on my tits more though..

RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 19:53

Rogery Avary is one of my favourite directors

Considering he only wrote this and you thought the dialogue was horrible... ;)

I actually liked this. Or at least the first 90 minutes

As soon as it starts telling you everything it just goes insane... it`s a mesh of ultra-sick sexual violence and naff bits

I`ve not played the game or even seen it played, but I was actually really creeped out by some of the stuff... babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had no real expectations, and I liked it. It`s not great or anything, but certainly better that it should be considering it`s a video game movie. Sean Bean`s character and sub-plot was irrelevant...

...or you could argue it has a certain depressing pay-off at the end.

It`s actually not half bad the more I think of it, certainly a lot more refreshing than the glut of horror remakes and PG-13 tamed down horror. It`s really sick when it needs to be, but it`s also quite restrained, going for a more atmospheric creepy f***ed up s*** tone feel than your typical "boo-scare" nonsense. Shame that it goes so OTT at the end, in an explanatory sense.

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RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

"V" (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 20:12

As a video game adaptation it was excellent - more loyal to the game than any film before it.
As a film on it`s own, I`ll have to give it a second viewing before I make my mind up.

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RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 20:39

I know he only wrote it... and that`s why i was dissapointed.. (doesn`t bode well for Beowulf)

RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 20:39

I quite enjoyed it and it was definately a step in the right direction in terms of videogame adaptations. It was undoubtedly very patchy but had some really cool bits such as the guy with the huge helmet and sword.

RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 20:56

Chewie`s spoiler kind of hits the nail on the head when it comes to the Silent Hill series. The majority of the games don`t end well, with many having multiple endings, only one of them being anything approaching `happy`.

I haven`t seen the film yet, and truth be told, i`ve only played the first game all the way through, with the director`s cut of part 2 gathering dust on my shelf since `04. I haven`t read any favourable reviews of the movie yet, main problems being the reviewer`s unfamiliarity with the source material (hate that) and a clunky, over-descriptive scropt.

Oh well, torrents will tell.. oops..

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RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

noob (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 21:31

i hope the film is as good as the games, they were awsome. maby is will be a bit like resident evil ?
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RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

cynic (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th April 2006, 11:33

Lack of familiarity with the source material is not a problem when reviewing the film except for fans of the game. Afterall if its any good it should be able to stand up on its own. If its a matter of recognising the game references and suchlike then the director has failed to appeal to anyone outside the original game players which would be insufficient for the movie to be a success

RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

Chode (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th April 2006, 14:17

The words `Silent Hill` and Happy Ending. Your never going to see them in the same sentance. :D

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RE: Silent Hill... hmmmmm

izombie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th April 2006, 17:00

The words `Silent Hill` and Happy Ending. Your never going to see them in the same sentance

I just did :/

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