Info and forum posts by 'Ice 2'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 00:35, Last used: Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 00:35

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: A home ent newbie!

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: JVC S-VHS ET VCR For Under £150 Delivered!

Cheers, MildMan!

Thanks for the advice, Glad (in a sort of way) that your display looks blurred, I thought that mine was a dud!!

Have used that little IR mouse every where, but think that the code that they have supplied is not 64 or 65, not a big problem. Thanks though for the offer!

Even with normal Tesco VHS tapes the recording ability has a superb playback picture I have never seen on Tape, thats even at LP speed. I would imagine that S-VHS and SP will have a quality unrivalled except by DV!

I know vhs is almost about to take retirement, but with this quality may it last a little longer!!!

Cheers Matt

RE: El cheapo DVD @ £69.95


Managed to send the Mrs up the High St in M;stone last week to pick one up, phoned in advance to reserve and also to tell them don`t try to sell her a £20 Scart and £20 warranty thing for a £69 DVD player! Anyway I digress, the player plays fine, i have the hack if the shop doesn`t give you it, not bad to use in bedroom to watch on crumbie portable, though noticed the remote is not that quick in relaying commands to unit a good couple of presses are sometimes needed, but for £69 who gives a monkeys!! Good on ya Julian Richer, and good luck guys in getting one as a spare or bedroom unit


RE: JVC S-VHS ET VCR For Under £150 Delivered!

Hi there,

I have just bought the new version, the 7860 S-VHS ET, I find 1 it doesn`t control a Sky Grundig Digibox, 2 The Led display looks cloudy from a distance as it is quite away behing the perspex frontage/facia. Any help there Guys/girls?

And Mild` where are you getting SVHS for £3?? are these 180 or 240??

Sorry for all the Q`s!


RE: problem?

Still awaiting your help oh great ones........please!

RE: Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

Cheers Clayts, Firstly the player in question is a RS special the so called top of Limits range the 388 £200 jobie not the £99 one.

Surprised at the spelling comments, Fire distinguisher is a quote from Only Fools and Horses, Jolly Boyz Outing, when the one and only Trigger yells as the coach is about to explode, "Ain`t this coach fitted with a fire distinguisher!"
Alright Dave!


Ps ... Back to the thread, should they get hot??

Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

Can anyone tell me, my DVD after being on for while gets so hot on top, the discs are warm to say the least after ejecting. So hot in fact you could warm crumpets (ooh err) on top of it. The player is in a cabinet which has at least 1-2inches of air space above and not covered in at all at the front.
Is this the norm for a player to "heat up" or should I keep a fire distinguisher next to it in case?

RE: Sevenoaks? ignorant staff

I have both phoned and been to the 7oaks store in 7oaks and found the staff helpful, even if it was to point me in the right direction for Richer Sounds, however if you want to look at budget hatchbacks or a cheap run around do you go to a Lexus or Jag dealer, I think not.
The store that shares its name with a runny Indian food dish cannot be even described as a AV of Hi-fi dealer. To re-iterate Westys point I went there to hear the Yammy AX10 I think It was, "could I have a look at the Yam Ax10 pl," "yes there it is!" "Could I hear it Pl" "what actually listen to it arrrrrrr problem there you see its not set up" " will you set it up pl I want to hear it before I buy it" " thats not possible" "why" "dunno" you lazy bunch of uninformed sh**es, would you buy a house without looking round, would you buy a car without trying it out, would you buy a bed without lying on it first....... no you bloody wouldn`t, so why on earth do they try to sell you this sort of product by showing you the `kin box.
So when you think you`ve had bad service try popping into Ruby effin Murrays to compare, the store is crap beyond belief !
Mr Bruce your store is fantastic, plug plug! (sorry I can`t afford much in it) I work down the road in 7oaks at the railway station and if you have any nice long bits of speaker cable lurkin around I could come up and relieve you of it,......lick lick crawl crawl!


RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

I have and indeed can recommend the Yammy DSP 620 its simple to use and has auto DTS or DD selection so once you set it up just switch it on and it`ll do the rest, however, Rumble I`m a bit upset to see you tag it at £279, where is this as I paid £350 from Richer sounds and this was £50 off!! let me know and I could price challenge them!

Cheers, Ice problem?

Has anyone had the problem I have had in accessing The Matix (R1) menu? If i try (on my limit 388 DVD) to access the menu after stopping the film,(Stop Resume) as I do with all my other discs the film just starts from the beggining again with a little hand in the top left corner, presumably informing me this is an illegal act, but no way can you get to the menu. However whilst the film is playing, if I hit menu, lo-and-behold I have full access to the menu! I find this odd and does not happen on any other disc.
Another question for you all is, on two of my discs Saving P Ryan and Castaway I occasionaly get slight sound glitches but the picture remains perfect, is this indeed a bit of dust or does my player just not like Tom Hanks!! ?

Here Kity Kitty Kitty..................

Tip of the day:

When buying speaker stands for your system, for example Gale from Richer Sounds, it states "fill with lead shot or sand". 2 problems..... If you get sand it is likely to be damp or wet.. not a good idea. Secondly lead shot is or it seems to me expensive! However the guy in RS suggested use cat litter, bizarre as it may seem, it actualy works! It ways down the main tube (use normal litter not lightweight) its completely dry and it is cheap £2 a 8kg bag, also there is aproximately 7.5kg of the stuff left to keep Tiddles content for the rest of the week!! Can anyone see just reason not to use pussies personal tray habit as a weight for stands, apart from the fact that the afore-mentioned Tiddles may try to get inside your speaker stand to relieve himself of last nights rodent he caught?

RE: Who IS the worst actor EVER ?

Come now 007 fans, how can u fail to mention George " who the f*** told you that you could act" Lazenby, in OHMSS.

He ruined what could have been the best 60/70s Bond flick ever.

To prove my point, did they ever let him make another Bond flick? and was this the only Bond to have a sad ending?? He caused it all...........

Oi Lazenby no!...... I admire your uncanny nack to be chosen to play Bond but yer s*** go and empty the chemical toilet!! (@ Enfield)

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 00:11

RE: i need a dts amp plz..

Try and up the budget a little and do a bit of negotiating down the local RS and buy the Yamaha AX-620, no tuner (some cause humming apparently) but this is one awesome amp DD & DTS, 5 x 90watt.
Given 5 ***** reviews, its new and better than the Sherwood.
Add a £50 tuner at a later date. If still in doubt book a demo room at RS to compare the two Amps.
Go on give your credit card a day trip to the shops!

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Thanx dicanio, but I had been warned about thier pricings and got it for 13.99!

However I have found some minor sound glitches on the ryan disc, but no picture pixelation> I probably shouldn`t of done this but i took it out lightly dusted it and blew on it, and no more sound glitches....... any suggestions?

The beach landing in DTS was so impressive thru my Paradigm 90 watt Sub, i could not imagine this thru a 400watt jobie!! I must be carefull cause my Yammy amp pushes 5x 90 watts but my rear kenwood speakers are rated at 40watt!! Is this ok as long as the Sub is the LFEs.
Not quite software but nearly?

Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Being new to this "Malarkie" I have found this site very useful already. Thanks to you guys who put posts up about Futureent being good for R1. Unbeliveable I`d say...... went on their site at 03.00 monday morning (its not that I don`t have a life just shift work...ok) anyway ordered Saving P Ryan DTS version and T2 Ulti` Ed......low-and-behold they drop thru the letterbox at 09.00 this morning........30 hours!
Straight in to the machine 10 mins later.........Does anyone know of a better test demo for your system than the T2 THX logo at the start of Term2, it its absolutley awesome, or is it that I just got converted from P.Logic?? Can`t wait to flash this one to "me` mates" it makes the hairs stand up on your back!!

Cheers guys/gals Matt

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Cheers for the advice westy, yeah agree you could not complain at £99 for a DVD, however a salesguy in RS said when I asked about it, it`ll probably fall apart in a week!! Therefore I was talked in to buying the £200 all singing and dancing version!! It at the moment seems fine and was trying to see if anyone else had a Limit 388 I think its called.

lewjosh, I have just purchased the new Yammy AX 620 dd/dts, a absolute beast of an amp £350 from RS, can`t fault it. The T2 version of the THX test logo is gut renching!

Back to the thread, the Missy 70s are given rave reviews all over so maybe hang on to you find some, would be nice to know if you can get them for £109, keep posting!

RE: Speakers - Mission or Eltax?

Ah-ha another attempted brand switch!!

Having been in and out of mags, getting others advice,,just getting a wants list, as a newcommer to Home cinema will often do. Then why do they do that at RS. A good shop granted but they must all go on the same sales seminar and told to switch sell to their relatively exclusive manufacturers. This has been the case for me in 3 different RS shops.
Go in to buy Sony DVD, told to buy Limit !
Go in to buy Kenwood DD/DTS amp, told to buy Sherwood
Try to buy Paradigm Sub, try to sell Eltax Sub
Want to buy Ixos told Profigold better

Highly dubious? Can anyone rate Limit DVDs ( I have one now!!)
As for Eltax, some get 5* reviews some models get slated.
Missions are excellent, strange how RS have none left though?????