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Hardware Forum

Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 00:33

Can anyone tell me, my DVD after being on for while gets so hot on top, the discs are warm to say the least after ejecting. So hot in fact you could warm crumpets (ooh err) on top of it. The player is in a cabinet which has at least 1-2inches of air space above and not covered in at all at the front.
Is this the norm for a player to "heat up" or should I keep a fire distinguisher next to it in case?

RE: Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 00:45

What the bally heck is a fire distinguisher ? Betcha didn`t realise you`d joined the DVD Reviewer Spelling Bee forum ;-) (great writing style, BTW - you can come again, ooer...)

Anyway, rule of thumb on this forum, Ice 2, in the name of all things "MONKEY" please name your DVD player - chances are there`s someone here who has the same player (well not exactly the same player because that would be very silly). us to help you

RE: Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 05:42

You 2 been imbibing the amber nectar, perchance?? ;-) Fire distinguisher. WeyHey...classic.


RE: Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 07:09

One of my favourites:

"Disconfection - verb - the act of blowing on a child`s sweet that has fallen on the floor"


RE: Hot Stuff on DVD...?????

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 01:55

Cheers Clayts, Firstly the player in question is a RS special the so called top of Limits range the 388 £200 jobie not the £99 one.

Surprised at the spelling comments, Fire distinguisher is a quote from Only Fools and Horses, Jolly Boyz Outing, when the one and only Trigger yells as the coach is about to explode, "Ain`t this coach fitted with a fire distinguisher!"
Alright Dave!


Ps ... Back to the thread, should they get hot??

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