Page 1 of Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

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Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 02:41

Being new to this "Malarkie" I have found this site very useful already. Thanks to you guys who put posts up about Futureent being good for R1. Unbeliveable I`d say...... went on their site at 03.00 monday morning (its not that I don`t have a life just shift work...ok) anyway ordered Saving P Ryan DTS version and T2 Ulti` Ed......low-and-behold they drop thru the letterbox at 09.00 this morning........30 hours!
Straight in to the machine 10 mins later.........Does anyone know of a better test demo for your system than the T2 THX logo at the start of Term2, it its absolutley awesome, or is it that I just got converted from P.Logic?? Can`t wait to flash this one to "me` mates" it makes the hairs stand up on your back!!

Cheers guys/gals Matt

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Fecker (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 10:22

Futureent are indeed the biz. There are discs of just test signals etc. I think f-ent have a couple DTS Gold or Platinum - something like that.
I want someone else to buy it first and tell me its not s***e.

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 11:29

fecker,the discs in question are `Ultimate DVD
gold+platinum editions`.theres also the bronze and silver discs if you were interested.
these are just a series of independent demos offering music,video clips,test signals in various sound formats.not the best,but good to watch once or twice.
the best however,are the proper dolby and dts demo discs! i have a nice selection kicking around in my collection,the dolby demo disc with all the trailers you see at the cinema is amazing(the train demo is bone cracking),and there are various dts demo discs available.i ordered the dts sampler disc direct from the dts online store,it has demos of all the popular dts movies(antz,private ryan,etc)and even has a scene from titanic in dts.before you all rush to find the dvd,its only available on laserdisc in dts unfortunately!

to buy the discs mentioned above the web addresses are (be sure to click on the `euro order form` part of the site)
and then go to the online store.
with regards to THX trailers,anyone lucky enough to own the Toy Story Ultimate toy box will know that the trailers before each movie are superb-the cow one(where the little thx man plugs a cow machine into the thx logo),comes a very close second to the t2 for system threatening bass!!

another long explanation,but it saves coming back later(ive been in this home cinema game too long!).
all the best

westy :-)

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 11:51

yep futureent are brilliant. I totally recomend them and have used them quite a few times. Never however have i recieved discs from them in 30 hours. this must be a record. Please tell me that u ordered the cheap saving private ryan from their cheap dvds section!!!!!! the price is different than when u search for it. Oh yeah this thread should normally be in the retailers review section but as u also mention gold and silver discs, i suppose it could come under software as well

This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 11:53

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 23:27

Thanx dicanio, but I had been warned about thier pricings and got it for 13.99!

However I have found some minor sound glitches on the ryan disc, but no picture pixelation> I probably shouldn`t of done this but i took it out lightly dusted it and blew on it, and no more sound glitches....... any suggestions?

The beach landing in DTS was so impressive thru my Paradigm 90 watt Sub, i could not imagine this thru a 400watt jobie!! I must be carefull cause my Yammy amp pushes 5x 90 watts but my rear kenwood speakers are rated at 40watt!! Is this ok as long as the Sub is the LFEs.
Not quite software but nearly?

RE: Futureent.....30 Hours! & Test Logo`s

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 00:14

first thing you should never do is think of watts as just how loud things are going to get!
even at neighbour threatening volumes your probably only experiencing a `real` spl of 30-40watts anyway.all the extra power is for the dynamics and control of the sound.and as you say your sub is handling most of the bass and lfe anyway.but be careful with the volume dial,as you try to squeeze too much power from lower wattage speakers they will start to fatigue and you may get the dreaded `firecrackers` sound as the drive units bottom out under the strain!
oh,and to hear a 400watt sub going full pelt you`d probably have to stage an outdoor cinema evening,as the infrastructure of your house would take a severe pounding!Empire cinema in Leicester square has subs of this nature and they is fearce!!!my m+k sub is 300watts and the bass on the opening credits of Toy Story 2 is trouser flappingly intense.
so to close,dont worry about the power thing,its better to have an amp with higher power driving low watt speakers than the opposite way round.


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