Page 1 of i need a dts amp plz..

Hardware Forum

i need a dts amp plz..

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 19:28

does anyone know of a cheap place to get a dts amp? preferably with a built in radio plz... i looked at the sherwood in RS for about 180-200 quid... but was wondrin if anyone knew of a bargian on another site anywhere?
i appreciate any help... thnx.... Chivalry

RE: i need a dts amp plz..

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th July 2001, 23:41

Try and up the budget a little and do a bit of negotiating down the local RS and buy the Yamaha AX-620, no tuner (some cause humming apparently) but this is one awesome amp DD & DTS, 5 x 90watt.
Given 5 ***** reviews, its new and better than the Sherwood.
Add a £50 tuner at a later date. If still in doubt book a demo room at RS to compare the two Amps.
Go on give your credit card a day trip to the shops!

RE: i need a dts amp plz..

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 01:10

i had a sherwood,may upset some folks here,it was crap,and every other sherwood i listened too was crap also.had me an audition at rs,they did their usual of suggesting the usual brands.i got me a yammy rockswould`nt hesitate in reccomending this to anyone,but,were do you live,as there is a hi fi shop near me sellin a nad dts amp,ex demo, for less than£300,can`t remember exact price.doug brady hi fi,warrington.
email me and i`ll help with a deal!! :rezzonhs-[at]moc.liamtoh

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th July 2001, 01:11

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