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Here Kity Kitty Kitty..................

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 00:41

Tip of the day:

When buying speaker stands for your system, for example Gale from Richer Sounds, it states "fill with lead shot or sand". 2 problems..... If you get sand it is likely to be damp or wet.. not a good idea. Secondly lead shot is or it seems to me expensive! However the guy in RS suggested use cat litter, bizarre as it may seem, it actualy works! It ways down the main tube (use normal litter not lightweight) its completely dry and it is cheap £2 a 8kg bag, also there is aproximately 7.5kg of the stuff left to keep Tiddles content for the rest of the week!! Can anyone see just reason not to use pussies personal tray habit as a weight for stands, apart from the fact that the afore-mentioned Tiddles may try to get inside your speaker stand to relieve himself of last nights rodent he caught?

RE: Here Kity Kitty Kitty..................

steve14 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 09:49

This thread probably belongs in the hardware section, but here goes....

Cat litter is OK and used it myself for a while. I now use sand because I personally found it better --- I could hear the difference --- subtle, but definitely an improvement. FYI, you could use kid`s play sand as this is normally dry out of the pack. I used sharp sand (had a couple of bags floating arounbd after some building work). I simply poured a quantity onto some plastic sheeting and dried it over a couple of days --- easy in this weather.



RE: Here Kity Kitty Kitty..................

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 10:42

If you want to use sand I recomend silver sand, if you can find it. Bake it in the oven to dry it out. Try a bin liner in the stand. It will mould it`s self to the shape of the stand.

If you want to go down the lead shot route NEVER tell the man behind the counter it is for your hi-fi. The price will go up at a exponential rate.

Atacarma have a product called Aterbites. These are small triangular steel chips that lock together and are very dence. Any Atacarma dealer will be able to help you on this one.

My final bit of advice is do a couple of cups full at a time and see what you think. It is easyer to put in than take out.

Hope this helps,


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