Page 1 of problem?

DVDs & Films Forum problem?

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 00:15

Has anyone had the problem I have had in accessing The Matix (R1) menu? If i try (on my limit 388 DVD) to access the menu after stopping the film,(Stop Resume) as I do with all my other discs the film just starts from the beggining again with a little hand in the top left corner, presumably informing me this is an illegal act, but no way can you get to the menu. However whilst the film is playing, if I hit menu, lo-and-behold I have full access to the menu! I find this odd and does not happen on any other disc.
Another question for you all is, on two of my discs Saving P Ryan and Castaway I occasionaly get slight sound glitches but the picture remains perfect, is this indeed a bit of dust or does my player just not like Tom Hanks!! ?

RE: problem?

KingAndy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 08:06

yea, tom hanks is a bitch!!!

RE: problem?

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 02:09

Still awaiting your help oh great ones........please!

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