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Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 20:32

I have an Arcam Alpha7R Integrated Amp coupled to a pair of Mordant Short MS30i Classics and a T2000i Sub Woofer. My question is if i change the Arcam Amp to the Yamaha what would the difference in sound quality be. I want a got AV Reciever that will `replace` the amp and not hurt too much when it come to listening to music.

Is there another AV reciever that i might consider, I`ve heard the Yamaha`s are quite good but i`m not sure.

Also if just noted that the RXV520RDS is £255 at richer sounds and the RXV620RDS is £335 from hifijunkies, is the 620 worth £80 more??

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

rumble (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 22:21

Another to consider is the yamaha amp rather than receiver:

Yamaha DSPAX620 - £279 it has had some superb reviews i believe
( i am not sure but i think this replaced the A5)

Clayts and Andrew B can probably comment on which is the best of these 3 ?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 22:22

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 22:51

I would say don`t sacrifice your Arcam, actually !

Go for the Yamaha DSPE-800 which is a surround sound processor - try or who are both still selling it.

This way you get to keep the excellent stereo audio with the Arcam, whilst the E800 can concentrate on the other essentials for surround sound.

The only minus with the E800 and the DSPAX620 is no RDS tuner - how desperate are you for one ?

Expect to pay £240 ish for the E800.

Hope this helps

This item was edited on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 22:54

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 23:18

Cheers Clayts, that`s the kind of thing i was looking for. I really didn`t want to loose the amp as it took me ages to find one that i was happy with. I haven`t completely made up my mind but the E800 looks like it`s the one for me.

One thing though, does that mean with the two amps working together that i will have to adjust the volume of both to get the levels right, or have i miss read how it`s setup.

Many Thanks..


RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 23:26

In answer to your question,yes you will have to play about with the volume levels a bit,but the trade off is an undoubtedly sweeter and more dynamic sound than an all in one reciever.
If however you have an eye on future sound formats,its worth hanging on a bit as the market is now getting stupidly over crowded with lots of product.
But surround ex and the like have very little in the way of software(only the select few to REALLY shout about),so i would go with the advice here and get yourself the processor.
Use your modaunt shorts as the front speakers in your music system and treat yourself to the mission m72 speaker package,£350 worth of top quality speaker. The dipole rears are fantastic.

Go for it!


RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

Ice 2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 00:49

I have and indeed can recommend the Yammy DSP 620 its simple to use and has auto DTS or DD selection so once you set it up just switch it on and it`ll do the rest, however, Rumble I`m a bit upset to see you tag it at £279, where is this as I paid £350 from Richer sounds and this was £50 off!! let me know and I could price challenge them!

Cheers, Ice

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

rumble m (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 09:58

Hi Ice

I think i saw it here::

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

J B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 14:52

Although Harminid has decided not to get either the: RXV520 or RXV620

Does anyone here have any expereince of these 2 receivers, i am going to buy the RXV520RDS which is £250 whereas the the 620 is £350.

The difference between the 2 i think is one 80w the other 100w.

For those that know about these, is an extra £100 worth it for this?

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 17:19

I think that the 620 has more DSP programmes, which are essentially different "styles" of audio playback.

If you`re old skool, like me, you`ll not worry about these new-fangled sound mashing systems, and just play it back in plain vanilla DD or DTS. Having said that, live sport on ITV Digital sounds fantastic with the "TV Sports" setting, and some really explosive films sound awesome with "Spectacle" (these are settings from the DSPA5, which was replaced this year by the DSPAX620 - the RXV models are basically the same again, but with a radio tuner).

For the lowdown on both, check out Yammy`s site at

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

J B (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 22:04

thank you clayts.

From viewing the yamaha site I noticed the RXV1000 model!
And found this is now at an amazing price of £395 (srp £800) from RS which is actually cheaper than the RXV800 model !!!

I have now convinced myself to blow the extra £150 and buy this RXV1000 model instead, don`t you just hate it when that happens!!

many thanks

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