Info and forum posts by 'Jpf'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 12th July 2001, 17:47, Last used: Thursday, 12th July 2001, 17:47

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: does anyone know any hacks for the toshiba sd220e

Has anyone used the .BIN + .CUE files from the url above?

I`m going to try upgrading my cousins 120e, will it work? (I don`t want to muck up his player)


RE: does anyone know any hacks for the toshiba sd220e

Do you have to unpack the .rar file before burning for this firmware upgrade to work?

Any way of splitting my RGB TV socket? (PS2, Xbox, DVD player on one RGB)

Is it viable/possible to use some kind of SCART splitter so I can connect 3 devices to the single RGB socket on my TV?
I wonder if there will be a loss of quality or anything and also what hardware will I need?

RE: X-Box Optical Cable

The lead you will require to go along with your Xbox ADVANCED SCART (you already know about this right?) is a Toslink to Toslink Optical Cable. do some nice ones for a good price too :-)

Panasonic Widescreens

Does anyone here have any opinions on Panasonic TV`s in comparison to other brands in the same price bracket?

I`m looking to buy this, (what looks like on paper) very nice Widescreen TV. TX32-PG30

Also, I`ve seen this set for £1071.55 on, and not meaning to sound like a cheapskate, is there any chance of a cheaper price elsewhere?

Lastly, Will I need a Progressive Scan DVD player to take advantage of this TV`s Progressive Scan feature?

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th November 2001, 18:25

RE: advice on a sound system

I was trolling about on this forum a couple of months ago, asking the same question......

I eventually went for the YAMAHA VS-10, It`s a very nice piece of equipment indeed, get it now!

PS- I was looking at the Videologic too, but was put off by the build quality (very plastic`ky and light in comparisson to the VS-10)
The SONY HTK was also in the running but no-one was forthcoming with any reviews or good opinions of it. In the end, the £50 cheaper VS-10 was the one for me.

How to work out the Runtime Differences between R1 + R2 DVD`s?

I`m wondering what is the correct formula for working out the runtime differences between Region 1 and Region 2 DVD`s?
I`ve heard that a lot of the time, when a R1 disc has a longer runtime it is down to the difference between the PAL and NTSC formats, which often results in a couple of extra minutes per hour on the "no different" R1 copy.........

Is there a rule of thumb here, or have I got it wrong?


RE: Message for rogd0262 -The HTK 475

Have you given the Yamaha VS-10 a look yet?
I had shortlisted VideologicDTS, SonyHTK475 + YAMAHAHTiB40
But instead went for the Yamaha VS-10, it was £50 cheaper and is a more solid looking unit compared to the VideologicDTS..........
It also sounds very good too, I`ve not heard VideologicDTS but I`ve heard that it and the VS-10 are very similar in sound quality.

The general opinion (on this foum) was the Sony kits just didn`t sound as good so I didn`t bother witht that one
Look up the VS-10 at, (home cinema `starter` setup) (under products, home cinema) (£299.99)

RE: Is there a trick to getting a PS2 to output Dolby Digital?

If you go to the CONFIGURATIONS option upon booting up the PS2
`There`s an option in there for `Digital Output` ON /OFF
I guess you should check this is on?
There`s also another option concerning this when you go to the options (press triangle) while watching a DVD on the PS2, but you don`t use it for that anyway...............
Hope it works out ok

BTW was there `any` light coming through the cable when you tried the DolbyDigital sound on the PS2?

RE: Yamaha HTiB-40

I was looking for a `cheap` DD5.1& DTS home cinema setup and narrowed it down to

SONY HTK475 (general comments were that it sounded `tinny`) £350
VIDEOLOGIC DTS (good system by all accounts, but after seeing it in Comet I didn`t like the look and build quality £350`ish + Speaker brackets extra £20)
YAMAHA HTiB40 (Probably a good system, didn`t get any responses on this forum about it before my Credit Card buying frenzy kicked in :-)£350 as you know
YAMAHA VS-10 (£299.99 from leconcepts)
Very nice looking unit (compared to Videologic+HTiB40 IMHO), also sounds very good to me (but then I`ve only ever had a stereo + TV, nothing in the surround stakes, prologic etc)

I figured that since I didn`t want the tuner and all that jazz for seperates I`d just go for the VS-10 `Home Cinema Setup`, looks + sounds cool sitting next to my PS2. Oh! and the remote is an all-in-one job so you can work TV, VCR + SAT off it too, bonus!

RE: help - im new to DVD

Hi mincer,
There are quite a lot of good players about for that price, I think it`s a matter of snooping about on this forum and looking at the old threads that some of the more knowledgable folk on here have posted on.

Try these looking for these players on the search bar though, I remember hearing some good stuff about them.
Toshiba 110 or 210 (round the £200 mark I think)
Samsung 511 (my player £130 :)
Minato G1 (£150 tescos)

How can I extend Sub-cable on VS-10?

Is there any way of doing this?
I`d like to have the sub a bit further away than the supplied lead allows. Isn`t it just a matter of getting some longer cable with a couple of dins on each end?

RE: Quick Yamaha VS-10 question

Cheers for that Westy!
Between your write up on this unit ( and clayts edging me towards it in the first place, I`m now looking forward to some great budget surround sound...............

BTW, do you know of the most suitable toslink leads to get for this unit & also where from?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 22:33

RE: Quick Yamaha VS-10 question

Has it got more than 1 connection for optical inputs?
I need 2, one for DVD and another for PS2 games console

VS-10 question?

ANOTHER! question (or two) from me about the Yamaha VS-10 Cinema Station,

Can you tweak the volume or balance between the surround speakers (Front+Rear)?
It`s just that in my setup I`ll be a lot closer to the rears than the front
Also can you adjust the time delay between them?

Cheers, and thanks for all the advice on the purchase so far.....

Oh! One more thing, would you get the DTiB40 instead for an extra £50?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 10:58

RE: Videologic, Sony or Yamaha for £350? I dunno which is the best!

I`ve got 2 questions about the VS10

1: My Samsung 511 has not got a DTS-decoder will the VS10 decode and produce DTS Sound?

2: Does the VS10 come with 5 speakers (centre, 2 front, 2 rear) and a subwoofer. It`s just on the Yamaha site, it is shown with 2 speakers and subwoofer?

RE: Videologic, Sony or Yamaha for £350? I dunno which is the best!

I`ll certainly give it a look, can you give me a retailer`s site where I can have a look at the specs and price?

RE: Sony STE-DE475 & Sony SA-VE225 PASCAL speakers- The HTK 475

There`s also the Yamaha DTiB40 and the Videologic DTS ,home Theatre Packages.
I`m currently in the same situation as yourself and am wondering which of these systems to buy.........
(though I need mine for my lounge, not the bedroom :)

Videologic, Sony or Yamaha for £350? I dunno which is the best!

Yamaha HTiB40
Sony HTK475 (SAVE225 Speakers and STR-DE475 Reciever)
Videologic DTS

As a total newbie to this Home Cinema stuff, I`m wondering if anyone has got any advice on which of these systems I should get for my Widescreen+DVD setup.

I had my heart set on the Videologic with all it`s glowing reviews but after seeing it in Comet yesterday I felt it looked a bit `cheap` (but couldn`t get a demo to hear the sound which I guess is what counts)

A friend of mine pointed me towards these other Yamaha and Sony setups, does anyone know how they all compare quality/performance wise? I`ve spent all last night looking for reviews but can`t find any.

BTW they are all around the £350 mark.

You can look them up at

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 15:14

RE: Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Thanks for the info there Neon, most enlightening

Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Just wondering about this since I`ve seen it mentioned that the Original Videologic Digitheatre has the ability to delay sound between speakers in increments of miliseconds, I may need this in my lounge because it`s quite a long room.
I`ve seen no mention of this feature on the more expensive DTS Digitheatre........
Will this `lack of delay` be a real problem?
Any advice would be much appreciated?

This item was edited on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 11:39

Vertical lines in the black borders SAMSUNG 511

I`ve just bought a SAMSUNG 511.
On the DVD of "Crouching Tiger" (making off documentary) I`ve noticed that there are periodic differences in the brightness of the black border on the edge of the screen. Sometimes it is nice and dark and then it jumps to a `lighter` dark but with visible vertical lines in it also.
Does anyone else with this player and/or DVD experience this?
I`ve tried using the S-Video lead supplied with the player and also an RGB-Scart lead, both the same as regards the vertical lines go

RE: HELP PS2 dvd

The Datel DVD Region X gadget can enable RGB and multi region......
It`s about £20 and plugs into Memory card slot, you have to use a boot disk each time to get those features to work though.
I got it from for £16

RE: Are there any PANASONIC players that are RGB+MultiRegion+RCE friendly??

Great! Thanks for the advice guys.
So not meaning to push my luck here are there any recommendations of which SAMSUNG or similar player to go for?

Are there any PANASONIC players that are RGB+MultiRegion+RCE friendly??

I was looking for a £200`ish PANASONIC player that I can region hack with RCE disks BUT I also wanted RGB!
All the players in Currys etc just don`t have RGB and I can`t find any region hacks on this site.....
Am I asking for too much here, are PANASONIC not the players to go for or what?
Any help is much appreciated

RE: Playstation 2 - How To Make Yours Multi-Region!

It`s quite a good gadget, it enables you to use an RGB scart cable + also plays RCE disks too........
The only downside is you have to use the boot-disk every time you want to watch a DVD in RGB or if it`s an import.

RE: HELP PS2 dvd

I think you may need to chip the PS2 to do this, I`m not 100%, but going by this site ( who offer a solder in `macrovision-fix-chip` I would say it is the case.
Did you hear that it was possible to defeat macrovision without any sort of mod?

RE: Just got a Minato G1

Hey Creative,
Does the Minato have the `optical audio out` for the Dolby Digital or just a normal phono jack?