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Hardware Forum

Is there a trick to getting a PS2 to output Dolby Digital?

Giz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 13:03

I don`t use my PS2 as my main DVD player, but I`ve just bought an optical cable for it to get better sounds from the games, so I thought I`d just check it was all setup correctly. Anyway, plugged it into my amp and tried to play a DVD expecting the amp to tell me it detects DD. Not so - I only seem to get a pro logic signal. But, same disk in my DVD player into the other digital connection on the amp results in DD being recognised and displayed on my amp.

Am I missing something here??

RE: Is there a trick to getting a PS2 to output Dolby Digital?

Jpf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 18:14

If you go to the CONFIGURATIONS option upon booting up the PS2
`There`s an option in there for `Digital Output` ON /OFF
I guess you should check this is on?
There`s also another option concerning this when you go to the options (press triangle) while watching a DVD on the PS2, but you don`t use it for that anyway...............
Hope it works out ok

BTW was there `any` light coming through the cable when you tried the DolbyDigital sound on the PS2?

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