Page 1 of Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

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Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Jpf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 11:15

Just wondering about this since I`ve seen it mentioned that the Original Videologic Digitheatre has the ability to delay sound between speakers in increments of miliseconds, I may need this in my lounge because it`s quite a long room.
I`ve seen no mention of this feature on the more expensive DTS Digitheatre........
Will this `lack of delay` be a real problem?
Any advice would be much appreciated?

This item was edited on Sunday, 5th August 2001, 11:39

RE: Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Neon (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 07:57

I believe they`ve "done away" with this feature. Apparently "nobody used it".

The speed of sound at room temperature is around 331 m/S (1085 f/S). So 1mS equates to 33cm (just over 1 foot ). The critical placement is the left-front / centre / right-front placement. Basically, these speakers should be placed on an arc (with you at the centre). I.e. the centre speaker should be at the same distance from you as the left and right speakers. Normally, however, the centre speaker is placed in a straight line on top of the telly, or even in front of it, making it closer than the left and right.

Are you following this?

What this tends to mean in practise is that the centre channel is heard ahead of the left/right channels, which is (allegedly) confusing to the psycho-acoustical process in your brain. Most manufacturers allow you to compensate for this by delaying sound to the centre channel in 1mS (1 foot) intervals. Each mS moves the speaker away from you by 1 foot in virtual space. Hey presto, psycho-acoustical balance restored.

Some manufacturers let you alter delays to each speaker for the utmost versatility. Of course, as soon as you get two or more people in room, all your hard work goes to pot and there`s a fight for the "sweet spot". And how do cinemas cope? They don`t worry about it.

If you haven`t got delays, don`t panic. Place the speakers carefully, sit back and enjoy the experience!

This item was edited on Monday, 6th August 2001, 08:17

RE: Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 16:57

So that`s what the speaker distance settings are for in my Cyberhome`s setup menu.... is it?

RE: Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Jpf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 10:24

Thanks for the info there Neon, most enlightening

RE: Does Videologic DTS have sound delay like the original Digitheatre?

Neon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th August 2001, 12:24

You`re welcome,

Thank you :)

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