Page 1 of Panasonic Widescreens

Hardware Forum

Panasonic Widescreens

Jpf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th November 2001, 17:32

Does anyone here have any opinions on Panasonic TV`s in comparison to other brands in the same price bracket?

I`m looking to buy this, (what looks like on paper) very nice Widescreen TV. TX32-PG30

Also, I`ve seen this set for £1071.55 on, and not meaning to sound like a cheapskate, is there any chance of a cheaper price elsewhere?

Lastly, Will I need a Progressive Scan DVD player to take advantage of this TV`s Progressive Scan feature?

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th November 2001, 18:25

RE: Panasonic Widescreens

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2001, 11:40

a) I own a TX32-pk3 and it`s a LOVELY set. Wouldn`t swap it for anything, and I checked out all the competing Sonys and Toshibas at the time.

b) Not sure about the progressive scan bit because I thought that was entirely a play thing. If your talking component inputs, then you`ll need that on your player too.


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