Info and forum posts by 'JE2'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 18th May 2001, 16:44, Last used: Friday, 18th May 2001, 16:44

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Help needed from Manchester football clubs fans and general football fans.

I would like to know the history of Swinton Football Club in Manchester.

Basically whilst rooting through an old aunts papers I`ve found some very shares in Swinton FC.

I`d just like to know what happened to them incase they changed their name to the likes of Manchester United and the shares may be worth some money.

I`ve looked on the Internet but cant find much.

If anyone knows any historical facts, it would be much appreciated.

Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

What`s the legal side of things (don`t care about morals!) concerning selling tapes with an age certificate on them to kids?
I`m not selling any outrageous stuff, but would I get into trouble if I happened to be caught out selling for example, Teminator 2 (old vhs) which is certified as 15 to a 12 year old e.t.c

I only ask because it`s at my old school, so obviously there`ll be some kids about, just thought of selling a few vids to clear up part of this years University debts.

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

I`m not watching another F1 race until Schumacher is finished and Jean Todd has retired.

I feel totally cheated having watched a race for 2 hours and having it riuned by that.

RE: QED retailers - getting annoyed with delivery times.........

QED are useless in my opinion.

I ordered a SONY speaker set which they e-mailed me to say was discontinued.

They STILL took the cash and say it will be a week before a refund because it has to go through their accounts department. What a load of crap.

Try, this is a quality service, I ordered the same set there, they told me it was discontinued, but because it was still advertised online they upgraded it to the better version at no charge, better still they phoned me at 12.30 pm to say it was being dispatched and to expect it next day, this was free delivery and it arrived within 24 hours.

I will NEVER even consider using QED again.

RE: Where you all from then?

Small town called Porthmadog in North Wales.

Surely some of you must have been here? Enough bloody tourists come up here!

RE: How serious are you about your AV kit etc

Just bought my first audio set-up, been running through a Hi-Fi until now.

Only spent £350 which is probably a small amount compared to a lot of guys out there. (Sony 875 and 325 Pascal Speaker Set). The amp was over £500 last year so it can`t be that bad. Haven`t got the speakers through so I haven`t tested yet.

I intend to add more and more, but I`m still only 21so I`ve got enough time to build that dream setup.

Seeing as you must know a fair bit about it, how much extra quality can be received by buying really expensive speaker cables and wiring?

Do you know where`s cheapest to buy accessories online? (e.g Cables, Speaker Stands e.t.c)

I`d be glad of some feedback, being a newbie to AV setup.

RE: Does this seem like a good entry level Surround Sound setup?

Nice idea Bowf.

The only problem is it only outputs at 30W if I`m correct. The amp in question outputs 100W therefore it`s easier to upgrade to larger speakers when you can afford to.

RE: Does this seem like a good entry level Surround Sound setup?

That`s really weird that you asked that Hodge!

I`ve gone for that exact setup that you mentioned. Went for it mainly because I wanted Silver to go with my TV, DVD, Video and seperates.

Can`t comment on it just yet because I haven`t got the speaker package yet due to delays over the bank holiday.

If you are going for the setup, get the speakers now because they`ve been discontinued so once they`re gone, they`re gone!

Cheap 5.1 Speaker packages?

Anyone know where to buy a cheap speaker package?

Looking to spend around £200 and must be silver.

Can`t find anything I`m interested in at Richer Sounds and I had ordered a SONY package from QED, but they have been discontinued, they still took the cash though, so I won`t be dealing with them again.

Anyone know any good online retailers that sell speakers or packages?

RE: European suppliers

Based in Belgium, sell Dutch and French discs.

RE: `Friends` for £8.99, free delivery

I`ve ordered from Play, no problems with delivery, I`ve had 12 discs all delivered wthn 3 days, and that being a weekend order.

RE: Hot Shots! & Hot Shots! Part Deux £15..

Also available for £15.99 from Woolworths.

Other sets at same price are Porkies/Porkies 2 and Romancing the Stone/Jewell Of the Nile

RE: Buena Vista dvds £9.99!

From Dusk `Til Dawn 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: 40 DVD`s at £9.49

Lock Stock The Series is an absolute bargain at £9.49! Cheers!

RE: Sale at DVDplus

Yeah! And I gave them a tip too..........."Don`t be stupid, because no one will tip you and you`ll go bust!"

Did they listen? NO!!

RE: Buying In America

If you`re anywhere near the Disney Resorts, i.e Next to Pleasure Island(Unfortunetly not as good as it sounds!) there is the biggest Virgin Megastore I`ve ever been in that will take you a few hours to get around.

Other than that, there`s a few good stores on International Drive which might be where you`re staying, just go to the shopping centre on International Drive, and if I remember correctly there was a "Hooters" bar next to one good shop!

Hope this helps, P.S If you`re bringing a lot back, take off the wrapping and hide the receipts so that if they try to tax you on your way back they won`t know how much they`re woth, or you could give a lame excuse such as you`re borrowing them off your cousin who lives there!

Hope this helps, Have a good time

RE: Predator Box Set

Good deal. but personally I`d rather just buy Predator on R1 because of the British release cock-up that is missing about 5 minutes of the best scenes in the movie.

Friends discs, where are they cheap?

Where are there currently friends discs on the cheap. i.e on Offer, I`d like to buy a series for about £30-£35 max. Anywhere that accepts Switch will do, preferably from this country.
Cheers to anyone that can help.

RE: £60.00 dvd players

Got mine today, well, it`s for the old folks. £60 ain`t bad. No visible marks either as Woolworths say they have some cosmetic damage. The reason they`re cheap is probably because they were in-store demonstrator machines.
Can`t go wrong for £60 as a second player.

RE: Pitch Black: Region 1 or 2?

Yeah, The R1 was uncut, but I can`t say I saw anything gory enough not to be certified as a 15 in this country.

Did anyone grab The Abyss SE for £10.99 at last week?

It`s just that I managed to get one, but there`s 2 copies of Disc 1 in the box rather than 1 & 2. Has anyone else had the same problem. Maybe that`s why they were so cheap!!! (only kidding).

But seriously, do i contact the e-tailer or the distributor about getting one of the discs replaced with disc 2?


Finally opened my copy of The Abyss to look at the special features disc. They`ve only gone and put 2 copies of disc 1 in the box haven`t they!
I`ll have to send it back for a replacement.