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Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

JE2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th June 2002, 19:01

What`s the legal side of things (don`t care about morals!) concerning selling tapes with an age certificate on them to kids?
I`m not selling any outrageous stuff, but would I get into trouble if I happened to be caught out selling for example, Teminator 2 (old vhs) which is certified as 15 to a 12 year old e.t.c

I only ask because it`s at my old school, so obviously there`ll be some kids about, just thought of selling a few vids to clear up part of this years University debts.

RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th June 2002, 21:13

No one should care but at the end of the day it is illigal. If a kid asks for a 15 or 18 certificate video I suggest asking him to bring his parents over to check it out first.

Some parents are funny about what theyre kids watch and won`t take to kindly to you selling them unsuitable films, including Terinator 2. You don`t want that trouble.


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th June 2002, 21:20

RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 09:23

I agree, Use abit of common sense and you`ll be fine. My mate has been selling shady gear @ car boot sales for as long as I can remember and made lots of money in the process.

Dont get your coller felt by Trading Standards! !

RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 09:35

Slightly of topic, but related. I was in Currys yesterday (don`t ask), and noticed they were showing The Matrix on one of their overpriced widescreens - happened to be the "coming out of the Matrix" bit, evil spidery things, goop and all. Now I`m no prude, but I know when our 3 year old caught sight of that by accident, he got really upset. I asked an assistant why they were showing a 15 cert film on a sunday afternoon with kids wandering around, and they got all huffy (but they took it off in the end).

RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 12:13

As I understand it as a shop owner I can not have on show any film that is over a PG. Once in the dem room I can show any film with a BBFC stamp as long as I adhere to any age regulations. (no 15 year olds watching an 18 film even if they own it)

I would write a letter to Currys head office pointing out (without getting snotty) what happend. I am sure they would appriciate it as they are a large organisation and trading standards love to make an example of big groups.

At the end of the day there are hundereds of films with a PG rating or less that are better demo discs than the Matrix. (Colours wise anyway)

If you can be bothered let us know how you get on.

All the best,


RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 13:02

My local Dixons always plays Tomorrow Never Dies. Sure its not as unsuitable for children as The Matrix but it still carries a 12 certificate.

RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 15:45

It,s a funny one. Most TS bods would not be to bothed as long as there is nothing offencive going on. You can get demo discs to that may have clips from an 18 film but is rated PG. If you are ever in a shop and you feel the content been played on vision or music (many a time I have heard "mutha hubard this and that" blasting out) is not what you want your kids to see or here, ask them to change it.

A funny one that happend to me once. a rep had left a porn disc with us and we had a look after hours. The next day I came in, turned on all the equipment and opened up. Only after I had been open fof about 10 mins did I notice what was on the plasma at the top of the shop. You have never seen anyone move so fast. Luckely no one had come in.

All the best,


RE: Can I sell VHS and DVD videos at car boot sale?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th June 2002, 18:06

I see a pattern here. Andrew Bruce + Porn = Trouble

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