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Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

AWJ72 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 15:08

I mean come on, what the F*** are they thinking of even Schumacher "appeared" p*ssed off at it, (bet he doesnt offer the points back as quickly as he did the trophy though!) ferrari should be stripped of the points & Rubens re-instated

This item was edited on Monday, 13th May 2002, 22:01

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 15:53

If Schumi was as p*ssed off as he seemed to be then why didn`t he disobey team orders? Just who is going to have the balls to sack the favourite for the WDC this year and the best driver in the world at the moment. Considering the crap that was aimed at McLaren a couple of years back when DC let MH through you would hope that the FIA would do something about it. Mind you Good Old Bernie loves Ferrari.

This item was edited on Monday, 13th May 2002, 22:01

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 16:31

It was farcical, and though Schumacher said that he didn`t like the team orders, I bet he secretly liked it enough to take a bigger lead in the championship.

I went off Ferrari a few years ago because of this type of crap. And Rubens signed a new deal with Ferrari too. I pity the fool who plays second fiddle to M. Schumacher, doesn`t Rubens know any better by now? He`ll never win the championship because I don`t think he`s talented enough to win.

In case you`re wondering, I`m a BMW.Williams supporter. :-)

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 16:39

There were rumours a few weeks ago that Jenston Button may be joining Ferrari in some years. These look doubtful now. I`m pleased after todays GP. I don`t want a British driver driving for a team as disgraceful as Ferrari.

The funniest bit is when Schumacher pretended to be upset at the end of the race, when inside he`s chuffed to bits. It may not be against the rules to do what they did (although it should be) but its not fair play. Shame on you. SCUMacher.

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 16:42

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 17:55

I couldn`t believe that Ferrari did that, Barichello had the beating od schumacher all weekend and they had the audacity to do this to him, even thought schumacher had twice as many points as the next man in the championship. Ferrari will loose quite a few supporters over this, total rubbish - spoiled an exciting grand-prix.

By-the-way, When the Maclarens did that a few years ago it was an agreement between the two drivers, the team management didn`t tell them to do it. It`s alot more serious the way that Ferrari have done it :(

I would laugh if scumacher broke his leg later in the season and ferrari had to rely on Barichelo to get the points..

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 20:02

I f***in love Formula 1 but after the race this weekend i`ll never watch another race, i feel sorry for the spectators who paid hundreds of £££`s for tickets and had to watch that farce, Rubens at the beating if Schuie all weekend and to have to give him the race like that is a f***in joke!!!!!!!
They should ban Ferrari for a couple of races, but they`ll never do that because at the end of the day in F1 money talks!!!!!!!! I feel sorry for F1, it`ll never recover until they stop team orders :((

This item was edited on Monday, 13th May 2002, 22:02

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

JE2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 22:18

I`m not watching another F1 race until Schumacher is finished and Jean Todd has retired.

I feel totally cheated having watched a race for 2 hours and having it riuned by that.

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 12th May 2002, 23:26

I agree - I`m rapidly becoming fed up with the boring races, and for Ferrari to make Rubens slow down is unacceptable - F1 is a sport and the best man didn`t win.

It`s about time Max Mosely and Bernie did something about it.

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

bear (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th May 2002, 00:06

What a load of BOLLOX you lot spout out, tw*ts its a team not an glory trip for one particular driver,Ferrari fork out millions of pounds a year its up to them to say what the drivers do, the day you pay the bills is the day you can moan about it!

Secure the championship as soon as possible sounds like good sense to me, well done Ross!

This item was edited on Monday, 13th May 2002, 22:03

RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th May 2002, 07:01

bear, we`re talking about sportsmanship here. We all know about team orders but it`s the way it`s done that`s the issue, not whether a team is allowed to do what it does.

All teams have the right to issue orders to its drivers, but when it`s as blatant as what Ferrari did, it brings a sour taste to the race and makes the racing a waste of time. What`s the point in racing in the first place if you do something like cheat one of your own drivers out of a win?

It`s Ferrari`s ego here and it wants to be greedy.

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