Info and forum posts by 'clunesy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 21st January 2001, 00:57, Last used: Sunday, 21st January 2001, 00:57

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: newbie - what to buy?

This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Adult supplier -

anyone have any dealings?
their range / prices aren`t bad (so I`m told by ahem a friend, who knows someone into that stuff)

RE: Mummy Returns (Special Edition 2 Disc DVD)

I know this probably isn`t that useful - but my missus just came back from Auckland, NZ - she picked it up for $24.99NZD - which is about 7.50 pounds - in Whitcoulls, over the counter. Region 4 rules!! (even cheaper in NZ that AUS).

They probably don`t do delivery to UK, they`re a bit like WHSmiths, but you could try or any of the R4 site on Use for accurate currency conversion.


RE: AlDI PCs @£699 Questions

sorry to be a total nerd - but can somebody please go into the device manager and give me the EXACT model number of the DVD and CDRW?

this would be really helpful - thanks.

if you`re wondering why - see



RE: European suppliers

you could also try dutch R2 retailer

who also are a popular chain of stores in Holland.

I picked up FRIENDS on DVD from them for about £9 a disc I think

on an order of 11 discs - which came in two separate deliverys (due to stock) - shipping was like £6 to UK.

you can`t grumble at that !

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th April 2002, 11:10

RE: Pipex ADSL £30 a month, no set up fee, £120 Modem required....

BT only supply single user USB as its considered easier to set up by amateur users - it uses Dial Up networking, and you don`t have to worry about configuring TCP/IP or any of the stuff associated with an Ethernet solution. (which the American market consider easy enough for their customers - USB is unheard of there for ADSL - go figure). The other (and main) reason I suspect is that is much fiddlier to share the connection between multiple machines (and some won`t bother), and the master machine (with the USB modem on it) - must be switched on all the time.

The USB modem is NOT a requirement at all - all you need is a modem that will connect to the RJ-11 socket in your wall splitter. USB is best avoided for the reasons detailed in the thread - drags your system down, can be crashy (DUN is a p.i.t.a when you shouldn`t have to use it) I have the ASUS router and I haven`t looked back. Its seamless like an office network, or cable modem. You can connect unlimited machines which can all be up to 100m from the hub - which could including subcontracting neighbours ;) £30 looks even cheaper now doesn`t it?

RE: The Thief Called Techtronics

I feel bad for you - it`s obvious you need the money for lessons in basic writing skills and elocution.


never use opera everyone - its a bag of turd - and caused the above !!!







RE: Die Hard 1+2SE £29.99 @ whsmiths

I think this 2 disc set is a shambles - why should the consumer care about distribution rights?

There is no excuse for the 3rd movie not being in here.
Boycott this set and buy R1 !!!! (about 32 quid inc del FOR ALL 3) from



This item was edited on Monday, 4th February 2002, 17:47

RE: The Others @ DDDHouse

Anyone ever seen a DVD that didn`t have removable subtitles?

This is DVD, not laserdisc

RE: The Others @ DDDHouse

We are talking about DVDs not laserdiscs !!

Daylight robbery (opposite topic thread)

Probably most of you know that the Ultimate Die hard set (R1) can be had for about £35 give or take from various sources in the North American continent. Interesting link below.....

just checked them out, because they are quite close to where I live - you still can`t beat that over-the-counter experience for convenience! won`t be buying anything from them though - I wonder who does at those prices?

clearly they haven`t seen and

They seem to think the die hard set costs £59.99. Good margins though - 44% !!! I guess they must have pretty high costs to cover - since they`re obviously delivering the DVDs by black cab.

They have a retail outlet in Knebworth - maybe they haven`t heard its illegal in the UK to offer DVDs for sale that haven`t been ratified by the BBFC?

maybe someone should shop the swindling b[at].sdrats
either that or blackmail them - now there`s an idea!


going way back - does anyone know why usa uses 60Hz, and Europe 50? In the 2nd world war, the yanks though it would up productivity in factories if they cranked up their mains frequency. its true!!

and does anyone also know where the QWERTY keyboard came from?
when the first mechanical typewriters came out, they were ABCDE etc.
people got too fast on them and they would always jam, so they changed the key order to what they thought was the most convoluted awkward one they could find, and used that instead. you see it before you now!!

most of the best things come out of bad planning.

RE: getting stung by customs?

OY! Have I got bad breath or something?

Bring it on guys.

Most suppliers are customs friendly - but I want to hear about the stitch-ups.

please :)


getting stung by customs?

I have successfully bought many times from
but was thinking of trying out some other canadian suppliers.

Anyone got any horror stories about who to avoid? Have you been stung for import duty?

SONY KV32-WF1U telly - HELP!!

Found my way into the service page with info I found on the web.
I have really bitten off more than I can chew, and the geometry now looks
worse than it did. To top it all I can`t get it back on PAL-I to receive sound (UK standard). It will only switch from B/G to D/K.

Anyone have any experience here? or know where I can get a service manual? Or as a last resort, who will fix it for me for a reasonable price, in the West Hertfordshire/North London area?

yours, feeling a twat for dicking about with it :( and hoping there is a kind spirit out there


RE: Buying a player TOMORROW - can`t wait; which one?

I bought the 3350e - yay !!! well chuffed
I bought it in Currys, at Hemel Hempstead (its was their last one)

I paid £240 because it actually turned out to be an ex-demo unit, and was quite scratched (cheeky b[at]sdrats tried to palm it off on me as new).
Still it works fine, and I absolutely can`t fault it. Great R1-PAL/50 conversion, fantastic sounding mp3 playback (depending on what you rip with - I use audiocatalyst Highest Quality VBR joint stereo).

Only qualm is no macrovision defeat, but I`m really not that fussed. Anyone who wants VHS copies of DVDs should buy a DVD player!!!

My only problem now is that I have screwed the geometry on my SONY KV-32WF1U by going into the service menu boohoo :( Anyone know about this stuff? I could really use a service manual!!



Buying a player TOMORROW - can`t wait; which one?

Philips 711 or LG 3350E? Understand layer changes are better with the second one. Like the idea of being able to update firmware on the former.

Is it correct that I won`t get RGB pass-through on either of them (On-Digital)? Does anyone know a player that can do this?

Thoughts anyone (anyone who has tried both machines).

any input much appreciated
