Page 1 of Daylight robbery (opposite topic thread)

Retailer Reviews Forum

Daylight robbery (opposite topic thread)

clunesy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th February 2002, 13:12

Probably most of you know that the Ultimate Die hard set (R1) can be had for about £35 give or take from various sources in the North American continent. Interesting link below.....

just checked them out, because they are quite close to where I live - you still can`t beat that over-the-counter experience for convenience! won`t be buying anything from them though - I wonder who does at those prices?

clearly they haven`t seen and

They seem to think the die hard set costs £59.99. Good margins though - 44% !!! I guess they must have pretty high costs to cover - since they`re obviously delivering the DVDs by black cab.

They have a retail outlet in Knebworth - maybe they haven`t heard its illegal in the UK to offer DVDs for sale that haven`t been ratified by the BBFC?

maybe someone should shop the swindling b[at].sdrats
either that or blackmail them - now there`s an idea!

RE: Daylight robbery (opposite topic thread)

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th February 2002, 23:43

I`ll put my hand up and say that I`ve ordered from them in the past, but only hard to get hold of items like the Akira tin or Maniac tin where I paid a few more £££ but got what I wanted.

It is otherwise too expensive for my tastes.

As for selling R1 discs, there are quite a few places here in London which do so without issue, places I used to buy lovely laserdiscs from...

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