Info and forum posts by 'littlewren'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 20th October 2004, 19:44, Last used: Friday, 15th July 2005, 10:00

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 23 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Recording subtitles from TV programmes to DVD Recorder?


My Dad would like to buy a DVD Recorder and asked if it would record TV programmes with the subtitles, as he is hard of hearing. At the moment, he can record programmes onto his video recorder and they will include the subtitles, but he doesn`t know about DVD Recorders.

I know of course, that he can watch a DVD film which can include subtitles, but this isn`t the problem.

I hope someone can help?

Many thanks,

Carrie :)

RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

Yet one more thing, I watch NTL through Channel 6 on the remote at the moment and I`d like to keep it really at that. Would that still be possible somehow with your connections?


RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

Just one more thing Jimbo, why will I need to retune the TV? I haven`t had to up to now, so if I could avoid that one extra thing, great. :)

RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

Thanks very much Jimbo, what I`ll do is print your instructions out and spend some time at the back of the TV etc. over the weekend. (I`ve got to get out more! LOL) I`ll let you know on Monday whether I`ve been successful! :/


RE: Need to name a new family member

:D :D :D :D :D

That was funny!


RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

Thanks Mike, I`ll have a look at that now. :)


Why is there a static noise when playing videos on our new video recorder?

Can anyone possibly tell me why I sometimes experience what I can only describe as "static" noises when playing back a video on our new video recorder. This static seems to do something to the tape, so that each time the tape is played from then on, you can hear it at the same spot.

It doesn`t seem to be the video recorder itself as this is the second new one we`ve had that`s had the same problem. The last time it happened, I returned the video recorder to the shop. The video recorder I had after that one was fine, no static at all. But this current one has it again.

Any ideas please?

Many thanks,


RE: Why can`t I view what I`m recording onto DVD at the time? (Plus another query!)

Thanks bowfer, I will try that out tomorrow and then get back to you, if that`s OK. :)

I didn`t really want to put the Video Recorder away and then just bring it out when I needed it as I have so many tapes to put onto DVD that it wouldn`t have been practical. Maybe when that`s all been done I could put it away as I will then be recording onto DVD RAM!

Bye for now,


RE: Why can`t I view what I`m recording onto DVD at the time? (Plus another query!)

Hi bowfer,


VCR (AV2) to DVD (AV2)

DVD (AV1) to VCR socket of NTL Box

TV (AV1) to TV socket of NTL box

RF input of DVD to socket in NTL box

RF output of DVD to RF input of VCR

RF output of VCR to TV


Carrie :)

RE: Advice Needed After Splitting Up!

Hunsbury, I can see that you are worrying about several hundered things at the moment, and although it`s natural to try and work everything out as quickly as possible, you must give yourself breathing time to some extent. Of course, there may be some things that should be sorted out as soon as possible, but if I were you, I would sit down and make a list of everything you have to sort out, then prioritise them. If you try to take on too much at once, that is when you will get really stressed. I made a list like this, when my ex-husband and I split up and I found it really helped me to cope with those horrible bits and pieces that must be done at a time like this.

You will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel once you have started ticking off things on the list. But don`t try to do too much, too soon, allow yourself "me time".

Good luck, you sound a nice man and even though you can`t see it at the moment, you will meet a nice lady again one day and this awful time will be behind you.

Take care,


RE: Cool over 40

Now now boys, play nicely! ;)

Why can`t I view what I`m recording onto DVD at the time? (Plus another query!)

I finally managed to connect my Panasonic E55 DVD Recorder to my TV, video recorder and NTL box, and successfully recorded a concert video tape recording onto a DVD-R disc.

However, I have two more queries :/

1. Whilst recording the video tape onto the dvd disc, I couldn`t view the concert on my TV at all. Is this normal? Only I would have liked to edit it a bit, but of course couldn`t see where to do so.

2. Secondly, I seem to have a problem occasionally with static when playing or recording video tapes. I call it "static" because I don`t know how else to describe it. It happend once before when I had just bought a JVC video recorder from a local shop. Then, when playing a tape, I heard this static noise and found that it actually spoilt the video tape because when playing it back other times, it was still there. I took it back to the shop.

Now, I`m finding that I have it again with this Panasonic video recorder. Although I successfully recorded the tape onto DVD as mentioned at the beginning, there is a hint of static again when I play back the newly recorded DVD-R. Aaaargh!

What on earth causes this problem. It can`t be the video recorder itself as I`ve had this problem now on two brand new video recorders.

I really hope someone can help with these two queries.

Thanks in advance.

Carrie :)

RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)


Thanks very much for that, I will try and set it up using your instructions tomorrow. I have a Panasonic Video Recorder mainly because I have lots of home-made videos that I want to transfer onto DVD. So I will need to set that up too. :)


More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

I recently asked for help in connecting my Panasonic E55 DVD Recorder/TV/NTL box/Video Recorder and was given some good advice from Jimbo and told to come back if I needed more help.

I am completely stuck, I`m afraid. :/

Before I tell you which connections I have, I don`t know what "RF loop through" is as I am a complete and utter novice and don`t know where to start with connections! Could you possibly tell me where the different scart leads go in very layman`s terms as I don`t understand anything more than "put Scart lead x into this hole and that hole" and "plug into the mains!"

My TV has 2 scart sockets
My NTL box has 2 scart sockets
My video recorder has also 2 scart sockets and of course
the Panasonic DVD Recorder has 2 scart sockets.

Is it possible to use just the scart leads and no other "thin" wires that came with the DVD Recorder.

Please could you give me basic instructions. :)

If you manage to get me set up with all this, it`ll be hugs and kisses all round! :)

Thanks in advance,


RE: Advice Needed After Splitting Up!

So sorry to hear about your relationship break-ups, Newfound and hunsbury. :(

Hunsbury, all this is still so raw and your emotions are shot to pieces. You have to be kind to yourself and deal with one or two things at a time. Bit by bit the pieces will fit together and you will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel, believe me.

My husband walked out 10 years ago after 13 years of marriage, and at the time I thought I`d never get over it. I had to sort out several things, such as the finances, the house, and access for my daughter as well as dealing with my emotions, and I found that day by day with help from friends and family but also "professional" people like solicitors and the CAB, I could begin to get my life back in order again.

You will get through this, just take it step by step and make appointments to see the most relevant people that you need to see, such as Building Societies and Banks. Don`t worry about the CSA right now, nor custody battles.

And although you may think it`s silly to mention such things, make sure you eat properly, try and get enough sleep (I know it`s hard, but your GP will be able to help you here) and make time for you. Then, you will be feeling stronger and more able to deal with the situation.

I hope all goes well. Come back and post any time you want to talk. :)

Take care,


RE: power shower problem

Yes, you`ll find that if you remove the shower curtain, the water will be the correct temperature. :D

RE: Cool over 40

I agree that you have to be careful that you don`t end up looking like mutton dressed as lamb when you reach a certain age, but I am 51, feel and act like a 25 year old and try to dress modern but not silly. I love the low slung jeans that are around now but wouldn`t dream of wearing them. I also love the tummy showing but those days are over too!

If you are sensible and true to yourself you can be older and still look "cool."


RE: I am still shaking.........

I was really sorry to read about the fire Matt and glad you and your wife are OK. :)


RE: Crap adverts

There are three I can`t stand at the moment:

The Yop one gives me the creeps, where all their mouths become big, and I hate seeing the bloke sitting on the loo.

I also hate the Cadbury ones where they say "Your happiness loves Cadbury`s." Sad.

Thirdly, I hate seeing the little Chinese boy sitting on the loo, then saying something about the smell when he gets up. Yeuch, too much informaiton. :/

RE: Please can someone tell me how to connect my Panasonic DVD Recorder?

Thanks very much for the information, and whoops, I`ve just read the other post you made Jimbo, about the need to say what connections we have before asking how to connect. That makes perfect sense. :/

I am going to try and connect it tomorrow using your advice and if (when) I get stuck, I`ll come back here and beg for more help! :)

Thanks again, this is a great board!


Please can someone tell me how to connect my Panasonic DVD Recorder?

Hi again,

I have another query I hope someone can help me with, please.

I have a Panasonic E55 DVD Recorder, but haven`t yet connected it to my TV, video recorder and NTL box as I`m not sure where to start. The manual doesn`t help either as there are wires going everywhere and I can`t fathom them out. :(

Could someone please tell me where to connect the leads from the Panasonic DVD Recorder? So I have a Sanyo widescreen TV, Panasonic Video Recorder, NTL box and also of course, the DVD Recorder. There is also a Scart lead going somewhere! If I can`t suss it out with help from you kind people, I will have to call someone out to do it and I can`t really afford to.

Many thanks in advance.

Carrie :)

RE: What are the drawbacks of owning a Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD Recorder plse?

Thanks very much for the replies so far, it gets so confusing, doesn`t it, with all the -R`s, +RW`s, RAMS etc. :/


What are the drawbacks of owning a Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD Recorder plse?

Hi, I have the Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD Recorder on approval for 14 days from a catalogue. I am a bit concerned about the fact that it will only play -R or RAM discs and don`t know enough to decide whether this would be a problem for future playing of discs.

I note from the instruction manual that it won`t play +R pr +RW discs so I`m wondering if this could be a problem if, say, my brother was to record a DVD on his Recorder and pass it to me. If his won`t record -R or RAM discs, then I wouldn`t be able to play it.

Sorry, I`m going round the houses, but I really would appreciate any feedback that anyone has on this DVD Recorder before I go ahead and decide to keep it.

All the plus and minus points would be very welcome. :)

Many thanks,
