Page 1 of Why is there a static noise when playing videos on our new video recorder?

Hardware Forum

Why is there a static noise when playing videos on our new video recorder?

littlewren (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 19:42

Can anyone possibly tell me why I sometimes experience what I can only describe as "static" noises when playing back a video on our new video recorder. This static seems to do something to the tape, so that each time the tape is played from then on, you can hear it at the same spot.

It doesn`t seem to be the video recorder itself as this is the second new one we`ve had that`s had the same problem. The last time it happened, I returned the video recorder to the shop. The video recorder I had after that one was fine, no static at all. But this current one has it again.

Any ideas please?

Many thanks,


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