Info and forum posts by 'dazzerman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 24th November 2000, 10:26, Last used: Friday, 24th November 2000, 10:26

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 37 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: CD-WOW Customs Charges?

If you select "add to cart"
this dialogue comes up.

The following product carries this warning:
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell
New shipping methods ensure:
 * no other fees are due / payable (Duty or VAT)
 * delivery direct through your letter box
Recently a small number of items dispatched attracted additional fees.
We apologise for this inconvenience and should you require further assistance please email...
N.B. This product is UK compatible.

RE: XBOX - Time & Date Settings

Exactly! it does`nt have battery so it needs power to save the settings.

RE: XBOX - Time & Date Settings

Do you turn the power off?


The article says "Could" end up in playstation3
Not "Will"

RE: Scan 2000 player- techie help

Turn the machine off, then when you turn it back on press eject before it starts to read the disk.
Should work as I had a similar problem ages ago with a cd.

RE: Whatcha think about the Scans players Picture quality?

I am very impressed with the quality of my scan player.

RE: two vertical stripes that are lighter than rest of screen

I have got a panasonic 36PF10, It has got a stripe that runs up the left side of the screen, visible only in certain brightness of the programmes.
I suspected that it was a reception problem as I dont recall seeing it on DVD`s. Now that the guy that replied said it might be a tube problem I am a bit p***ed off.

RE: Disneys bloody Dinosaur

Go here
It confirms what you have just said, with a list of brand name machines that can`t play the disc. Interesting reading!!!!!

RE: Disneys bloody Dinosaur

Mine is a region 2 special edition and like I said earlier,
NO Problems!!!

RE: help!!! Yamaha amp & DVD player

I have had a A5 since last November and I am very pleased with it.

RE: Disneys bloody Dinosaur

I watched Dinosaur this weekend on my scan SC2000, It played a treat, no problems what so ever, great quality picture too.
(Can`t be the disc that is the problem)

RE: Yamaha DSPA5??? - How good is it???

I have had one since last November, Excellent is the way to describe it.

RE: Hitachi 505 ROCKS! Here`s the proof fun-boys. . .

Have you looked at it??????

You should also consider that jpeg is a lossy compression format.


"HMmmmmmmmmmm...................Now tell me again why the bear was removed from the forum......oh yes thats right he told the truth!

Looked back on the old threads............parcel force was mentioned......hold on somthing here about hanging on the telephone line .by "

I think you`ll find that Citylink was the afore mentioned courier.
I had trouble with those bunch of idiots, they lost a pair of speakers for about 4 days, once found they could`nt follow a simple set of instructions. You could say they are nothing better than Plankton.

RE: Comet are F****** shite

Well said!!

Comet should only hire people with some common sense.
not the people who will work for the lowest s*** wage offered.

RE: Layer change spotting

I have watched the following in region 2 and have not noticed a layer change.

Stuart Little

And region 1 without a layer change that is visible


RE: Are you satisfied with your Scan SC-2000 player ?

I am pleased with the quality of my Player, It is a replacement from the December batch.

RE: Calling Nelley and other Scan users..

Can anyone confirm that playing R1 on Scan generally gives problems ? I have got R1 Fight Club and it play very badly, jerky and blocky.

I have got Region 1 Mission Impossible2 and the quality is superb on my SC2000 from the December batch.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Nelley I assume this chip is in the December batch of scan machines, I have one and the picture is miles better than the one from November. It does seem to be a question now of what colour or finish would you like.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Good idea Nelley, Two brains are better than one.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

If they are the Same machine, How come the one tested on this site is not as good as the scan tested on this site?
Something is wrong.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

That explains the superior picture quality from the Scan player.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Check out the review on this site and you will see that the Scan is a superior player.
Why are you using a users forum for free promotion any way????


RE: Widescreen TV???

Go to Dixons if you like to pay well over the odds for your new TV, or any high street shop (ripoff Britain). Go to and see how much you can save. I saved about £400 on my new 36" Panasonic.
You know it makes sense.
Especially as Dixons also own Curry`s and PC world, Price fixing comes to mind.

RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

What do you mean losing business he`s sold a months worth, (800 players) the December batch in 7 days. I must admit I had a problem with my first player after 3 weeks and they sorted me out with a new one from the December batch which is brilliant by the way. Your mention of them doing repairs is not cost effective they would have to employ people to do the repairs and carry all the components in stock or send it back to Korea, which is probably what they do. The fact that some of the players are`nt doing what it said on the box means it is not of merchantable quality.

What company do you work for because I would`nt buy anything from you guy`s.


Nelley was talking about Quality Control not overall quality,cutting down in certain areas is how the price is kept down.

Like I have said before the chipsets used in all the players come from a limited source so all manufacturers have similar internals someway or another given a price range. The main brand names have to build in a nice dealer margin to keep their dealers happy.


RE: I want a player for under £200 - which one???? help!!!!

I have a scan SC2000 from the December batch, my first one went back.
I am very pleased with the image quality and the sound quality, the easy multiregion availability and all the formats that it supports. A great player.

Happy searching

RE: Scan DVD Player!!!!!! Help

Yes that was an older version.
The latest one which I have is great, All the other reviews also gave it top marks.
And yes it plays cd`s, Including some the last player would`nt recognise.
It seems they have sorted the problems out maybe it was software related or hardware or even both.
