Info and forum posts by 'The Rebel'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 26th April 2004, 13:15, Last used: Tuesday, 17th May 2005, 15:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Panny E50 & E55

Had a bad day yesterday, not thinking straight. What confused me was that "Pricechecker" in their description stated only one scart. Looked on all suppliers sites and nothing told me ant different, not even the Panasonic site. Throught it strange to only have one makes two of us. Sorry to have wasted your time, can buy one now in safety.

Panny E50 & E55

Am I missing something?. Why as the E50 got one scart & when the E55 has two?.
I want to move the 55 upstaires and have a new 50 in its place downstairs.

RE: Freeview boxes - Digital Radio ?

No problem. You can receive quite a lot of radio channels. So you should be OK.
The Sagem set top box is cheap and appears to be quite good one.

RE: Cartridges for Panasonic ram disks

Cheers Bowfer, you learn something new every day. I really was going up the wrong path. I`m wondering why they have caddies in the first place.
Cheers again

RE: Cartridges for Panasonic ram disks

Hi once again bowfer. A mate of mine on my recomendation bought a Panny E55 and it came with a about ten blank ram disks which he has given to me. They appear to be just shiney gold disks minus the caddy (not the usual -r type). I am assuming that these just slip into an opened caddy. there is a warning against against scratches, finger prints etc, there is no printing on them. Or have I picked up the wrong end of the stick again?

Cartridges for Panasonic ram disks

I have got got my hands on a few Ram disks without the caddy and I can not be fussed to load them each time. Being lazy and just wanting to pop the lot in the player I would like to know does any one know of a supplier of blank caddies?

RE: More advice urgently needed on connecting Panasonic DVD Recorder plse :)

Hang on for an hour or so till Bowfer clocks it. He sorted me out and I guarantee he will have you up and running by sundown.

RE: Panasonic DVD RAM Cartridges

I had three double sided RAM supplied with my E55 in caddy`s when I bought it some months ago, and for what you save why bother buying without the caddy?. I believe the non caddy type have to be put in & taken out of the caddy if you want to record on another disk, too much hassle I reckon. For every day TV recording just watch & erase. On LP the quality it is more than acceptable for me and gives you 4 hours aside, infact two of my disks are still wrapped and unused, I live off the same one.

RE: Sky remote transmitter type senders

Connect it to the scart on your Sky digibox to the transmitter.
The £29 :99 one from Maplins is excellent value, works a treat

RE: Half price Video/DVD link

Maplins are doing them, down from £79:99 to only £29:99 and a second receiver for £19:99 from £39:99 for a second telly

DAB tuners & optical leads

I am feeding my Panasonic E55 audio to a digital input on my amp down an optical lead and am pleased with the results.
Question is, is there any point feeding my dab tuner down an optical lead to a digital input, inpreference to using the phono leads? I have heard no station transmits in multi channel so I am wondering if it is pointless to use an optical lead.

Sky remote transmitter type senders

Can anyone recommend a wireless sender to allow me to transmit Sky channels to a TV in my rear bedroom. I have the usual type that runs up an aerial cable from the digibox to the remote sender in the front bedroom, but I would like a transmitter type rather than run another lead up from my lounge as it will only be used infrequently and I want to cut out anymore unnecessary cables.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

Bowfer. Noted. It does not apply to me as I only have Freeview, but this new Sky substitute freeview looks attractive particularly if ITV2 choose to join in.
Thanks for all your advice it is appreciated.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

Cheers Bowfer, I`m with you. It ain`t that quick or simple as Mirror makes it sound.
In my case I have a 32inch screen TV on a smoked glass fronted stand with restricted rear access. Inside is an surround amplifier and the freeview STB. The E55 is easily a 3 metre distance away from the TV along with a DAB tuner. So with all the scart leads.aerial inputs, phono leads and speaker cables all concealed in capped trunking along with a TV that seems to weigh a ton when you try to move it. To end up with a tidy job takes time and without the wife in the way that`s quality time. This will be spent doing it your way and it means I will have spare scart at the end as I am currently using three.
Cheers Bowfer
The Rebel

RE: Philips dvdr 70 or Panasonic dmre 55 (novice!)

Had my E55 for a couple of months or so, and after I have sorted out connections regarding Freeview as Bowfer has earlier hopefully put me on the right track to doing so,I reckon the E55 at just over £200 is a real snip. It will be a travesty if the Ram format does not become the standard for the future. As a straight swap for a VCR this is a must, recording in both timed and manual is a sinch. The recording quality on LP (4hours) is more than acceptable unless you are an over the top techie. Playback of pre recorded dvd`s and cd`s is no problem, I feed my through a Marantz SR4300 amp Recording,searching, playing back and then erasing is a doddle.The whole package is great for the price, and unlike the old VCR my wife can now record rather than steering clear as she did prior to us having the E55. Recording is now no longer man`s work.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

Belated thanks for your advice, I will put into practice next week when my wife is a away for a few days. The reason for the delay is I will need to shift furniture and retrace existing wiring and it will be easier with her out of the way.

Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

Everything is working well except that I am unable to record feeview programmes from my Nokia 221T STB. I can only record terrestrial broadcasts.Could my settings on the E55 be wrong or is it me being dim?
Perhaps someone can also tell me the correct connections, I have two scarts sockets on each of the E55,221T and TV.