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Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

The Rebel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd June 2004, 14:07

Everything is working well except that I am unable to record feeview programmes from my Nokia 221T STB. I can only record terrestrial broadcasts.Could my settings on the E55 be wrong or is it me being dim?
Perhaps someone can also tell me the correct connections, I have two scarts sockets on each of the E55,221T and TV.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd June 2004, 14:57

The easiest way,using the least scarts is as follows.

1/ Set STB to send RGB signal first ( probably already set to this )
2/ Scart cable from `to TV` connection on back of STB to `AV2 in` on E55
3/ Scart cable from `AV1 out` on E55 to `AV1 in` on TV.
4/ Go into set up menu in E55 and set both `AV1` and `AV2` to RGB.

Hey presto,you can record RGB signals from your STB,and still watch RGB pictures on your TV even when the E55 is switched off.

Make sure you set the E55 channel to `A2` when recording STB pictures.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

The Rebel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th June 2004, 10:20

Belated thanks for your advice, I will put into practice next week when my wife is a away for a few days. The reason for the delay is I will need to shift furniture and retrace existing wiring and it will be easier with her out of the way.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

mirror (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 01:17

Que? The two connections are scart cables about 3 feet long so what`s this about tracking cables?

PS the job takes about 30 seconds so no need to evict the wife, unless .... say no more!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 02:19

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 10:13

Mirror,you must either have a very untidy set-up,or can get very easy access to the back of your equipment... :p
Any re-routing / changing scarts takes ages for me as well.
My TV stand has a `tunnel` at the back through which you can hide your cables and avoid unsightly visible wiring.
Shifting the TV,undoing the `tunnel`,untying cables,re-routing them,tidying them into the `tunnel` again and moving the telly back takes me frigging ages and is also a job I leave until the missus and baby are out...

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

The Rebel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th June 2004, 11:13

Cheers Bowfer, I`m with you. It ain`t that quick or simple as Mirror makes it sound.
In my case I have a 32inch screen TV on a smoked glass fronted stand with restricted rear access. Inside is an surround amplifier and the freeview STB. The E55 is easily a 3 metre distance away from the TV along with a DAB tuner. So with all the scart leads.aerial inputs, phono leads and speaker cables all concealed in capped trunking along with a TV that seems to weigh a ton when you try to move it. To end up with a tidy job takes time and without the wife in the way that`s quality time. This will be spent doing it your way and it means I will have spare scart at the end as I am currently using three.
Cheers Bowfer
The Rebel

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th June 2004, 14:22

Wiring it the way I`ve suggested means the `direct link` function won`t work anymore.
FYI,in case you don`t know,direct-link means you can set your SKY planner to autoview a programme,and the E55 will record it without you setting a damned thing.
The SKY planner tells the E55 to switch on and record.
Maybe you couldn`t use direct-link with freeview anyway,so no loss for you there !
Recording has to be done using the timer function,but that is so easy to use it`s no chore.
The fact you will be getting RGB quality recording negates the lack of the direct link function.

RE: Panasonic E55 How do I record from Freeview?

The Rebel (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th June 2004, 10:52

Bowfer. Noted. It does not apply to me as I only have Freeview, but this new Sky substitute freeview looks attractive particularly if ITV2 choose to join in.
Thanks for all your advice it is appreciated.

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