Info and forum posts by 'steveirwin'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 22nd February 2003, 19:12, Last used: Saturday, 22nd February 2003, 19:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 23 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

The images are great but nobody has mentioned the soundtrack!
The audio used in the opening scenes is brilliant.

Buy it.

RE: Does wooden flooring screw up your Hi-Fi`s accoustics?

Replacing carpet with wooden flooring is mainly detrimental to the mid and high frequencies because carpet absorbs sound best at these frequencies. It`s worth noting that thick carpet on a good underlay is a better absorber than matts (that are generally thin to medium pile carpet) laid down directly onto the wooden floor.

I agree with the previous post that the presence of shelves, pictures, fireplaces, etc on the side walls will add diffusion (not absorption) to the room which is beneficial to sound in highly reverberent rooms. If you have parallel plaster walls that are bare, you will generally get a `flutter echo` when you clap you hands when standing half way between the two walls. A `flutter echo` is caused by successive reflections between the two reflective surfaces and is heard as a fast decaying `buzzing` sound. This will make music sound very bad indeed.

A heavily upholstered lounge suite and heavy fabric curtains will help as this adds some absorption into the room that has been removed by taking away the carpet.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th June 2003, 09:41

RE: Whats the most blatant product placement you`ve ever seen in a movie???

Surely it must be Castaway.

For the first 30mins there is a bloody FedEx plane, truck, mailbag, etc. in almost every scene. I was warned about before I saw the movie and it drove me crazy when I finaly did see it. Pathetic (so was Tom Hanks beard!)

(sorry, just spotted this was covered in a previous post)

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th June 2003, 00:56

RE: Funnest movie scene.....

`The Jerk` - the service station scene where the snipper`s trying to shoot Steve Martin but keeps hitting the stack of oil cans. Steve thinks the guy has really got it in for those oil cans.

`Fletch` - where Chevy Chase poses as a bucked tooth aircraft mechanic, classic line... `It`s all ball bearings these days, God everybody knows that!`

This item was edited on Monday, 19th May 2003, 09:15

RE: The Day Britain Stopped - so could it happen ?

I recall a few years back that a plane nearly landed on top of another plane taking off at Heathrow. It was so close that it was actually investigated by the same team that investigates crashes!

What the hells going to happen when T5 is finished and there are more terminals!

RE: Peter Gabriel-Secret World Live

Thanks for the warning.

Sounds like a real balls up. Crap picture and Tony Levin down in the mix - I was just about to order that DVD but what`s the point!

This item was edited on Monday, 21st April 2003, 12:42

RE: Tesco and Westy, the love affair is over...

I think the tide is turning against the Big Companies ....and the Big Cities as well, perhaps.

I spent 5 years working for a big company in a big city (London)
Now I work in a small company amd live in a small town and feel human again. At least I was lucky enough to have that option.

Most of my friends are in the process of doing the same.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 14:00

RE: Couple more bargains at Splash DVD

SplashDVD is OK

I ordered about 8 discs in the sale 2 weeks ago and they are slowly being delivered one by one. Can`t complain about that considering the prices I paid !

RE: Play TV sale- new titles added

The bugger`s haven`t included Peter Kay`s Phoenix Nights
Can`t find that DVD for less than 14.99 anywhere !

RE: ~TISCALI Internet Anytime Bargain~ Anybody use them ??

Re. the last post.
Just checked the website and their deal seems too good to be true (or am I just a shmuck paying Freeserve 14.99/mth)

Anyone else with any long term experience of

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th March 2003, 21:30

RE: Plasma vs. LCD

From what little I know about LCD screens, the price is still high partly because of a high rejection rate during maunfacture, i.e. when tested, a number of the pixels don`t work and the screen is trashed.

For my Dell laptop LCD screen (15inch), the book says that up to about 10 dud pixels is acceptable, more than that and the screen is deemed to be f**ked!

I just get the feeling that in 3 - 4 years we will reading how 30inch LCD screens were the big Xmas seller ?!?!?!

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:52

Plasma vs. LCD

This has probably been covered in detail previously (pointers to previous threads appreciated) but what`s peoples views on Plasma vs. LCD screen technology, i.e. which format is likely to win out?

Plasma screens seem to have been around for ages and while they are definately getting cheaper, I can`t see myself ever buying one. I have never been that impressed with the picture quality to be honest. Anyway, is there a limit to how cheap they can get?

Good colour LCD screens seem to be a relatively new thing (probably due to the higher volumes of large laptop screens now produced) but the LCD TV`s seem ridiculously priced at present.

To me, once the price of LCD screens comes down, they seem a better bet compared to the plasma`s.

RE: A question for Goodfellas fans...

That`s gotta be a first. Just watch the first 30min of Castaway and be pleased they actually deleted product placement from a movie for once!

RE: - Conspiracy Theory

Noticed that The Usual Suspects is back in`s Top 10 (price = 8.99).

Wonder what the price will be next week!!??


RE: Jaws 25th Anniversary edition £7.99 @DVD.CO.UK

The site now shows it is in stock so should be here soon.
Still can`t believe the price!

RE: Jaws 25th Anniversary edition £7.99 @DVD.CO.UK

That`s a great price.

Just ordered a copy but item is currently out of stock. Anyone know how good are at sourcing replacement stock fast ?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 13:35

RE: Aaargh!!!!....the curse of modern houses.

I work is this very industry and have a few comments:

1. The UK Building Regulations regarding sound are inadequate and I wouldn`t be surprised if the party walls of the flat in question actually meet the minimum requirements.

2. If it`s a blockwork party wall, best improvements can be gained by:

i) remove the plasterboard wall lining;
ii) install independent 92mm metal studs, with 20mm space between stud and blockwork;
iii) install 100mm (min. 32kg/m3) mineral wool in cavity;
iv) install 2 layers 15mm Fire Rated plasterboard on studs. Fire Rated plasterboard has a higher density than standard plasterboard and is much cheaper than the "acoustic" plasterboard manufacturers market - i.e Lafarge Soundcheck.

Yep, sounds like a Pacific Heights type scenario (top movie!)

This item was edited on Friday, 7th March 2003, 09:12 - Conspiracy Theory

Have noticed that the prices on can fluctuate quite a bit.

Here`s a thought - maybe they drop the price of a certain DVD to 8.99 for about a week to get it into the Top 10, then raise the price to 13.99 the next week while it is still a top seller.
Someone then comes in, looks at the Top 10, buys that DVD (because it must be a bargain) and pays the new (high) price.

Take the price of The Usual Suspects for example:-
8.99 two weeks ago (sending it into Top 10);
13.99 last week;
8.99 this week.

(There`s alot of other`s as well)

Or maybe I am just being paranoid!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th March 2003, 13:53

RE: Richer Sounds won`t honour prices in latest What Hi-Fi advert

My experience with Richers sounds has generally been positive but their best deals can be very hard to find in stock. Best way to shop there is to actually keep going into the store every few weeks and hope you "get lucky".

Also, you have to know exactly what you want before going into the store because the sales guys there are biased to certain brands (JPW speakers, etc.).

RE: Free desk top calculator/phone book/alarm clock

Got one of those from Which in Jan and it is pretty cool.

Now just need to find a way to remove the "WhichOnline" logo on the front so I don`t look like a COMPLETE tightarse.

RE: The Brits - What a shambles!!!!

I couldn`t believe how amateur it all looked.
I agree with other posts - why was Davina hosting this thing? What has she got to do with the music industry anyway (and presenting Stars in Their Eyes since beardy weirdy left doesn`t count!!)

And why was the sound so bad? Did anyone else think the whole thing sounded like it was recorded in a large public loo.

RE: Play - Good Academy Awards Sale

Yep, another great promo from

Got Platoon + Usual Suspect (both Special Ed.) for just 8.99/ea. last week. Just checked site and price now gone up to 13.99.

Pays to check that site regularly to get the best price.